Issandr El Amrani

Issandr El Amrani

Issandr El Amrani is a freelance journalist and commentator. An editor of the now defunct Cairo Times and founder of Cairo magazines, he has lived in Cairo since 2000, writing about Egypt and the Middle East for a wide range of UK and US publications.

Today Issandr spends his time between Cairo and Rabat, where he was born. After a stint as the International Crisis Group's North Africa analyst in 2007-2009 he has returned to journalism and political consulting. He was the Cairo correspondent for Middle East International and writes for the Economist, the Financial Times, the London Review of BooksForeign PolicyThe NationalBidoun and other publications.

He also writes a fortnightly column at Egypt's best-selling private newspaper, al-Masri al-Youm, and the Abu Dhabi-based The National.

Issandr also regularly appears as a commentator on Middle Eastern affairs on television, notably on al-Jazeera English, and conducts private consulting on the politics of the Middle East. He has contributed to several books on politics and culture in the Middle East.

Issandr can be contacted here.

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High-resolution version of the portrait to the right. (Credit: Elijah Zarwan)

Complete CV.