Linienzugbeeinflussung (or LZB) is a cab signalling and train protection system used on selected German and Austrian railway lines as well as the AVE in Spain. In Germany, the system is mandatory on all lines where trains exceed speeds of 160 km/h (99 mph) (200 km/h/120 mph in Spain), but it is also used on some slower lines to increase capacity. The German Linienzugbeeinflussung translates to continuous train control, literally: linear train influencing. It is also called linienförmige Zugbeeinflussung.
In Germany, the standard distance from a distant signal to its home signal is 1,000 m. On a train with strong brakes, this is the braking distance from 160 km/h. In the 1960s Germany evaluated various options to increase speeds, including increasing the distance between distant and home signals, adding additional aspects, and cab signalling. Increasing the distance between the home and distant signals would decrease capacity. Adding an additional aspect would make the signals harder to recognize. In either case, changes to the conventional signals wouldn't solve the problem of the difficulty of seeing and reacting to the signals at higher speeds. To overcome all of these problems, Germany chose to develop continuous cab signalling.
Das sind Tatsachen – Ehrenwort
Wussten sie schon, dass einer von vier Amerikanern schon mal im Fernsehen war?
Wussten sie schon, dass 61 Prozent aller Klicks im Internet auf Sexseiten gehen?
Jeden Tag werden 21 neugeborene Babys zu den falschen Eltern gegeben.
Der Durchschnitts-Mensch verschluckt acht Spinnen im Jahr.
Cannabis ist die meistkonsumierte Droge auf der Welt.
Der Durchschnitts-Mensch lacht dreizehn Mal pro Tag.
Elvis war ursprünglich blond.
Das Durchschnittsalter für den ersten Geschlechtsverkehr ist 15,3 Jahre.
Im Durchschnitt ist der erigierte Penis 13,4 cm lang und hat einen Umfang von 10,7
Eskimos verwenden Kühlschränke, um das Gefrieren der Lebensmittel zu verhindern.
41 Prozent aller Menschen nehmen Menschen mit Locken weniger ernst.
20 Prozent aller Frauen haben wenigstens eine homosexuelle Erfahrung gehabt.
Wussten Sie schon, dass es so etwas wie eine Anti-Falten-Creme gar nicht gibt?
In 22 Prozent der Fälle kommt in Großbritannien eine Pizza schneller ins Haus als
ein Krankenwagen.
96 Prozent aller Frauen haben zu irgendeiner Zeit in ihrem Leben einen Orgasmus
Drei Personen pro Jahr sterben, weil sie die Funktion einer 9-Volt-Batterie mit der
Zunge getestet haben.
Das Guinness-Buch der Rekorde hält den Rekord für das meistgestohlene Buch in
öffentlichen Bibliotheken.
Schmetterlinge schmecken mit den Füßen.
Fünf Prozent der Weltbevölkerung ist homosexuell.
Das bekannteste Wort in der Welt ist „okay“.
Das zweitbekannteste Wort ist „Coca Cola“.
Die Giraffe kann ihre Ohren mit ihrer Zunge säubern.
Charles Chaplin hat einmal den dritten Preis in einem
Charles-Chaplin-Doppelgänger-Wettbewerb gewonnen.
Eine japanische Dschunke sank 1995, weil aus einem russischen Frachtflugzeug eine
lebendige Kuh aus 10 000 Metern auf den Fischkutter fiel.
Nur ein Buch hat mehr gedruckte Exemplare als die Bibel: der Ikea-Katalog.
Eine Zigarette verkürzt das Leben eines Menschen um fünf Minuten.
1950 waren drei Milliarden Menschen auf der Erde, heute sind es sechs Milliarden.
Donald Duck war in Finnland verboten, weil er keine Hosen trägt.
74 Prozent aller weiblichen Nudisten sind Nudisten, weil ihre Ehemänner Nudisten
Es sterben mehr Leute durch einen knallenden Champagnerkorken als durch Giftspinnen.
21 Prozent aller Verkehrsunfälle passieren, weil der Fahrer einschläft.
Wussten Sie, dass es ursprünglich ein Däne war, der die Alarmanlage erfand? – Leider
wurde sie gestohlen!
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Enjoy the little things in life
Like the smell of a flower
The sound of a bird or the shape of a cloud
Do something different today, smile to a stranger on the street
Take a different way home or go by a CD
With music that you wouldn?t have normally bought
Try not to be to hasty
In your judgment of other people
And take life less seriously
What you give will always come back double
Some people spend their whole life waiting for the storm
And never enjoy the sunshine
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Take a deep breath
By taking five deep breaths everyday
It will help remove the build up of toxins in the body
It also lowers your cholesterol in the blood
And strengthens your mind
As you breathe out think only positive thoughts
Like what a great day this is going to be
Surround yourself with successful people
Don?t feel threatened by them
Challenge yourself and learn from them
Because sccess has a mysterious way of attracting more success
Like negativity attracts more negativity
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Inhale positivity, exhale negativity
Inhale, exhale, negativity
Inhale, exhale, negativity
Inhale new life and positivity
And exhale pain, regrets and negativity
The warmest welcome to everybody reading the manual
The manual gives you the basic information
About the ingredients and the six step easy to follow guide
Please pay attention to the useful advice and the helpful tips
As we lead you through
You need, a small piece of thick paper as a mouth piece
The most common is to use the top side
From a hard top cigarette pack
You need large size rolling papers
One of the best brands on the market is smoking
Because their rolling papers are very thin
And are the perfect size
You need tobacco
The finest tobacco is hand rolling tobacco
But a second possibility
Is to use the tobacco from a normal cigarette
You need, pot, grass, ganja, marijuana
It has various names
But they all refer to the following three main types
Weed, weed is the bud from hemp plants
The effect is usually uplifting and mellow
Hash, hash is the pressed pollens and resins of the marijuana plant
You will experience a more relaxed feeling
And a stronger effect than weed
Skunk, skunk is the artificially grown hemp plant
And is usually the strongest of the three
There are different ways to make a joint
But we have produced this six step easy to follow guide
One, if you have hash you need to heat it and crumble it
If it's weed, you need to remove the seeds first
And then crumble it as well
Two, roll the mouth piece
Fold the end of the paper three times
And then roll it in to a cylindrical form
Three, take the rolling paper
And hold it with the gum side on top away from you
Four, now mix the weed, hash or skunk with the tobacco
On the rolling paper
A good mix makes the joint burn nice and smooth
But be careful
Half a gram is enough to get four people stoned
If you're beginners
Five, begin rolling
Place the mouth piece in one end of the rolling paper
Then start rolling from the middle going outwards
Let your thumbs do the walking
And try to give support and pressure with your fore fingers
Six, wet the glue and seal the joint
Now you have a joint
Man, women, boy, women, girl, girl, man, boy
Women, man, women, girl, boy, boy, man, man
Women, girl, boy, boy, man, women, girl, man
Girl, boy, girl, girl, boy, man, women, boy
Women, without her man is nothing
Women without her, man is nothing
Women have their faults, men have only two
Everything they say and everything they do
Men who have pierced ears are better prepared
For marriage they?ve experienced pain
And 've bought jewelry
Women have two weapons, cosmetics and tears
I?m a perfect house keeper
Every time I leave a man I keep his house
No women has ever hated a man
Enough to give him back his diamonds
Why don?t women blink during foreplay?
They don?t have time
Man, women, boy, women, girl, girl, man, boy
Women, man, women, girl, boy, boy, man, man
Men forget everything
Women remember everything
A girl can wait for the right man to come along
But it doesn?t stop her from having fun
With all the wrong ones in the mean time
The real reason why it?s so difficult to find men
Who are sensitive, caring and good looking
Is because they all have boyfriends already
A successful man is one who makes more money
Than his wife can spend
A successful women is one who can find such a man
Man, women, boy, women, girl, girl, man, boy
Women, man, women, girl, boy, boy, man, man
Women driver really means someone who doesn?t speed
Tailgates, swear, make obscene gestures
And has a better driving record than men have
It?s a guy thing really means it's irrational
Illogical, stupid and extremely low
Oh, don?t fuss I just cut myself it's no big deal
Really means, I?m about to die but before I die
I want you to remember me as a strong proud man
Who never cries
Man, women, boy, women, girl, girl, man, boy
Women, man, women, girl, boy, boy, man, man
If you want to learn more about women
Watch 'Sex in the city'
If you want to learn more about men
Take a good look at Homer Simpson
The difference between light and hard
You are a child of the universe
No less than the trees and the stars
And you have a right to be here
And whether or not it is clear to you
No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should
Therefore, be at peace with God
Whatever you conceive Him to be
And whatever your labors and aspirations
In the noisy confusion of life
Keep peace with your soul
I try to be, I strive to be
Oh, I wish to be happy
I try to be, I strive to be
Oh, I wish to be happy
Oh, Desiderata
Oh, Desiderata
As far as possible, without surrender
Be on good terms with all persons
Speak your truth quietly and clearly
And listen to the dull and the ignorant
They too have their story
Avoid loud and aggressive persons
They are vexatious to the spirit
If you compare yourselves with others
You may become vain or bitter
For always there will be greater
And lesser persons than yourself
Enjoy your achievements
As well as your plans
Keep interested in your career however humble
It is a real possession
In the changing fortunes of time
I try to be, I strive to be
Oh, I wish to be happy
I try to be, I strive to be
Oh, I wish to be happy
Oh, Desiderata
Oh, Desiderata
Be yourself, especially do not feign affection
Neither be cynical about love
Take kindly the council of the years
Gracefully surrendering the things of youth
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune
But do not distress yourself with imaginings
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle to yourself
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams
It is still a beautiful world
I try to be, I strive to be
Oh, I wish to be happy
I try to be, I strive to be
Oh, I wish to be happy
I try to be, I strive to be
Oh, I wish to be happy
Oh, Desiderata
Oh, Desiderata
Oh, Desiderata
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal?
It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt.
Do you know what's not natural?
80 year old dudes with hard-ons. That's not natural.
But we got pills for that.
We're dedicating all our medical resources to keeping the old guys erect,
but we're putting people in jail for something that grows in the dirt?
You know we have more prescription drugs now.
Every commercial that comes on TV is a prescription drug ad.
I can't watch TV for four minutes without thinking I have five serious diseases.
Like: "Do you ever wake up tired in the morning?"
Oh my god I have this, write this down. Whatever it is, I have it.
Half the time I don't even know what the commercial is:
people running in fields or flying kites or swimming in the ocean.
I'm like that is the greatest disease ever. How do you get that?
That disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy.
The schools now: It is all about self-esteem in the schools now.
Build the kids' self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves.
If everybody grows up with high self-esteem, who is going to dance in our strip clubs?
What's going to happen to our porno industry?
These women don't just grown on trees.
It takes lots of drunk dads missing dance recitals before you decide to blow a goat on the internet for fifty bucks.
And if that disappears, where does that leave me on a Friday night with my new high speed connection?
Masterminds are another word that comes up all the time.
You keep hearing about these terrorists masterminds that get killed in the middle east.
Terrorists masterminds.
Mastermind is sort of a lofty way to describe what these guys do, don't you think?
They're not masterminds.
"OK, you take bomb, right? And you put in your backpack. And you get on bus and you blow yourself up. Alright?"
"Why do I have to blow myself up? Why can't I just:"
"Who's the fucking mastermind here? Me or you?"
Americans, let's face it: We've been a spoiled country for a long time.
Do you know what the number one health risk in America is?
Obesity. They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic.
An epidemic like it is polio. Like we'll be telling our grand kids about it one day.
The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004.
"How'd you get through it grandpa?"
"Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere."
Nobody knows why were getting fatter? Look at our lifestyle.
I'll sit at a drive thru.
I'll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up to make the eight foot walk to the totally empty counter.
Everything is mega meal, super sized. Want biggie fries, super sized, want to go large.
You want to have thirty burgers for a nickel you fat mother fucker. There's room in the back. Take it!
Want a 55 gallon drum of Coke with that? It's only three more cents.
Sometimes you have to suffer a little bit in your youth to motivate yourself to succeed in later life.
Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd be a Microsoft?
Of course not.
You got to spend a long time in your own locker with your underwear shoved up your ass before you start to think,
"You'll see. I'm going to take of the world of computers! I'll show them."
We're in one of the richest countries in the world,
but the minimum wage is lower than it was thirty five years ago.
There are homeless people everywhere.
This homeless guy asked me for money the other day.
I was about to give it to him and then I thought he was going to use it on drugs or alcohol.
And then I thought, that's what I'm going to use it on.
Why am I judging this poor bastard.
People love to judge homeless guys. Like if you give them money they're just going to waste it.
Well, he lives in a box, what do you want him to do? Save it up and buy a wall unit?
Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a CD rack? He's homeless.
I walked behind this guy the other day.
A homeless guy asked him for money.
He looks right at the homeless guy and says why don't you go get a job you bum.
People always say that to homeless guys like it is so easy.
This homeless guy was wearing his underwear outside his pants.
Outside his pants. I'm guessing his resume isn't all up to date.
I'm predicting some problems during the interview process.
I'm pretty sure even McDonalds has a "underwear goes inside the pants" policy.
One life, one shard, one move, one god
This is the truth, yeah
Word up for the lazy boy, word up for the lazy boy
Is this the truth
You don't win silver, you lose gold
Stop earning the right to be, you won the day you were born
If you don't know what direction you should take
You don't know where you are
Success is a matter of luck, ask any failure
Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you
We are born naked, wet, and hungry, then things get worse
Your success is measured by your ability to finish things
Skepticism is the beggining of faith
Forgive your enemies but never forget their names
There is no such thing as right or wrong, only consequences
One life, one shard, one move, one god
This is the truth, yeah
Word up for the lazy boy, word up for the lazy boy
Is this the truth, yeah
All men are born equal but quite a few of them eventually get over it
We are the people our parents warned us about
Somtimes I think the surest sign of intelligent life exists
Elsewhere in the universe, is that none of them have tried to contact us
Be nice to nerds, chances are you'll end up working for one
Do not get mad with others because
They know more than you, it is not their fault
If you do not change your beliefs, your life will always be like this
Fantasy is as important as wisdom
Do not try to satisfy everyone
The biggest lie you can tell yourself is
"When I get what I want I will be happy"
One life, one shard, one move, one god
This is the truth, yeah
Word up for the lazy boy, word up for the lazy boy
Is this the truth, yeah
Don't take life too seriously you won't get out alive
It may be that your sole purpose in life is
Simply to serve as a warning to others
Life is shorter than expected
What you are willing to accept
Is exactly what you will get
You can't control, without being controlled
Creativity is great but plagiarism is faster
You are the very reason for everything that happens to you
Someone said to Voltaire, "Life is hard"
Voltaire replied, "Compared to what?"
One life, one shard, one move, one god
This the truth, yeah
Word up for the lazy boy, word up for the lazy boy
Is this the truth, yeah
One life, one god
Word up for the lazy boy, yeah
These are the facts
(Of Lazyboy)
So help me God
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
The bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, ooo, oh
Did you know, that 1 out of 4 Americans has appeared on TV?
Did you know 61 percent of all hits on the Internet are on sex sites?
Every day 21 new born babies will be given to the wrong parents
The average person swallows 8 spiders in a year
Cannabis is the most widely abused drug in the world
The average person laughs 13 times a day, Elvis was originally blond
The average age of first intercourse is 15 point 3 years old
The average erect penis is 5 point 2 inches long
And 4 point 2 inches circumcised
Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing
41 percent of all people take people with curly hair less seriously
20 percent of all females have had at least 1 homosexual experience
Did you know that there is no such thing as an anti-wrinkle cream?
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
The bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
These are the facts of the life that we live
This is who we are, bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do
This is who we are, are, are
22 percent of the time a pizza will arrive faster
Than an ambulance in Great Britain
96 percent of all women have at one time in their life faked an orgasm
3 people die every year, testing if a 9 volts battery works on their tongue
The 'Guinness Book Of Records' holds the record
For being the most stolen book in public libraries
Butterflies taste with their feet, 5 percent of the population is gay
The worlds best known word is 'okay'
The second most well-known word is 'Coca-Cola'
The giraffe can clean its ears with its tongue
Charles Chaplin once won 3rd prize
In a 'Charles Chaplin look-a-like contest'
In 1995 a Japanese trawler sank
Because a Russian cargo plane dropped
A living cow from 30,000 feet
Only one book has been printed in more copies
Than the Bible, the IKEA catalog
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
The bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
These are the facts of the life that we live
This is who we are, the facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is who we are
1 cigarette takes away five minutes of a person's life
In 1950 we were 3 billion people on the earth
Today we are 6 billion people
(6 billion people, 6 billion)
(Time is ticking, ticking, yeah)
Donald Duck was banned in Finland
Because he doesn't wear pants
74 percent of all nudist females are nudists
Because their husbands are nudists
More people die from a champagne cork popping
Than from poison spiders, 21 percent of all traffic accidents
Happen because the driver falls asleep, did you know
That originally a Danish guy invented the burglar alarm?
Unfortunately it got stolen
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
This is who we are, this is what we do
This is what it is, yeah, yeah, yeah
This is who we are bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do
This is who we are, this is what we do
Do you consider yourself intelligent?
Are you ready to go all the way?
Are you married?
How do you rank yourself?
Are you punctual?
When do you think you will have kids?
Have you ever had a nervous breakdown?
Do you find yourself mentally stable?
How do you deal with pressure?
Do you find yourself qualified for life?
You know you´ll be you
And I'll be me
Thank god for individuality
Do you consider yourself ready for life?
You know you´ll be you
And I'll be me
Thank god for individuality
Don´t lie
Don´t kill
Don´t smoke
Don´t run
Don´t yell
Don´t panic
Don´t steal
Don´t cry
Don´t die
Don´t act
Don´t drink
Don´t stumble
Don´t hate
Don´t bitch
Don´t cheat
Don´t fake
Remember to separate all your kitchen garbage
And turn the water off when you brush your teeth
Only buy organic food
Get a gay friend preferably with a different color
Than your own
You be you
I´ll be me
Its individuality
In a way are you qualified?
You be you
I´ll be me
Its individuality
Are you qualified for life?
You have a choice of believing in
Just to name a few
Get married
Get hitched
Get loved
Get gold
Get cleaver
Get big
Get lucky
Get rich
Get humble
Get good
Get free
Get real
Get food
Get water
Get sleep
Get sex
Are you qualified?
You be you
I´ll be me
Its individuality
Are you qualified?
You be you
I´ll be me
Its individuality
Are you qualified for life?
Are you qualified for life?
Are you qualified for life?
Are you qualified?
You be you
I´ll be me
Its individuality
Are you qualified?
You be you
I´ll be me
Its individuality
Aye JJ, ah wham to dem gyal ya
Ah di twin sister dem
Dem never know say Lisa Hype deh pon fire
Hott, de whole a dem career mi ah wire
If you never deh at sting lemme tell you wha gwaan
Lisa Hype take de place like a raging storm
No battle never fling me make de crowd warm
Nuff gyal style de ting when dem did a perform
One shot fire six gyal get graze
Spice get coward when me tear down de place
De same suit she inna Friday, gyal never bathe
De queen inna de pack that bitch ya is a Stacious
Inform make me spell it out loud make you hear
S-H-O-T stuck inna your ears
Ikaya me shouldn't even call your name
You nah ready fi de ting your career is lame
Ishawna de war just buss inna me veins
Nah have nuh hype him cyaan give you no fame
Shot stuck inna your mouth blood ah run like rain
Impala kill Face what a big disgrace
Call fi ah name that ah big time waste
Stacious bore her tongue bout cocky she nuh taste
And done follow Spice put pussy pon her face
Kill dem all and done, 6 inna me magnum
Spice suck too much pussy shot off her tongue
Batty face style it big shit flush yuh dung
Avoid Lisa Hype cause me hot like de sun
F*** de captive ah stink like dog ah bone
And short belly Timberlee look up inna me gun
Pamputae couldn't run her belly drag her down
Twins of twins inna me face
Me wine up and come... threesome
Me and de two of unno cum
It sticky pon dem
Anyting ah anyting
Anywhere weh me a see you mi ah ready
Dat me she
One shot fire six gyal get graze
Spice get coward when me tear down de place
De same suit she inna Friday, gyal never bathe
De queen inna de pack that bitch ya is a Stacious
Inform make me spell it out loud make you hear
S-H-O-T stuck inna your ears
Ikaya me shouldn't even call your name
You nah ready fi de ting your career is lame
Ishawna de war just buss inna me veins
Nah have nuh hype him cyaan give you no fame
Shot stuck inna your mouth blood ah run like rain
Impala kill Face what a big disgrace
Call fi ah name that ah big time waste
Stacious bore her tongue bout cocky she nuh taste
And done follow Spice put pussy pon her face
(Ah weh yuh waan Lisa)
Di paper
(Weh yuh waan Lisa)
Di cheddar
(Tell mi when you want it)
Mi ah hustle forever
Mi collect di paper
When mi say paper a nuh toilet paper
Mi ah hustle forever
Mi collect di paper
Dem say ooman ah fool
Da gyal yuh clever [x2]
Nuff a dem
Shame ooman wid dem bitchy bitchy ways
A run dong dem rich man fi engage
Dem, pass hand to hand lock a 12 gauge
An done by time dem fi reach middle age
Mi nah jump dong fi no jump change
Mi nah sell mi body pon di front page
Mi waan follow some real big ooman like,
Portia Simpson and Babsy Grange
[Chorus x2]
Mi nah stay like di rest a gyal DJ
Dem who weh talk bout who ah teef,
Boyfriend who weh talk bout di skin tighter than Gwen
(Lisa Hype diss di gyal dem)
No sponge pon man, you fi do yuh ting official
Have yuh own him cyaan call you dirty gyal
Onw tro an dry up onna or take up a loan a (Jamaica National)
[Chorus x2]
Nuff a dem
Shame ooman wid dem bitchy bitchy ways
A run dong dem rich man fi engage
Dem, pass hand to hand lock a 12 gauge
An done by time dem fi reach middle age
Mi nah jump dong fi no jump change
Mi nah sell mi body pon di front page
Mi waan follow some real big ooman like,
Portia Simpson and Babsy Grange
[Chorus x2]
Mi nah stay like di rest a gyal DJ
Dem who weh talk bout who ah teef,
Boyfriend, who weh talk bout di skin tighter than Gwen
(Lisa Hype diss di gyal dem)
No sponge pon man, you fi do yuh ting official
Have yuh own him cyaan call you dirty gyal
Cock 'I'm up dead pussy cyan done (never will)
Sup'm tight mi nah g' up n dong
[Vybz Kartel:]
Baby how you proud a yuh pussy so (ah Lisa)
Baby how you proud a yuh pussy so (Hype)
Baby how you proud a yuh pussy so (Lisa)
When you do da sup'm deh
If di man lef
Anuh my pussy cause it
One man mi take mi nuh go about di market
Tight pussy
Any man good we affi start it
Mi nuh nyam cocky like chocolate
If a bwoy kiss my kitty mi ah go road go talk it
When mi say bowcat loud mi ah bark it
Laad gyal di pussy t-t-t-tighter dan tight (how tight)
Like backhole yuh cock hit
Baby how you proud a yuh pussy so (ah my girl)
Baby how you proud a yuh pussy so (ah my girl)
Baby how you proud a yuh pussy so (baby)
When you do da sup'm deh, when you do da sup'm deh [x2]
If di man lef
It really don't matter
Batty get cocka and pussy get fatta
'I'm was a joke and mi jus get a shotta
Fi gi mi money and fock mi more harda (weh)
Dirty bwoy, pussywatcher, fulla backa
You cyan see di Hype chatta chatta
Ah tru mi ah rude gyal
Mi nah go live like maca (Portmore)
So run home to yuh madda
[Chorus x2]
If di man lef
Anuh my pussy cause it
One man mi take mi nuh go about di market
Tight pussy
Any man good we affi start it
Mi nuh nyam cocky like chocolate
If a bwoy kiss my kitty mi ah go road go talk it
When mi say bowcat loud mi ah bark it
Laad gyal di pussy t-t-t-tighter dan tight (how tight)
Like backhole yuh cock hit
Put your money wey u mouth dey
Otherwise nuh bother chat ye
Nuh u sey u full up a cash ye
Sey yuh hav money fi dash wey
Dem nowaday gyal ya nuh frighten
Bare hotness when dem step out ye
So all boasy man out dey
Put yuh money wey yuh mouth dey
Mi waa yuh pay da light bill dey
Phone bill dey da wata bill dey
Mi waa put on da hair style dey
Da shoes dey match wid da blouse dey
Di rent fi pay by friday
And di nails haffi done by saturdayy
Yuh sey u a di realest man out dey
So put yuh money wey yuh mouth dey
Nuff bwoy full up a chat full up a lip
Bout him full up a dat full up a dis
Bout him full up a money to di top a di tip
Listen me
Mi tell u dis
U full a lyrics
Yuh nuh hav nuh car fi block traffic
An ah yuh say yuh rich
You a bruck pocket
Yout gwan go take off yuh fren jacket
Cah di man done sweat inna it
Mi waa yuh pay da light bill dey
Phone bill dey da wata bill dey
Mi waa put on da hair style dey
Da shoes dey match wid da blouse dey
Di rent fi pay by friday
And di nails haffi done by saturdayy
Yuh sey u a di realest man out dey
So put yuh money wey yuh mouth dey
Hol on
Watch him a brag
Watch him a boast
Watch him a gwan like him a di most
Free champagne, watch him a toast
Watch him a pose inna people clothes
Mi nuh run dung man fi dem tings
Mi DJ fi get mi owna tings
But any man wey a look mi an a brag
Dis yah song mi ago sing
Mi waa yuh pay da light bill dey
Phone bill dey da wata bill dey
Mi waa put on da hair style dey
Da shoes dey match wid da blouse dey
Di rent fi pay by friday
Yoo baby
Long time mi a pree you
You a pree mi
That's why fi just mek love be
Just you and me (a Lisa Hype)
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
[Verse 1:]
Mi neva know seh mi coulda feel like this
This bwoy have mi mind just a turn and twist
Inna di middle of the night mi all a reminisce
When you pass me a gate seh you blow mi a kiss
Mi neva know seh mi coulda feel this way
Fi go all a shops five time fi one bag
Just fi pass yuh yard gate and see yuj cute face
My youth, you know you have me a wait
That's why...
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
[Verse 2:]
Baby mi cyaan explain di way how you make mi feel
I need you in my life this love is for real
Mi know you feel di same so just come reveal
The love that you have for me
Cause I've been waiting
No badda act shy
Mi see di looks dem you give me
Di shy shy ting nah go work wid me
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
A Lisa Hype...
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
U and I should really be together
Cause for me I don't see no one better
I should be your queen and you should be the king
And the love inna mi heart for you cyah stop ring
Lisa Hype, Lisa Hype
Unno say bleaching can gi you skin cancer
My gyirl you ah smoking, unno say smoking can gi you lung cancer
L-oww mi uh
My money tall mi can bleach all mi want
True mi say bleaching
Dem say mi ah hothead
A nuh mi make some gyal suffer from blackhead
It go well with mi hair, mi nuh carry maphead
All who no like mi bleaching drop dong and dead
Mi say bleaching
Dem say mi ah hothead
A nuh mi but make some gyal suffer from blackhead
It go well with mi hair, mi nuh carry maphead
All who no like mi bleaching drop dong and dead
Ah which west gyal ah talk bout cancer
When you bleach beauty is da answer
More cigarette can gi you cancer
More people smoke dan dem bleach you no ponga
Mi bleach rich, mi nah look like panda
Mi naffi ask and mi naffi wonda
Mi protein fi do so ah who sponsor
Cause nuff ah unno ah favour di cookie monsta
My money tall mi can bleach all mi want
True mi say bleaching
Dem say mi ah hothead
A nuh mi but make some gyal suffer from blackhead
It go well with mi hair, mi nuh carry maphead
All who no like mi bleaching drop dong and dead
(Your body smooth)
It no tamper with
Mi skin nah fock no man like nah sharp ratchet
Any ting mi say mi lyrics can back it
Mi bleaching song haters cyaan stop it
You wan tell mi wha fi do with my body
Nuff gyal out dere bleaching ah dem hobby
Mi skin clean it no look like photocopy
So l-oww mi make mi bleach ah it make mi happy
My money tall mi can bleach all mi want
True mi say bleaching
Dem say mi ah hothead
A nuh mi but make some gyal suffer from blackhead
It go well with mi hair, mi nuh carry maphead
All who no like mi bleaching drop dong and dead
Mi say bleaching
Dem say mi ah hothead
A nuh mi but make some gyal suffer from blackhead
It go well with mi hair, mi nuh carry maphead
All who no like mi bleaching drop dong and dead
Ah which west gyal ah talk bout cancer
When you bleach beauty is da answer
More cigarette can gi you cancer
More people smoke dan dem bleach you no ponga
Mi bleach rich, mi nah look like panda
Mi naffi ask and mi naffi wonda
Mi protein ah do so who sponsor
Cause nuff ah unno ah favour di cookie monsta
Don Corleone
Corleone, introduce Gaza girl to di world
Ah Lisa, pon di Gaza
Aye Don
Way badman nah do
Doh make a next man start you
All when you ah play football
Doh make a man close pon you
Aye Don
A that dem gwaan too
Dem waan wha di gyal dem waan too
Too much hott gyal a pass you
And you don't see nun fi talk to, ih
Selassie ah fi ask you
How far inna Helen fi cast you
You doing tings you should not do
Bwoy ah wah you waan black ooman do
Dem ah take weh di ooman fi get piss
Man all ah run dong mistress
My song couldn't grow like dat
Cause no man a t'all affi move like empress
Pay mi man, love, give mi my pendants
No gyal cyaan wear my necklace
Pon di Gaza wi build a tall wall
So no man can come dong and backfence
Mi love man, dat ah my nature
Some man violate di creator
Six o'clock straight my man stray
Cause nuff man ah move like a toilet paper
Mi nuh truss man, where yuh ear hospice,
Nah man, nuh after my paper
Ah bare straight people mi role with
So mi link Don, den dem bawling Da Seca
Dem ah take weh di ooman fi get piss
Man all ah run dong mistress
My song couldn't grow like dat
Cause no man a t'all affi move like empress
Pay mi man, love, give mi my pendants
No gyal cyaan wear my necklace
Pon di Gaza wi build a tall wall
So no man can come dong and backfence
Mi love man, dat ah my nature
Some man violate di creator
Six o'clock straight my man stray
Cause nuff man ah move like a toilet paper
Mi nuh truss man, where yuh ear hospice,
Nah man, nuh after my paper
Ah bare straight people mi role with
So mi link Don, den dem bawlin Da Seca
I wanna giv you dat storm
Like Shawn
And di medicine
Like Doza
A Black Rhyno
Lisa Hype and
And Jah Vinci
Gyal come link we
[Chorus: Jah Vinci]
Cocky mek yuh bawl
Soh jump and whine
Quint up yuh pussy
And whine yuh waistline
Cocky inna belly
And a ramp wid yuh spine
Me love how yuh shake it
Whine and fast whine
Cocky mek yuh bawl
Soh jump and whine
Quint up yuh pussy
And whine yuh waistline
Cocky inna belly
And a ramp wid yuh spine
Me love how yuh shake it
Whine and fast whine
[Vesre 1: Vybz Kartel]
Skin yuh out like look fu me a push it deh
My cocky nah ramp wid da pussy deh
Me a fuck yuh from yesterdeh to todeh deh
Yuh born long time but it's like yuh pussy born yesterdeh
Gi-gi-gi dagga mek yuh blista
Me just start why yuh wah fu go piss fah
Kartel cocky mek yuh drive Blista
Memba Jeffery Hype wah fuck yuh likkle sista
[Chorus: Jah Vinci]
Cocky mek yuh bawl
Soh jump and whine
Quint up yuh pussy
And whine yuh waistline
Cocky inna belly
And a ramp wid yuh spine
Me love how yuh shake it
Whine and fast whine
Cocky mek yuh bawl
Soh jump and whine
Quint up yuh pussy
And whine yuh waistline
Cocky inna belly
And a ramp wid yuh spine
Me love how yuh shake it
Whine and fast whine
[Verse 2: Black Rhyno]
Tell di gyal dem let's go far
Caress di gyal dem breast muss stall
A we have di gyal inna di west so far
We come, she see, di sun, di moon, di star
Writings sonta far
She scream like a cycle weh circle hard
Run like a thief when we cirlce hard
We come, she see, di sun, di moon, di star
[Verse 3: Jah Vinci]
Say she strong
But I'm stonger
She go long
But I go longer
She say my dick is lightning
And my bawls is like thunder
Revving out di pussy like a Honda
Cah with me she nah go be with it
She glad me intervene with it
Me nah go move lee with it
Come flex me a deal with it
Stand up mek di devil see it
She cah go by di sea with it
She giv me
She neva di agree with it yeah
[Verse 4: Lisa Hype]
Me a go shake to di right and di left
Quint it, tic toc pan di edge
Whine fast, whine slow
Whine fast. whine slow
Gih me hundred stab
Watch me drop dead
Bwai have me bawl and a beg
Him move long
It nuh short like peg
Lisa Hype too goody inna bed
It nah go follow dutty gyal
And go suck buddy head
[Chorus: Jah Vinci]
Cocky mek yuh bawl
Soh jump and whine
Quint up yuh pussy
And whine yuh waistline
Cocky inna belly
And a ramp wid yuh spine
Me love how yuh shake it
Whine and fast whine
Cocky mek yuh bawl
Soh jump and whine
Quint up yuh pussy
And whine yuh waistline
Cocky inna belly
And a ramp wid yuh spine
Me love how yuh shake it
No man cyaan make mi bawl
Aye ah Lisa Hype
Di man dem a Del a Vega
An bashment say mi ah di real type
No man cyaan make mi bawl
My body look good my money it tall
Every man ah Lakes when my name dem ah call
Say my body it petite and mi doh have no fault
No man cyaan make mi bawl
My body look good my money it tall
Every man ah River Lake when my name dem ah call
Say my body it petite an mi doh have no fault
Man dem short an dey woman dem plenty
That's why mi glad my body nah dainty
So no rude bwoy cyaan make mi cry dem no river
You might have a chance if you can buy mi a beamer
Mi ah go tell you wha mi doh like
Wid some gyal weh nah have no pride
Quick fi war over man an di man no waan dem
Mi no care mi ah talk dat nuh look right
All run gon tattoo di man name
Just true dem waan get a likkle fame
Den three months time dem end up a cry
An nah stop from ask why
Mi nah bawl over no man
No gyal cya say mi bawl over john
Fi stress out myself ah burn bare cigarette
No way dat nah inna my plan
Some gyal bawl fi days dem bawl fi weeks
An di man cyaan buy dem a jeep
Well if you ah run man morotan my gyirl
Well you dat man nah keep
No man cyaan make mi bawl
My body look good my money it tall
Every man ah Lakes when my name dem ah call
Say my body it petite and mi doh have no fault
No man cyaan make mi bawl
My body look good my money it tall
Every man ah River Lake when my name dem ah call
Say my body it petite an mi doh have no fault
The name is Hype
Lisa Hype
Yo Liminuh
Bad people
Aye Milluni
Make some boy know this
Hold dem ya, hold dem ya
Dem gyal yah nah throw fist
Husle mi ya, husle mi ya
Ah stray gunshot
Pussy koof koff queff
If a boy diss
Mi man a badman so mi affi watch 'I'm back
If a pussy ever diss or give him no tough chat
Draw fi di pompie and gi him couple shots
Couple hard backs from out of di glock
Mi have di Mack di Magnun and Split and Wesson
Open up yuh rassface like face basin
Come in up fi di war mi nah inna tracin
Put yuh head dong inna ground boy just like basin
Turn it on pon di lef all dem pussy dem dead
Police ah hunter, mi ah gyal fi red
Mi nuh worry, mi nuh fraid fi sleep inna bed
Before yuh diss listen what di dj said
Who ah go help you when you start ball out
When di big dirty knife ah cut yuh heart out
Mi ah go koof you with mi gun inna yuh rassmouth
True you diss all mi man and style him ah scout
When you buss it and cop it you know mi gun nah stick
I'm a ride or die chick dats about it
Even though mi cute, mi say you don't doubt it
Yuh cyaan diss on mi man him dead, take it
Mi have di Mack di Magnun and split and Wesson
Open up yuh rassface like face basin
Come in up fi di war mi nah inna tracin
Put yuh head dong inna ground boy just like basin
Turn it on pon di lef all dem pussy dem dead
Police ah hunter, mi ah gyal fi red
Mi nuh worry, mi nuh fraid fi sleep inna bed
Before yuh diss listen what di dj said
Who ah go help you when you start ball out
When di big dirty knife ah cut yuh heart out
Mi ah go koof you with mi gun inna yuh rassmouth
True you diss all mi man and style him ah scout
When you buss it and cop it you know mi gun nah stick
I'm a ride or die chick dats about it
Even though mi cute, mi say you don't doubt it
Yuh cyaan diss on mi man
I am beautiful in every single way
Words can't bring me down
Ah Lisa Hype
I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
[Chorus: x2]
Mi proud ah mi bleaching cause mi cream it dere
Mi nah hide, no, bout my doctor cream
Look how mi face it pretty have fame and no shame
Make skin episode with immediate care
So fool fassy fassy use Maxi Light
Dey cyaan wear shorts ah day
Dey cyaan wear shorts ah night
Ah bleaching make her get Mr Right
Cause when night come she use Fair an White
Dis ah fi gyal ah where a dance at night
At six o'clock dem ah hide from sunlight
Mix Clove 8 and Bio Clear right
By two weeks say yuh skin brown and white
[Chorus x2]
Some gyal whey ah bleach an nah rich
And some whey ah do it and say dem nah do it
Mi no all bleaching tricks in di streets
Mi ah bleachin pro, my girl you nuh see it
Portmore girls have di Aloederm cream lock
Brooklyn girls have di Extreme like dat
Phat farm gyirls waan white by Christmas
Dem say it easy fi do, dem have di money like dat
[Chorus x2]
So fool fassy fassy use Maxi light
Dey cyaan wear shorts ah day
Dey cyaan wear shorts ah night
Ah bleaching make her get Mr Right
Cause when night come she use Fair an White
Dis ah fi gyal ah where a dance at night
At six o'clock dem ah hide from sunlight
Mix Clove 8 and Bio Clear right
By two weeks say yuh skin brown and white
[Chorus x2]
I am beautiful in every single way
Words can't bring me down
Ah Lisa Hype
I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
Nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah
[Lisa Hype:]
From mi ah likkle gyal my mada tell mi say
No matter wha you do, yuh cyaan please man
No matter wha you yuh cyaan please man
You accuse mi everyday and ah cuss mi bout mi have man
All when mi right mi still get wrong
All when mi right mi still get wrong, aye
Mi know you know mi nah diss you
Mi get di chance fi gi yuh bun nuff time
But yuh kno know a nuh now mi love yuh mi baby
Mi love yuh from long time
So mi nah play di game
Anuh bear name dats not mine
[Chorus: Vybz Katrel & Lisa Hype]
(Mi nah really say you nah do it but mi have a doubt)
How you ah ball fi bun so
How you ah ball fi bun so
How you ah ball fi bun just ah ball fi bun and mi nah gi yuh nun no
(Mi nah ball fi bun no, mi nah ball fi bun no,
Mi nah ball fi bun but mi nah get tell you mi nah get nun no)
[Vybz Kartel:]
From mi ah little bwoy my fada tell mi say
You fi know ooman but nah trust ooman
You fi know ooman but nah trust ooman, aye
No matter wha you waan fi say mi no wish pon mi son
You give mi one time if is even one
It weh one time if is even one, aye
You always lock off your phone
You do it more than one time
You tell mi yuh battery dead
Den how di hell your girlfriend get you same time
Ah no die when you ansa fi hear a man inna di background
Nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah
Ah Lisa Hype
Ain't no sun shining, ain't no sun shining
Shining when you gone
Baby, hmmm, baby, hmmm, baby
Ain't no sun shining when you gone
[Chorus: x2]
Every ting you say mi believe
You tell mi you love mi and you nah go leave
Mi open ma heart and ma love you receive
No one can take you away from mi
Mi affi you and you affi mi
Nuff gyal come and talk,
Dem just some wannabe
No matter what dem chat you still nah lef mi
Fi yuh heart Lisa Hype have the key
Mi, never forget how you show mi love
You hold mi tight in your arms like Might Joe Young
Mi favorite song was T Pain, I'm sprung
Cause you make mi feel like mi ah fly high like a dove
[Chorus x2]
Talk the truth we ah come from roots
Relationship grow till it bear the fruits
Only ting mi need now is fi get two you
As mi see you down di aisle in yuh three piece suit
Dem never know you coulda rich just so
Say you rich and say we happy inna di beamer so
All fly, go watch Fifa Cup
You know everyting fi say fi make mi crack up
[Chorus x2]
Ah Lisa Hype
Ain't no sun shining, ain't no sun shining
Shining when you gone
Baby, hmmm, baby, hmmm
Hey Not Nice
A just love and respect we need you know
A Lisa Hype
Ooooooh... uuuuuuuuuh
[Verse 1:]
This gal nah mek no bwoy come tek me fi no fool
Mi fadda make sure mi attend a school
Nah siddung and depend pon no man mi a no stool
Mi a hustle forever and collect the food
And independent woman cyann neva eva lose
Mek some bwoy know dem place yeah everything cool
Buy you house buy you car yeah buy all you tool
Mi a hustle forever and collect the food
Woman a creation
Some man nah hold no meditation
Do nuh mash up we nation
Cah some a unno dutty man haffi go run wey
Woman a creation
Some man nah hold no meditation
Do nuh mash up we nation
Some man fuck weh wid dem dirty ways
[Verse 2:]
From wah day mi nuh know if some dutty man a pree
Dem a rape big woman and dem a rape pickney
Man like dem dem shoulda a get torcha fi real
How the fuck you fi rape a young bwoy baby
Then how you expect that child mother a go feel
When she know she carry a baby through the nine months fi real
But through the coke weh you a tek and di duttyness you a pree
You a kill future when you fi dump yuh body
Woman a creation
Some man nah hold no meditation
Do nuh mash up we nation
Cah some a unno dutty man haffi go run wey
Woman a creation
Some man nah hold no meditation
Do nuh mash up we nation
Some man fuck weh wid dem dirty ways
[Verse 3:]
Just memba seh nobody no born outta man
So how a man quick fi kill keysha and pam
And when you done you a gwaan like seh you a badman
A bare slackness mi see a gwaan inna this ya land
What a day what a day that day would be
When some woman wise up and stop move like flee
We have a woman want a we have woman need
Yo zeet, yo zeet
Some man fi know seh you love and respect and dweet
If you nah have youths try no badda a go see
No gal outta streets cah she a go cheat
And then a your heart a go start bleed
If you feel like a badman keep it to yourself
Mi nuh waan hear no woman and baby a dead
See di woman strength you have just leff it pon a shell
Leff it pon a shell
Leff it pon a shell
Woman a creation
Some man nah hold no meditation
Do nuh mash up we nation
Cah some a unno dutty man haffi go run wey
Woman a creation
Some man nah hold no meditation
Do nuh mash up we nation
Some man fuck weh wid dem dirty ways
Hey Not Nice
A just love and respect we need you know
A Lisa Hype
Well you done know ah hit this
Load up erry ting you know Foxx
You dun know ah war is not like playin Ludin or Jacks
Unah go itch when dem ting deh fi clap
Dem fi know a Lisa Hype you know
Koof koff
[Chorus: x2]
Click click boom
With mi gun nah stick or two
Bwoy start war and ah chatta like a bitch
Real badgyal nah chat cause bullet will make yuh flick
Pussy u bad, run up inna dis
Mi ah di gyirl ah did star inna Kill Bill 2
Ah mi alone will kill off yuh bloodclat fool
Mi prefer laugh and shot yuh, mi n'have time fi screw
Pon grains mi have yuh ah true
Bullet ah stick to yuh body like patex too shoe
Mi fulla big gun mi lef di two two
Mi n'have no mercy you coulda beg till yuh blue
Pull yuh finger pon di trigga boy you bad like Scooby-Doo
[Chorus x2]
Death before dishonor
An inna fame footstep mi ah follow
So mi nuh lef my gun, mi nah go back down
You better prepare fi war like Gaza
Mi ah fi shoot out yuh eye like nah nah
Boy ah ball di Hype dat mi rather
When mi catch one side mi nah go miss
Cause tonight mi ah par with di llama
[Chorus x4]
Mi ah di gyirl ah did star inna Kill Bill 2
Ah mi alone will kill off yuh bloodclat fool
Mi prefer laugh and shot yuh, mi n'have time fi screw
Pon grains mi have yuh ah true
Bullet ah stick to yuh body like patex too shoe
Mi fulla big gun mi lef di two two
Mi n'have no mercy you coulda beg till yuh blue
Pull yuh finger pon di trigga boy you bad like Scooby-Doo
Ah Lisa Hype (oh oh)
You cyan tandeh (oh oh)
Mi nah make no bwoy tie mi out fi nyam grass (oh oh)
After mi go court (oh oh)
Is either you leave (oh oh)
Or mi ah go make yuh leave (oh oh)
Ah Lisa Hype
Not Nice
Mi nah make nuh boy diss mi
Den come inna mi bed come kiss mi
Nuh do nutten but yuh waan come fist mi
Den ah send text bout say you miss mi [x2]
Every night mi come in, you argue with mi
Sup'm right so you fulla insecurity
Tings cyan be so right and next man mi ah pree
Nuh live on da spotlight so set mi free
As mi go thru di door my phone start ring
Kelis argue mean't waan bring
To mi ears when mi go ah studio go sing
My yute, you ah better you bill
You never used to gwan so when you just start come around
So ah when since you turn man ah my house
Mi ah promise di tongue inna my mouth
Grab yuh tings dem now and come out
Cause from di beatin start it will never stop
Nuh say cheering, why yuh do me dat
Anuh like you do sup'm and I give yuh chat
But still you waan give mi two backs
You ah lef now so mi ah go talk up di tings
One day when you say you ah go drink two drinks
Mi give you a key and never miss tings
But still you carryin mischief
Mi never inna no fuss, no fight with you fi dat
You make up a bag of lies fi try get mi back
True you waan spoil mi face wid di glue mi got
You should never ever waan do dat, dat
Oh oh
You cyan tandeh (oh oh)
Mi nah make no bwoy tie mi out fi nyam grass (oh oh)
After we go court (oh oh)
Is either you leave or mi ah go make you leave (oh oh)
Easily (oh oh)
Ah Lisa Hype
Not Nice
My girl you a champion bubbler (bubble fi di teacher)
You a champion bubbler (bubble fi di teacher)
You a champion bubbler (bubble fi di teacher)
You a champion bubbler (bubble my girl)
You a bubbler bubbler bubbler
You a bubbler bubbler bubbler
You a bubbler bubbler bubbler
Me man wah fi know
How me do it like dat
Quint up di pussy pon di buddy like dat
Me wah yuh fi ramp ruff wid me
If me drop off a di cocky
Me a go bounce right bak
Ey Lisa
How you do it like dat
Quint up di pussy pon di buddy like dat
Me wah yuh fi ramp ruff wid me
How you love it from front
Or you love it from back
[Verse 1:]
Ey, fuck me like say yuh neeed me
A breed me wah yuh fi breed me
We nah fuck pon no sealy
Pon di dresser wheel it pon di teely
My pum pum so teeny
Me tun on mi man like a tv
When me balance 90 degrees
How yuh do da sumt'n deh
You haffi tell me
Me man wah fi know
How me do it like dat
Quint up di pussy pon di buddy like dat
Me wah yuh fi ramp ruff wid me
If me drop off a di cocky
Me a go bounce right bak
Ey Lisa
How you do it like dat
Quint up di pussy pon di buddy like dat
Me wah yuh fi ramp ruff wid me
How you love it from front
Or you love it from back
[Bridge: Vybz]
My girl you a champion bubbler (bubble fi di teacher)
You a champion bubbler (bubble fi di teacher)
You a champion bubbler (bubble fi di teacher)
You a champion bubbler (bubble my girl)
You a bubbler bubbler bubbler
You a bubbler bubbler bubbler
You a bubbler bubbler bubbler
You a bubbler bubbler bubbler
Me man wah fi know
How me do it like dat
Quint up di pussy pon di buddy like dat
Me wah yuh fi ramp ruff wid me
If me drop off a di cocky
Me a go bounce right bak
Ey Lisa
How you do it like dat
Quint up di pussy pon di buddy like dat
Me wah yuh fi ramp ruff wid me
How you love it from front
Or you love it from back
[Verse 2:]
Ey, fuck me like say yuh neeed me
A breed me wah yuh fi breed me
We nah fuck pon no sealy
Pon di dresser wheel it pon di teely
My pum pum so teeny
Me tun on mi man like a tv
When me balance 90 degrees
How yuh do da sumt'n deh
You haffi tell me
Me man wah fi know
How me do it like dat
Quint up di pussy pon di buddy like dat
Me wah yuh fi ramp ruff wid me
If me drop off a di cocky
Me a go bounce right bak
Ey Lisa
How you do it like dat
Quint up di pussy pon di buddy like dat
Me wah yuh fi ramp ruff wid me
How you love it from front
A just one ting mi waan fi address
A wha do some gyal ah say dem a gangstress an don't get head
Anuh no, anuh no
It sticky pon dem (sticky pon dem)
No respect disrespect in all aspect
Some gyal nah no who dem ah deal wid
Dem fi stop an check
Ah Lisa Hype
(Hype aye ay)
Mi nah kno wham to dem
Mi a junior an some a dem a pro
Your tongue bore so di world dun kno
You waan fi please yuh man so tell a gyal so
(You ah suck wood gyal and di world dun kno)
Member ah you go Mobay an go start freak show
Ah gyal ah try start di ting an all yutes call it so
(You ah suck wood gyal and di world dun kno)
Gwaan talk say mi do it, you ah hype go down low
(You ah suck wood gyal and di world dun kno)
And di world dun kno
How she waan get a head inna life she nah gi nun
Shatta dun say inna yuh face 'I'm siddong
A talk bout follow di Hype but she ah blow ice
Way up inna di barber bottom
So ah Lisa from di gaza, mi ah still Addi daughter
You dun know seh mi ah no fool
Geoffrey dun did tell mi so ah inna di water,
You suck him wood inna da pole
Ah gyal say her pussy fat but a pear belly dat
She cyaan whine pon no cock cause is start she affi start
You put no food inna yuh mouth, you give batty wash
You ah big freak so stop deny dat
Some gyal ah shy bowas, batty wash hypocrite
Mi have dem file it nah go be no secret
So mi like style, don't try fi style it
All who laff last, laff best you kno bitch
No respect disrespect in all aspect
Some gyal nah no who dem ah deal wid
Dem fi stop an check [x2]