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"Designing for Muslim women is much the same as designing for non-Muslim women; it all comes down to recognizing and appreciating an individual woman’s style." Lauren Razavi talks about universal tips for designing amazing fashions, with designer Alia Bastamam KL.
It's so great seeing pics from folks trying out Jennifer Culprit's amazing #TooMuchGirl makeup tutorials! Great work, Hannah and Kaylan! Have you tried one? Send a pic to us on Instagram or Twitter and we just might share it with the world!
This is what a feminist looks like. The Establishment at #StateOfWomen
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Last year's gift guide is still pretty dang awesome...AND we went through it to make sure you can still buy everything listed today.

by Anne Thériault

Updated to tide you over while you wait for our 2016 gift guide.|By Anne Theriault

“Right now so much of the conversation on privilege is around white privilege, or not having white privilege. I think privilege shows up in a lot of different ways.”

Crystal B. Shepeard interviews Luna Is America about her new project, Mapping Privilege.

Luna Malbroux's quest to understand privilege, one conversation at a time.|By Crystal B. Shepeard

"Texas is moving full speed ahead with a new rule requiring aborted fetuses to be buried or cremated, aimed at 'giving voice to the unborn.'

In an effort to comply with that order more closely than state officials ever imagined, a woman named Jex Blackmore is urging Americans to mail their sperm-soaked rags, socks, and condoms to Governor Greg Abbott’s office."

by Kali Holloway, via AlterNet

In Texas, a movement to fight for female bodily autonomy is afoot.|By Kali Holloway

"People used to say that if you want to make it in music, you have to leave Bahrain. We want to change that."

by Natasha Burge

The Middle Eastern nation's young, female artists are making magic.|By Natasha Burge

"I know enough to know that good doesn’t always win. Good didn’t win during the 2016 Presidential Election. Good had its ass thoroughly beat.

But do we care to acknowledge that?"

a roundtable on the impact of the president-elect's abusive nature, featuring Brittany Kerfoot, Clarkisha Kent, & Laura M Martin

'We are faced with four more years of Trump; I am not surprised I feel so unsafe.'|By The Establishment

"Most rides make getting fingered impossible due to the nature of the seating arrangement. For example, Space Mountain seats only one per row, making it impossible unless, of course, you service yourself. I do not recommend doing this, considering the unexpected and dramatic drops and turns that Space Mountain is famous for."

by Liz Magee

Walk up, get on, and get off!|By Liz Magee

"I remember wondering if nuns were all born good, or if goodness was something that they had learned. As a kid, I was often preoccupied by my own inability to be good; what frustrated me the most was that in spite of my best efforts, I still frequently slipped up and got in trouble. The kids who were well-behaved made it look effortless.

I, on the other hand, felt that I had a natural inclination toward badness."

by Anne Thériault

A candid conversation on faith and feminism, and life in the convent.|By Anne Theriault

"There are no pictures in my mind—no colors, no sounds, no smells, no textures, no flavors. It wasn’t until I was 14 that I realized this made me different.

I did not mention it to a living soul for over a decade."

by E.P.F. Wohlfart

Like up to 5% of the population, my memories take shape without mental imagery.|By E.P.F. Wohlfart

"Men cry a lot in 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.' Men, I daresay, cry more than women. That’s surprising—and refreshing."

by Kaye Toal

Empathy is the real hero of 'Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.'|By Kaye Toal

"I went from 3,500 followers to 90,000 overnight. I think these things simply needed to be said, and I absolutely intend to use this platform to continue fighting for good." –Danielle Muscato

It's not easy going viral. Minda Honey's new series, "AS SEEN ON SOCIAL MEDIA," gives you an inside look at the experience.

First up, Danielle Muscato, who unleashed a very popular tweet storm on Donald J. Trump this weekend, after he threw an early morning tantrum about how Alec Baldwin portrayed him on Saturday Night Live.

Activist Danielle Muscato opens up about her rant heard 'round the world.|By Minda Honey

"Tabloid magazines will continue to try to sell the American public different kinds of Trump: grandpa Trump, husband and father Trump, underdog Trump.' They will try to cute-ify Melania and Ivanka.

Tabloids are unlikely to ever make bold political statements on their covers—but they CAN mitigate the spread of the propagandist treatment of a white supremacist president-to-be."

by Elizabeth King

Celebrity-gossip glossies are playing a dangerous role in normalizing Trump.|By Elizabeth King

This week on Bad Advice, we're helping real readers fight the evils of women everywhere AND navigate complicated social introductions without alerting the gay police.

Can't get enough Bad Advice? Check the archive:

Bitches are the great mystery of humanity’s tenuous tenure on earth.|By The Bad Advisor

Medical professionals agree about what the condition looks like, but there is no consensus when it comes to a consistent and effective standard of care.

Statistics indicate more people deal with the incurable ailment than deal with ALS, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, and AIDS combined.

Yet no one is talking about it."


by Catherine Brereton

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Up to 90% of survivors are at risk of lymphedema, but nobody's talking about it.|By Catherine Brereton

"I’m not here to say that all women should call themselves #feminist. There are good reasons not to."

via Everyday Feminism

“I don’t need feminism because I’m not a victim!” Ever believed one of these myths about feminism? Let’s debunk these misconceptions.

"There are no reliable numbers for how many families lost a home during the crisis, but the best estimates are nearly six million.

And the foreclosure crisis did not hit everyone equally."

by Sarah Jaffe, via DAME Magazine

Women—especially Black women—are subprime lenders' primary targets.|By Sarah Jaffe

"The tuna trade is sitting on a bubbling undercurrent of human trafficking and slavery, and the world’s biggest retailers are keeping this corrupt industry afloat."

A look at the business of keeping the US stocked up on a seafood staple.

by Lucy Goodchild, via AlterNet

Thailand's tuna trade sits on a bubbling undercurrent of human trafficking.|By Lucy Goodchild

"What we see now is not the left 'eating itself' and the destruction of the great coalitions that brought so much progress in decades past.

What we are seeing is what we’ve always seen: a privileged class of liberals who still refuse to actually listen to those they claim to represent.

What we are seeing is a privileged class of liberals who see the acknowledgement of the left’s bigotry as a larger threat than the bigotry itself."


by Ijeoma Oluo

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