Do or Die

An article from Do or Die Issue 10. In the paper edition, this article appears on page(s) 287-295.

Prisoners of War

It's simple: we can't really talk about being in struggle together in any way, or being a movement, if we ignore people imprisoned for involvement in the same activity. And we can't afford to either. It makes it a much larger step to take action if you know you'll be forgotten about if you get nicked. Prisoner support is a vital part of becoming a threat to the state and industry.

On these pages you'll find the details of people involved in our movements who have had the misfortune to be caught and incarcerated. It has been compiled in June 2003 and does not claim to be comprehensive. Check out some of the webpages listed in the contacts section if you need any more up to date information. You'll also find some ideas for supporting those inside.

Anarchist Prisoners

Robert Lee Thaxton, #12112716 777, OSP, 2605 State Street, Salem, OR 97310, USA Rob, a long time anarchist organiser, publisher and writer, was one of the few from around the world who faced serious charges for the J18 Global Day of Action in 1999. When it kicked off in Eugene, Oregon, in the US, Rob threw a rock at a cop who was charging at him in an effort to escape. He was arrested and sentenced to 88 months in all for Assault II and Riot. He has recently challenged the prison rulings that the circled A be classified as a Security Threat Group symbol (i.e. forbidden gang symbol) and anarchist reading material be denied, and ended up serving time in the Hole for this. But the prisoncrats are re-writing the rules now!

Donations to and info from: PO Box 50634, Eugene OR 97405, USA.

Harold Thompson, #93992, NWCC, Site 1, Route 1, Box 660, Tiptonville, Tennessee 38079, USA Harold has been in prison since 1979, serving a life sentence for the murder of a man convicted of killing Harold's friend, the mother of his son, with 90 years added for a failed escape attempt. He is a passionate anarchist and jailhouse lawyer who never gives up. He has been busy filing lawsuits inside, more recently challenging a decision that will determine whether inmates across the US are able to receive mail containing 'political content'.

Donations can be sent to: 'Friends of Harold Thompson', PO Box 375, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey GU21 2XL, UK.
For more on Harold check out:

Kamina Libre There are around 50 political prisoners in Chile. When the dictatorship fell in 1990 none of the laws changed, just the face and name of the regime. Therefore many who took up arms in the '80s are still inside and many continue to struggle against the 'democracy' presented by the rich and ruling class, penalised under anti-terrorist and interior state security laws. Marcelo Andres Villaroel Sepulveda, Pablo Hernan Morales Fuhrimann, and Alvaro Christian Rodriguez Escobar are all serving lengthy sentences for political actions, formed the 'Kamina Libre' collective in 1996. Its main objective is taking action for the release of all Chilean political prisoners and Mapuche (indigenous) prisoners. They have made great headway for prisoners' rights within the high security prison in Santiago, through riots, hunger strikes and disobedience. For example, they improved visiting conditions; secured the right to vegetarian meals and later to prepare their own meals; refused the imposition of prison uniforms; overthrew the censorship of reading materials and can now receive any kind of political material except anything to do with ETA.

Write to them via:
Or in English via Santiago ABC:

Thomas Meyer-Falk, JVA Bruchsal, Zelle 3117, Schoenbornstr. 32, 76646 Bruchsal, Germany In 1996, Thomas was sent down for a bank robbery. He'll be inside until at least 2010. Because of his strong antifascist and anarchist beliefs, he's been subject to very harsh repression - solitary confinement, daily cell raids, suppression and censorship of mail (no packages, and his regular correspondence with some political groups has been denied by High Court Ruling), no access to education. On top of this his cell is in bad disrepair. When writing to him don't mention you are a political supporter. Besides hand-written letters, the only thing he can get in the post is three International Reply Coupons (IRC) at a time.

Tomasz Wiloszewski, Zaklad Karny, Orzechowa 5, 98-200 Sieradz, Poland Tomasz was sentenced to 15 years after killing a nazi in self defence in Radomsko during 1997.

Zolo Agona Azania, #4969, Maximum Control Facility, PO Box 557, Westville, Indiana 46391-0557, USA Zolo is a politically conscious activist, who has been on and off death row since 1981, having been wrongly convicted of the murder of a cop during an armed robbery. In March an Indiana judge refused Zolo the right to be tried in Lake County, the county where the crimes he is accused of occurred. Lake County has a black population that is over twice the size of Allen County, where Zolo is being tried. He has asked for people to print and distribute information about his situation.

For more info email:
Also see the website at:

Jerome White-Bey, # 37979, South Central Correctional Centre, 255 West Highway 32, Licking, MO 65542-9069, USA Jerome is a black anarchist prison activist who set up the Missouri Prison Labour Union to fight slave labour in prisons. The Free Jerome White-Bey Support Campaign and Legal Defense Fund Committee can be contacted via: Anthony Rayson, South Chicago ABC, PO Box 721, Homewood, Illinois 60430, USA.

Angola Three: Still known by their campaign name, The Angola 3 - Albert Woodfox, Herman Wallace and Robert 'King' Wilkerson (King was released at the beginning of 2001) formed the first Black Panther Party chapter inside a prison. As a result, they were framed for the killing of a prison guard. All have spent long terms in isolation.

Herman Wallace, #76759, Camp J, Cuda 4/Left #9, and Albert Woodfox, #72148, CCR Upper B Cell 13, both at Louisiana State Penitentiary, Angola, LA 70712, USA

For more information check out their website at:

Matt Lamont, # 2057039, Intake Release Center 550 N. Flower Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703, USA On April 20, 2002, Matthew Gordon Lamont, a Long Beach anarchist activist, and Maxwell Lucas, a Food Not Bombs activist, were pulled over in the city of La Habra (Orange County) after being followed by two Long Beach detectives. They found a gas can in the car, arrested the two men and took them into custody. Maxwell Lucas, who is a juvenile, was charged with but not limited to the felony of possession of a destructive device. He is now out of jail. Matthew was charged with four felony charges of possession of a destructive device, transporting of a destructive device, the use of a destructive device, and the possession of materials/instructions to make a destructive device. After being held in the Santa Ana jail facility in 22 hour lockdown high security for a year, he was sentenced in April 2003 to 3 years.

CAP: Free in 1998 in the Fall Creek Tree Village. Free was the campaign's first tree-sitter.

Eco-Defence Prisoners

Jeffrey 'Free' Luers, #13797671, OSP, 2605 State Street, Salem, OR 97310, USA In June 2000, two US anarchists, Free and Critter, were stopped by police and ended up being charged with Criminal Mischief and Arson. They had been followed by undercover agents after setting fire to cars at a car showroom. They were both held on remand and faced lengthy trials with evidence that had been tampered with and lying police officers. Free was convicted of 11 felony charges and sentenced to an outrageous 22 years and 5 months, with no possibility of parole.

Check out the websites to see how you can support Free:

For more information (please send an SAE) and for donations toward Free's costly appeal process, and/or his college education in prison, write to: Brighton ABC, PO Box 74, Brighton BN1 4ZQ, UK or Free's Defence Network, PO Box 50263, Eugene, OR 97405, USA.


Statement by Free upon his sentencing - June 11th, 2001

I'm not going to offer excuses. I want this opportunity to explain my actions so that they are not misunderstood or misinterpreted. I didn't do this because I enjoy property destruction. I don't.

I did this because I'm frustrated that we are doing irreversible damage to our home planet. It is not an exaggeration to say that right now we are experiencing a period of extinction equal to that of the dinosaurs. Forty thousand species are going extinct each year. Yet we continue to pollute and exploit the natural world.

I'm not going to justify my actions. I can't do that any more than one can justify the destruction of the environment for profit. They are both wrong. I take responsibility for what I've done. You can judge my actions, but you can't judge my heart. It can not be said that I am unfeeling and uncaring. My heart is filled with love and compassion. I fight to protect life, all life, not to take it.

I took every precaution to insure that no one would be injured by this fire. If I thought for any reason that anyone - responding firefighters or police officers - would be injured, I never would have set this fire. It was not my intention to hurt anyone or place anyone at risk. I'm not going to ask the court to grant me leniency.

All that I ask is that you believe the sincerity of my words, that you believe that my actions, whether or not you consider them to be misguided, stem from the LOVE I have in my heart.

Craig Marshall, #13797662, SRCI, Stanton Boulevard, Ontario, OR, USA Critter, Free's co-defendant, was sentenced to 5 years 5 months for conspiracy to commit arson and possession of incendiary devices. He has been experiencing a lot of harassment, including mail being delayed and the Joint Terrorism Task Force pressuring him to grass people up (he told them to fuck off). When writing to him, don't call him 'Critter' - this has been disallowed!

Inaki Garcia Koch, Carcel de Pamplona, C/san Rogue, Apdo 250, 31080 Irunez, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain In July 2001, Inaki was sentenced, along with seven others in their absence (who have remained on the run) to nearly five years for cutting cables on the construction site of the Itoiz dam. He was involved with Solidarios con Itoiz, a campaign fighting the construction of a dam and waterways project in the Basque country that is expected to have disastrous ecological impacts.

For more information check out the Solidarios con Itoiz website:

Ted Kaczynski, #04475-046, US Pen. Admin. Max. Facility, PO Box 8500, Florence, Colorado 81226, USA Ted is serving multiple life sentences for the infamous Unabomber bombing campaign against symbols of technology: "The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life expectancy of those who live in advanced countries, but they have destabilised society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to wide-spread psychological suffering (in the Third World, physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world... We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system."

MOVE Prisoners MOVE was a mainly black revolutionary group with an ecological perspective who were consistently persecuted by Philadelphia police during the '70s. This culminated in the police firebombing of their commune in 1985 in which 11 people died. The 'Move 9' were framed for the murder of a cop and sentenced to up to 100 years each. The 9th defendant, Merle Africa, died in prison in 1998 under suspicious circumstances.

For more info contact: MOVE, PO Box 19709, Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA

Debbie Simms Africa, #006307, Janet Holloway Africa, #006308, Janine Phillips Africa, #006309, SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa, #AM4973, Charles Simms Africa, AM4975, SCI Grateford, PO Box 244, Grateford, PA 19426-0244, USA.

Edward Goodman Africa, #AM4974, SCI Camp Hill, PA 17011-0200, USA

William Philips Africa, #AM4984, Delbert Or Africa, #AM4985, SCI Dallas Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Mumia Abu-Jamal, #AM8335, SCI Greene, 1040 East R. Furman Highway, Waynesburg, PA 15370-8090, USA Mumia is an ex-Black Panther, radical journalist and MOVE supporter who was framed for the murder of a cop in 1981. His death sentence was recently overturned, and he is awaiting re-sentencing.

For more info contact:
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, PO Box 19709, Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA.
Or see:

CAP: August 8th, 1978: 600 cops storm MOVE's house in Philadelphia. Delbert Africa emerges with his hands up. The cops beat him to a pulp. In 1981, the three cops who beat him were found to have acted in self-defence and acquitted. Delbert is still in prison.

Raul Zapatos, Dorm 6-C, Maximum Security compound, Bureau of Corrections, Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila, Philippines Raul is currently serving life for murder and frustrated murder in the Philippines. He was literally just doing his job - with the DENR, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, defending the forests he loved from illegal logging. Unfortunately, the DENR is riddled with corruption, and when Raul refused to turn a blind eye and stopped the local mayor's illegal logging in 1989, this resulted in the mayor, his bodyguard and armed policemen attacking Raul at his forest station while sleeping. Raul grabbed an M16 left by the military personnel assigned to his team, and returned fire. The mayor was killed and his bodyguard wounded. After 11 years of court action, on March 27th 2001, Raul was found guilty and sentenced to life. His case is currently under review.

See: for a sample letter to write to the Supreme Court to support him.

Helen Woodson, #03231-045 FMC Carswell, POB 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127, USA Helen is serving her 19th year of a consecutive sentence totalling 27 years for three actions. This first was robbing a federal reserve bank and burning $26,000 on the lobby floor after distributing a statement denouncing the materialism and obsession with wealth and power that causes environmental destruction, wars and various other social ills. The second was mailing warning letters with .38 calibre bullets to various government and corporate officials. The third was a disarmament of a Minuteman II missile silo with a jackhammer.

The Government in Washington DC has taken a new tack in her case, and have ordered that the 'suitability' of her release be evaluated, proposing that she be permanently detained as a threat to national security. Helen writes: "Nuclear weapons, war, the destruction of the natural world, and government and corporate greed must be resisted. Whatever the outcome here, I will remain faithful to this witness, either with another action if I am released or as a permanent detainee if I am not. Obviously, though, my situation has implications for others. As the post-September 11 hysteria spreads, any serious opponent of official policy may become a target. I may be the first to be subjected to this particular process, but undoubtedly I will not be the last. Be forward, be serious, be conscientious, be joyful and be alive!"

Animal Liberation Prisoners

Benjamin Persky, #1410212600, George Vierno Center, 0909 Hazen Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370, USA On April 21st, 2002, ten people were arrested in New York City for demonstrating against a backer of Huntingdon Life Sciences. During the protests, two posh New York apartment buildings were trashed as activists brought their objections directly to executives' doorsteps. Benjamin received the maximum sentence for his plea to a Class D felony - 2 counts of 2nd degree criminal mischief. He has been sentenced to 2-6 years concurrently.

Emails can be sent to Benjamin at:

Sonia Hayward, KV5943, HMP Cookham Wood, Rochester, Kent ME1 3LU, UK Sonia is serving 15 months for involvement in anti-bloodsports activity against the Old Surrey and Burstow Hunt and actions against Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Dave Blenkinsop, EM7899, HMP Bullingdon, Oxfordshire OX6 0PZ, UK Serving 10 years imprisonment. The sentence is made up of three parts. 1) Three years for a stave attack on the Managing Director of Huntingdon Life Sciences 2) 18 months for rescuing 600 guinea pigs from a lab supplier (Newchurch Farm) 3) 5 years for possession of incendiary devices.

Indigenous Prisoners

Eric Wildcat Hall, #BL-5355, Unit I/A 10745 Route 18, Albion, PA 16475-0002, USA Serving 35-75 years for helping ship arms to Central American indigenous activists.

Leonard Peltier #89637-132, PO Box 1000, Leavenworth, KS 66048, USA An American Indian Movement activist, Leonard has served over 25 years in prison. Whilst assisting the Oglala Lakota People of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota in the mid 1970s, a shoot-out occurred which led to Leonard being framed for the murder of two FBI agents. He is serving two consecutive life sentences. Despite the harsh conditions of imprisonment, Leonard Peltier has continued to lead an active life. From behind bars, he has helped to establish scholarships for Native students and special programs for Indigenous youth. He has served on the advisory board of the Rosenberg Fund for Children, and has sponsored children in Central America. He has donated to battered women's shelters, organized the annual Christmas drive for the people of Pine Ridge Reservation, and promoted prisoner art programs. He has also established himself as a talented artist and writer, and recently completed a moving biography titled Prison Writings: My Life Is My Sun Dance (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1999) ISBN 0 312 20354 3.

Contact: Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, PO Box 583, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA.

West Papua Prisoner Support

West Papua, the western half of a large and diverse island shared with Papua New Guinea, has been under Indonesian military rule since the 1960s. Indigenous Papuans, traditionally living balanced and autonomous tribal lives, have continuously been displaced, tortured and killed, and their land exploited by corporations. West Papuans are demanding their freedom and have been resisting the Indonesian army for over forty years.

The repression against them is severe, and includes Indonesian police picking out those that are active and putting them in prison under terrible conditions where many 'disappear' or are poisoned.

These prisoners need support, and support from the West can make a difference in the way they are treated. One Papuan prisoner, who people in the UK phoned the prison about, reports: "I was being kept in the pitch black in an overflowing toilet. I was cuffed at my hands and feet. After two weeks the guards pulled me out and asked me why all these people were phoning and enquiring about me. They looked scared and I told them that now the world is watching them. I was returned to my cell but they now cleaned it, put a light in and removed the cuffs... It made me feel strong to hear people outside were supporting me."

West Papuans are collecting information about prisoners and publishing lists. Hopefully people will pick up on this and spare some time to phone a prison, or write to the prisoners or the prison governors.

There will also occasionally be co-ordinated efforts to get people to phone for specific prisoners on certain days.

Contact: for information or check the website on which you'll find updated prisoner lists and news:

You can phone Indonesia from the UK for 15p per minute by first dialling 0905 306 0197, then the international number. They are 9.5 hours ahead of the UK, so it's daytime there around midnight or first thing in the morning in the UK. However the phone will be answered 24 hours a day so just ring when you can.

The most important thing is just to say the names of the prisoners a lot, even if the prison guards don't understand English, and make it clear you are phoning from abroad.

Some Indonesian phrases you can use (pronunciation guide in brackets):

Saya telepon tentang... (Sy-ar telepon tentang...)
I am telephoning about...
Hati hati. (Harti harti)
Be careful.
Kami jaga lihat anda sekarang. (Karmee jargar leehat anda seykarang)
We are watching you now.
Saya dari Inggris (Sy-yar dary Ingrees)
I am from England.
Kamu pratikan baik kesehatan mereka, minum, makan dan keselamatan mereka.(Karmu prateekan bike kay-say-hartan meraykar, minum, makan dan kay-selamtan meraykar)
Treat them well, give food, water and look after them.
Kami tahu apa yang lakukan di lembaga. (Karmee tarhoo apa yang larkookan dee lembarga)
We know what you do in the prison.
Kami adalah teman mereka. (Karmee ard-ar-lar tayman meraykar)
We are their friends.
Papua Merdeka!
Free Papua!

ABC Spain Declared Illegal

On the 13th March 2003, a judge named Garzon in Madrid declared that the Spanish Anarchist Black Cross prisoner support network is part of the recruitment machinery of the proscribed organisation GRAPO (a Marxist-Leninist urban guerrilla group, and nothing to do with the anarchist ABC). Now the ABC are being investigated and the network is in danger of having all its premises closed, funds seized and valuable work disrupted. The same judge has been banning organisations and groups left, right and centre, even down to the main Basque separatist party Herri Batasuna, which meant that thousands of individuals, who then tried standing in local elections as independents were banned from doing even that. ABC Spain have commented: "ABC-CNA has never been 'legal', since we do not need to be acknowledged by our enemy, the state. As anarchists, we are above their laws and what the powerful deem legal or illegal, good or bad... We only care about the judgement made by our fellow dissidents, the unemployed, the rebels, our families and friends, and in short all those who put dignity before anything else and those who are against the commercialisation and subjection of their lives by a cruel, unfair, inhumane system which benefits only the few... If fighting for a better world is terrorism, here we are Mr. Garzon. Anarchy is unavoidable. And repression and reality make us stronger."

Zapatista Prisoners There are still some Zapatista political prisoners, including Angel Concepcio'n Perez Gutierrez and Francisco Perez Vazquez, who were sentenced to 25 years, and Carrillo Vazquez Lopez, sentenced to 9 years. This is taken from a recent communiqué: "We Zapatista political prisoners of La Voz de Cerro Hueco (The Voice of Cerro Hueco) send spirited greetings to all from Tabasco: We political prisoners from Zapatista support bases continue resisting in prison, as do the comrades of Quere'taro. We prisoners in Tabasco are indigenous c'holes from Chiapas that are in a situation of bad conditions. We sleep on the ground and when it rains we are totally flooded with water as is the situation for other people in other parts of the world, but in prison it is much worse because we are imprisoned without committing any crime and we continue having to listen to the federal government lie that there are no more Zapatista prisoners, but in Tabasco and Quere'taro we are still in prison, resisting."

Send letters of support (preferably in Spanish) to: La Voz de Cerro Hueco, Av Diego Duguelay 36c, Barrio El Cerrillo, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. .

Web: has an up to date list of prisoners.

Prisoner Support

Writing The best way to start supporting prisoners is to actually get in touch with someone inside. This is a vital thing not only to break down the isolation created by prison and bridge the gap between those inside and the movement outside, but also for you to find out what imprisonment is about and what you can do to help.

Writing off to a stranger might be a daunting thing. But remember, it's a person probably not unlike you. Why not just send off a card to start with, with some well wishes, a bit about who you are, and asking how they are doing. They might not reply - maybe they can't afford to at the moment, don't have the time or the energy, aren't good at writing letters or just don't want to. It can also happen that your letter got 'delayed' or 'diverted' - but don't give up that easily. If they do reply you will find out a bit more about them, and then you'll probably find it easier to respond. You can also ask things like what life is like inside, or what they plan to do when they're out. When they write to prisoners some people are afraid to talk about their lives or what they are up to, thinking this may depress people banged up, especially prisoners with long sentences, or that they are not interested in your life. Although in some cases this may be true, on the whole a letter is the highpoint of the day for most prisoners. Prison life is dead boring, and any news that livens it up, whether it's about people they know or not, is generally welcome. Especially if you didn't know them before they went to prison, they will want to know about you, what your life is like etc. You might develop a regular correspondence in which the writing should come easily.

Or why not pass round cards to prisoners at a meeting or amongst your friends?Prisoners have said that getting cards with lots of greetings from different people feels a bit like having nice little chats at a party.

When writing to a prisoner, remember to include a return address, also on the envelope. Use clean writing paper and envelopes. Don't start sending random things, such as political newsletters or stickers until you know the prisoner wants these things and is allowed to receive them. Be aware that some prisoners, especially ones with short sentences or good chances of early parole, might want to keep their heads down and not be labelled anarchist even through association. When writing to prisoners in the USA, it's also advisable to avoid drawing circled As as they're considered 'gang symbols' in many prisons and are forbidden.

It's nice to include a stamped addressed envelope if you're hoping for a reply, or an International Reply Coupon (IRC) if you're writing abroad - these are available at post offices. Also remember that it's almost certain that your correspondence will be read by the prison officials. So be careful with names, describing actions etc. It's best to treat it as if you were talking to someone on a tapped phone. Which doesn't mean you need to be paranoid and write cryptic gibberish. Do be prepared to share a bit and to talk about politics and what's happening, to keep the prisoner involved in the struggles if they want to.

Once you're in touch with a prisoner, you will be able to find out how better to help them - they might ask you to write a letter on their behalf, participate in a day of action or they'll let you know what they are allowed to receive in the post (i.e. magazines/music/books/toiletries... the restrictions on these vary from prison to prison).

These Things Happen Too!

In Lincoln Prison the nights of the 24th and 25th October 2002 saw, according to the Prison Service, "the worst outbreak of violence to hit British prisons since the Strangeways uprising of 1991." Hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage was caused. Over 550 screws and police from five counties took more than eight hours to regain control, surrounding the fences to prevent a breakout and declaring a no-fly zone overhead.

Lincoln Prison was 200 inmates over capacity at the time, and overcrowding has been blamed for the trouble, especially by the Prison Service, who are keen to 'deal with this' by pushing for a bigger security budget, more screws and more powers to suppress revolts and keep prisoners in line. But it's also the general inhumane and oppressive conditions of prisons, overcrowded or not, that have inspired and will continue to inspire resistance and the proud tradition of revolt inside.

Fundraising If there is one thing that all prisoners and those on trial need, it is a large amount of financial assistance. There's legal fees and paperwork costs when prisoners are involved in an appeal or in a trial, and day to day expenses such as phonecards, extra food and postage, all from overpriced prison commissaries. Having someone on the outside who can accept and take care of money for a prisoner is vital, with the prisoner being kept fully informed and in control of the money that is raised on their behalf. If you want to send money to a prisoner, it might be better not to just send it straight away, as they may not be able to receive it (though small postal orders to prisoners in the UK never seem to cause any problems). Ask the prisoner what the best thing to do is.

Solidarity Actions When anarchist prisoner Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to 15 years for the attempted bombing of the Greek Ministry of Development, others committed multitudes of actions in solidarity with him. Maziotis' sentence was reduced from fifteen years to five on appeal partially because of the threat of continued attacks should Maziotis be held captive any longer. (He ended up serving three and a half years and was released last August 2002). This can also backfire, though. Free (Jeffrey Luers - see prisoner list) was due to start his trial and some people attacked the same car dealership he was accused of setting fire to. Their communiqué stated that this was done in solidarity with Free and his co-defendant Critter. Of course, we can't really tell whether this had any impact on Free's particularly harsh sentencing, but it might have. So use your common sense!

Work on projects that are prisoner-directed This can range from projects directed by prisoners themselves, such as the Missouri Prison Labour Union or Legal Aid projects, for which you can show support and/or provide resources or other material help; to books for prisoners schemes, publishing prisoners' writings and art, helping prisoners' families, or working on campaigns against prison building, prison labour or the prison system generally.

Campaign Against Prison Slavery

Work in prisons has on the whole nothing to do with 'gainful activity' or 'rehabilitation' as people may think, but is about exploitation and punishment. Conditions are poor and beyond the reach of Health and Safety inspectors, pay is usually around £5 a week for full time work, if not less, and you may as well forget basic employment rights or trade union organising. Prisoners are a cheap workforce and more and more companies and corporations are striking deals with prison governors to employ this slave labour. If prisoners refuse to work or are 'not working hard enough', they are punished. Prison labour also undermines all workers' pay and conditions.

The Campaign Against Prison Slavery has been recently founded to challenge and end forced prison labour, and to expose the companies that exploit it.

Campaign Against Prison Slavery, c/o The Cardigan, 145-149 Cardigan Road, Leeds LS6 1LG, UK.

Resources and Contacts


ABC Brighton (Anarchist prisoner support)
PO Box 74, Brighton BN1 4ZQ, UK

ABC Bristol
c/o Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton,
Bristol BS5 6JY, UK

Activists Legal Project (Useful nformation about your rights and legal proceedings)
166 Cherwell Street, Oxford OX4 1BG, UK
Tel: 01865 243772

ALFSG (Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group)
BCM 1160, London WC1N 3XX, UK

Earth Liberation Prisoners
BM Box 2407, London WC1N 3XX, UK

Haven (anarchist free books to prisoners scheme)
BM Haven, London WC1N 3XX, UK.

Legal Defence and Monitoring Group (LDMG) (volunteers for the defence of civil protest and the right of public assembly)
BM Box Haven, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: 020 8245 2930 (24hr answerphone)

Prisoners' Advice Service (independent charity providing unbiased legal and other advice to prisoners and their families)
Unit 305, Hatton Square, 16/16a Baldwins Gardens, London EC1N 7RJ, UK
Tel: 020 74058045

Vegan Prisoners Support Group
PO Box 194, Enfield, Middlesex EN1 3HD, UK


ABC-Network (US)
For an overview of the US ABC Network, and an incredible links page see:

ABC Poznan, Poland (don't write ABC on envelope)
PO Box 5, 60-966, Poznan 31, Poland

ABC Argentina

APLAN (Anarchist Prisoners Legal Aid Network)
818 SW 3rd Avenue PMB #354, Portland, Oregon 97204, USA

CNA-ABC Peninsula Iberica
Appo 1566, CP: 07009, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

North American Animal Liberation Front Support Group
Box 69597, 5845 Yonge St., Willowdale, Ontario, M2M 4K3, Canada

North American Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
NA-ELPSN, POB 50082, Eugene, OR 97405, USA

Prison Activist Resource Centre
PO Box 339, Berkeley, CA 94701, USA

US Books to Prisoners Schemes

Books to Prisoners
c/o Left Bank Books, 92 Pike Street, Seattle, WA 98101, USA

Books Through Bars
4722 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA

Prisoner Lit Project
c/o Bound Together Books, 1369 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117, USA

Women's Prisoner Book Project
c/o Arise Bookstore, 2441 Lyndale Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55405, USA

Books Through Bars
c/o Bluestockings Books, 172 Allen Street, NY, NY 10002, USA

"While there is a lower class, I am in it,
While there is a criminal element, I am of it,
While there is a soul in prison, I am not free."

- Eugene Debs (1855-1926)

Do or Die DTP/web team: