Monthly Return on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2016 (Fong's Industries Company Limited)

Edit Public Technologies 01 Jun 2016
(Source. Fong's Industries Company Limited) 1b5568a0-3227-4050-9e03-47882e2eb52d.pdf. For Main Board and GEM listed issuers Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities. For the month ended (dd/mm/yyyy) . 31 Ma 2016 To . Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Lim ited. Name oflssuer. CHTC Fong's Industries Company Limited. Date Subm itted l June 2016. Movements in Authorised Share Capital. Ordinary Shares. (1) Stock code ... No ... Par value....

Invocation of Bank Guarantee in respect of Bicharpur coal block earlier allocated to M/s. Madhya Pradesh State Mining Corp. Ltd. (Ministry of Coal of the Republic of India)

Edit Public Technologies 17 May 2016
2007 and a Performa nce Ban k Guarantee was subm itted in terms of the allocation letter for ti m ely developm ent an d prod ucti on of coal from the block. However, it was noti ced that prior al l ottee, M is MPSMC L d i d not develop the block as per the timelines in term s of the allocation l etter ... M is MPSMCL subm itted thei r representati on vide l etter No.Geol/BicharpurlSCNl201 4-1 51343 dated 05.02.201 5....

Invocation of Bank Guarantee in respect of Parsa East & Kanta Basan coal blocks earlier allocated to M/s Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. (Ministry of Coal of the Republic of India)

Edit Public Technologies 17 May 2016
(Source. Ministry of Coal of the Republic of India) a8077904-cb1f-414f-b05c-7c7ab6e83ef5.pdf. No.1 30 1 6/74/2006-CA-I[Vol.I I]. Govern m ent of I nd i a M i n istry of Coa l BY SPEED POST ... Subject ... 2007 and a Perfor111ance Ban k Guarantee was subm itted in terms of the a l l ocati on l etter for ti mely devel opment and prod uction of coal from the block. However, it was noticed that prior a l l ottee ... I ... 20 1 2 8 mon t hs Del ay ,it Govt....

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2559 held on 28 April 2015 (Vinythai pcl)

Edit Public Technologies 13 May 2016
The Chairman continued h is statement by saying that after Vinythai faced a very d ifficult and volati le market environment in 2014, and that 2015 had really been a year of recovery for Vinythai and its subsid iary, Advanced Biochemical (Thailand) ... On the overall performance, the Company strengthened and enlarged the deployment of its Excellence Programs ... Chairman of A ud it Committee,....

Famous West Ham games at Upton Park

Edit Belfast Telegraph 11 May 2016
"I've looked back at it now and again and it was obviously worth it. The only thing was I wish I could have celebrated it a bit, but I just couldn't." ... Martin also recalled manager John Lyall being angry, despite his team being 7-1 up, that regular penalty taker Stewart did not do the honours as it could have affected West Ham's goal difference....

Famous West Ham games at Upton Park (PFA - Professional Footballers' Association)

Edit Public Technologies 11 May 2016
'I've looked back at it now and again and it was obviously worth it. The only thing was I wish I could have celebrated it a bit, but I just couldn't.' ... 'It is a well known fact that I got a bit emotional after that game,' recalled Noble ... Martin also recalled manager John Lyall being angry, despite his team being 7-1 up, that regular penalty taker Stewart did not do the honours as it could have affected West Ham's goal difference....

Benghazi Guest Speaker Raises $11,000 For CSI Scholarship (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)

Edit Public Technologies 03 May 2016
(Source. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University). Kris 'Tanto' Paronto ... Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012 ... The Glen A ... 'Naming it after Glen is an honor and helps us to extend our admiration for our students who serve,' said AJ Smith, Assistant Director of Development ... https.//;=1&pgid;=1761&cid;=3271&bledit;=1&dids=180. For photos of Paronto's visit ... (noodl. 33361999) ....

Jurgen Klopp unfazed by Daniel Sturridge failing to acknowledge Liverpool fans

Edit Belfast Telegraph 01 May 2016
"If somebody forgot to say something to the fans then it's my fault," said Klopp when asked about Sturridge's exit. "It is nobody else's fault. "If you think we ignore the fans it's not what we wanted ... "He said he wanted to play the 90 minutes and it's no problem. "He did not play on Thursday and it's four or five days until Thursday again ... It is not my decision ... If it is yes, I am happy....

Jurgen Klopp unfazed by Daniel Sturridge failing to acknowledge Liverpool fans (PFA - Professional Footballers' Association)

Edit Public Technologies 01 May 2016
'If somebody forgot to say something to the fans then it's my fault,' said Klopp when asked about Sturridge's exit. 'It is nobody else's fault. 'If you think we ignore the fans it's not what we wanted ... 'He said he wanted to play the 90 minutes and it's no problem. 'He did not play on Thursday and it's four or five days until Thursday again ... 'If we had played a bit nearer to 100 per cent it would have been completely different....

City record: 3 stem cell donations in 2016

Edit The Hindu 15 Apr 2016
itting in his chambers at Opera House, haematologist Dr Sunil Parekh holds up his iPhone to show the picture of a chubby-cheeked young girl smiling shyly at the camera ... It is a feat of sorts for the fledgling Marrow Donor Registry (India) (MDRI), which is Mumbai’s registry of stem cell donors with over 31,000 people in its database ... Over the next four years, it has recorded 15 stem cell donations....

Current Report - 24.03.2016 (Societatea de Investitii Financiare Oltenia SA)

Edit Public Technologies 24 Mar 2016
Regulations, (currently FSA), given for its implementation, of the Law no ... ,, The main field of activity of the company is CAEN code 649 - other activities of financial intermediations, excluding insurance activities and pensions funds and its main activity is CAEN code 6499 - otherfinancial intermediations n.c.a, as detailed inparagraph .2....

Everything you have ever (or never) wanted to know about contested conventions

Edit The Dallas Morning News 23 Mar 2016
We’ll take 2016 convention if you don’t want itTed Cruz calls for security crackdown in 'Muslim neighborhoods' while advocates condemn police state mentalityCruz chides Trump for 'Palestine' references as they vie for pro-Israel support. With front-runner Donald Trump racking up win after win, the GOP establishment may have no way to derail him other than to open up its nominating contest in Cleveland....

Current Report - 21.03.2016 (Societatea de Investitii Financiare Oltenia SA)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Mar 2016
company may respond includ ing by post ing the answer on its own website, in t he frequent ly asked questions section. The requests shall be subm itted in writ ing, in original, at the compa ny headq uarters with the address S.l.F ... The same docu ments wi ll be submitted by the shareholders who subm it quest ions to t he Ad min istration Board ... the auorncy cannot be subst it u ted by another per on....