The Latest in Perl
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Comparing values in Perl
At some point in programming, you are going to want to make your program do different things depending on the status of a particular variable.
Check if Perl is Installed
In a hurry to get started? This step-by-step will get you to install Perl and run your first script in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee!
Simple Matching With Regular Expressions
A gentle introduction to Perl's regular expressions. In this tutorial we look at simple string pattern matching and match expressions.
Regular Expressions
Perl is great for regular expressions. But what are they?
Close-up of fingers typing on a laptop - TommL/E+/Getty Images
An explanation of Perl's chop() function
Man using laptop - Steven Errico/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Perl String Manipulation
Perl is great at string manipulation. Here are a few things you can do with a Perl string.
Larry Wall
Larry Wall is the creator of Perl.
Mark Lewin
Biography of Guide to Perl Mark Lewin. Michael is a career programmer with a passion for Perl.
Perl Basics
Just getting started with Perl? Not even sure where to start? We'll walk you through the absolute basics of this, the Swiss Army knife of the web.
About Perl
How to read character information from the World of Warcraft servers.
Perl Module Games::WoW::Armory - How to read character information from the World of Warcraft servers.
Man using computer - E Dygas/Photodisc/Getty Images
Conditionals - How to make decisions in Perl
Learn how to make decisions and branch code using the IF conditional in this comprehensive Perl tutorial.
Man on laptop - Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images
How To Tell If An Item Is a File Or a Directory in Perl
Perl file or directory tutorial - How to tell if something is a file or a directory in Perl using file test operators.
Businessman using computer - Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Sample Perl Code to Check for Presence of File
Perl file exists tutorial - How to tell if a file exists in Perl using file test operators.
Man working on a laptop - Jupiter Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Reveal the Size of a File in Perl With Test Operators
Perl file size tutorial - How to get the size of a file in Perl using file test operators.