German lopez

German Lopez

Staff Writer

I write a lot — usually about race, the criminal justice system, drug policy, gun policy, and LGBTQ issues.

Most Recent Posts

Protests erupt in Charlotte, North Carolina, after police shoot and kill Keith Lamont Scott

Protests turned violent shortly after police shot and killed a black man. Police claim he was armed. A woman said that he was reading a book.

Donald Trump wants to bring back the “tough on crime” policies that helped cause mass incarceration

Trump hasn't always been very specific when it comes to criminal justice policy. But there have been some very big clues.

Terence Crutcher had his hands up. Then a Tulsa, Oklahoma, police officer shot him.

Here’s what we know about yet another police shooting to make national headlines.

How a heroin epidemic among white Americans led to a softer war on drugs

How race and class shape drug and criminal justice policy.

More Americans died of drug overdoses in 2014 than any other year on record. Here's why.

US doctors wanted to treat pain as a serious medical problem. But when pharmaceutical companies pushed opioid painkillers with a misleading marketing campaign, they started a drug crisis.