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djclimenhaga's picture
We don't need an inquiry -- we need to bring the hammer of defunding down now on scofflaw private schools | Sep 21 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | When the inquiry fails, can we just get on with defunding those schools, please?
David Suzuki's picture
Wild Pacific salmon face an upstream battle for survival | Sep 21 2016 | David Suzuki | A weak provincial climate plan that fails to meet emissions targets and acceptance of new ocean-based fish farm applications won't help wild salmon.
Dennis Gruending's picture
Brian Day's medicare challenge: He's no freedom fighter | Sep 20 2016 | Dennis Gruending | Vancouver orthopaedic surgeon Brian Day can't convince politicians to undercut medicare, so he is going to court instead.
Behind The Numbers's picture
Ten things to know about Canada's national housing strategy consultations | Sep 20 2016 | Nick Falvo | Canada's federal government has begun national consultations on the development of a "national housing strategy." The government is expected to release a report Nov. 22, which is National Housing Day.
Sep 15 2016
New collection "In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation" describes what reconciliation can mean to the individual. But are words enough? Our reviewer says it's time for action.
Sep 8 2016
'Forbidden Fruit' is Gail Pellett's raw and highly personal memoir of the year, mid-1980 to mid-1981, when she lived in Beijing as China was just emerging from its decade-long Cultural Revolution.
Aug 25 2016
All the Liberals had to do was construct legislation that complied with the Supreme Court ruling. But instead they bungled the file on assisted dying. Here's what happened.

Current rabble poll

Do you think the Energy East pipeline should still be built?

So... things have been happening when it comes to the Energy East pipeline.

Well that's an understatement, but the gist is that the members of the regulatory panel were forced to resign last week after some... conflicts of interest among other things.

Once a new panel is selected, the hearings will continue, apparently.

Also of note is that a CIBC bank analyst said there is now only a 25 per cent chance the pipeline will be built.

Do you think the Energy East pipeline should still be built?

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