Daily Life

I have sex outside marriage, and my family took years to accept it

Don't have sex. This is something taught to women, even today: sex is only for marriage.

I wasn't allowed to watch kissing or sex on TV. I would have to turn to the walls. No boyfriends allowed. Even at the age of 21 when I was engaged to be married I was still forbidden to stay at my fiance's house, and the few times I did we had to sleep in separate rooms. There was so much fear and anxiety around sex it's no wonder I have struggled with sex most of my life.


I don't blame my parents. It's the culture they were raised in. As migrants they clung to the traditions and norms of their country. But over time they've had to learn to loosen their grip, especially since they had me as a daughter.

Conforming is something I am all too familiar with. I got married at 22 and never questioned anything I was told. I wanted my independence, and back then that was the only way.

"At the age of 31 I did not know how to relate to men or date. I was exploring my sexual identity but everything was ...
"At the age of 31 I did not know how to relate to men or date. I was exploring my sexual identity but everything was tainted with naivety," writes Koraly Dimitriadis.  Photo: Kaliopi Malamas

Fast forward six years to the birth of my daughter and I began to stir. What kind of role model did I want to be?

I began to write, a lot. I exploded out of my marriage and culture in poetry. I had spent my life not being honest with myself and now being honest was all I could do to keep myself from falling apart. Everyone around me was saying it was my writing that was making me crazy, but it was writing that helped me find my truth.


At the age of 31 I did not know how to relate to men or date. I was exploring my sexual identity but everything was tainted with naivety.

I would attend open mic poetry events and perform poem after poem. The spoken word community became my refuge as I had become estranged from my family and culture. I had a need to be heard. To make a statement. The sting of what had happened – the repression, the years lost conforming – was catching up with me so fast that I would wake up in the night suffocated by fear. I had never lived alone before. I wanted to help women who were experiencing what I had experienced, so others wouldn't feel abnormal like I did.

'Love and F--- Poems' by Koraly Dimitriadis.
'Love and F--- Poems' by Koraly Dimitriadis.  Photo: Supplied

In the space of three months I put together a zine, Love and F--- Poems. I was ambivalent and afraid of using the word "f---". I knew it would be pushing my family and culture further away, but my inner frustration at what had happened insisted I use it, not from a sexual standpoint, but from a cultural one.

I wanted to shout "f--- you" to it for everything, every poem, every word, to say "I have sex and I am not married and f--- off".

To my surprise I put the zines in Polyester Bookshop and they started to sell, 5 to 10 copies a week. I was astounded. I took my sales figures to a few other bookshops and they took the zine. The next thing I knew I had sold 600 copies. But it was not the Greeks that were predominantely behind me. The majority were Anglo men and women who connected with my honesty about the brutality of dating and love.

It's been hard breaking through the barrier of migrant communities. Many women from my own community do not take my work seriously and do not support it, and I grapple with this. I'm trying to help, to make things better, but many women find comfort in the norms and the way things are.

Despite the backlash I'm fighting for the women suffering in silence. What is happening is invisible but I know it exists. It's a fear that chains us. What I did was the hardest thing I've ever done. It's only now, six years later, that there's acceptance of who I am from my family. But I would not change what I did. I feel at peace that I was finally brave enough to show people who I am.  

After the zine, I turned Love and F--- Poems into a book and it became a bestseller for the poetry genre in Australia. In 2014 I received a government grant to translate it to Greek. I couldn't believe it when Honest Publishing in the UK said they wanted to publish the Greek and English editions for all of Europe.

I am writing this article on the eve of my book launch from London. I was a quiet repressed woman only seven years ago, and now I'm doing a short tour of Europe for my book of sex and poetry. I am living my dream both personally and creatively and I am proof you can achieve things if you are true with yourself and who you are.

Koraly Dimitriadis is a freelance writer and the author of Love and F--- poems. Her debut theatre show KORALY: "I say the wrong things all the time" will premiere in Melbourne in Nov-Dec 2016.