Nursery News

CERES Permaculture and Bushfood Nursery provides a unique experience for all who visit. As a Permaculture nursery our aim is to encourage backyard food production. Whether you have room for a food forest or simply a window box for herbs we supply a vast array of plants to grow and enjoy in your garden, as well as providing the knowledge and support to do so. The nursery is a place to relax, and take positive action towards creating a better world. Planting a beautiful, healthy and productive garden filled with food is one of the most creative and peaceful ways to sustain individual and planetary health.

The nursery’s horticultural selection includes native, indigenous and bushfood plants, fruit trees, shrubs, herbs and vegetable seedlings and stunning feature plants.  We can advise on which species are suitable for all types of gardens.

Nursery staff members are qualified in horticulture and permaculture and are passionate about sharing their knowledge in a way that is relevant and accessible to the home gardener.

Seeds for Spring

We've changed over our seed boards in anticipation of spring planting! Now, don't be too hasty, some of these seeds will still need to be germinated inside or in a mini-hothouse (or a maxi-hothouse if [...]

Homegrown asparagus anyone?

   If you’ve got the space for an asparagus patch you should definitely consider planting this amazing perennial vegetable. In the first few years it’s recommended to resist harvesting all but a few spears, but [...]

Seed Potato Time!

Our seed potatoes have arrived and are flying out the door! This year we have Desiree, Dutch Cream, King Edward, Kipfler, Nicola, Royal Blue, Russet Burbank, Sebago and Spunta. See below for growing information and [...]

Bare-root Strawberry Runners

Our bare-root strawberry runners have arrived in the nursery! Winter is the best time to get strawberry runners in to have them established and ready to fruit in the summertime, and planting runners is the [...]

Planting a bee friendly garden

Our resident bee expert, Benedict Hughes from The Practical Beekeeper has a lot of great tips for keeping backyard bees and also simple planting guidelines for attracting these wonderful striped pollinators to your garden. Even if you're not [...]

Precious cargo

Last week a nursery customer found this little friend on our avocado trees, sheltering under a leaf. We get stock sent from northern Australia and this tiny tree frog had unwittingly hitchhiked. Apparently 6000-8000 frogs [...]