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Monday, 12 September 2016

Tom Gauld Launches MOONCOP

(Français ci-dessous)

Come join Britain’s greatest cartoonist as he discusses his latest creation of cosmic meanderings. In Mooncop, Tom Gauld details the daily musings of the last policeman living on a lunar colony; an outmoded and irrelevant job in a future where the colony has long since been built and left to disintegrate. Depicted in the distinctive, matter-of-fact style of his beloved Guardian strips, Mooncop is equal parts funny and melancholy. 

Don't miss out!

About the author
Tom Gauld is the author of "Goliath" and "You're All Just Jealous of My Jetpack". He contributes regularly to The Guardian, The New York Times, and New Scientist. He lives in London, England.

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Venez célébrer la parution de Police lunaire (Alto, en librairie le 20 septembre) en présence de Tom Gauld, qui aura traversé l’Atlantique en jetpack pour l’événement! Au programme de la soirée : petite présentation donnée par le fameux bédéiste, discussions enflammées, rigolade et sourires.

Ne manquez pas ça!

À propos de l'auteur:
Tom Gauld est l'auteur de "Goliath" et "Vous Êtes Tous Jalous de Mon Jetpack", et il collabore régulièrement avec The Guardian, The New York Times, et New Scientist. Il vit à Londres en Angleterre.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Event Recap: Pascal Girard & Michel Hellman Double Launch

Despite the torrential downpour, throngs of eager D+Qers showed up to our doorstep for the double-launch of Pascal Girard's Nicolas and Michel Hellman's Nunavik. Two of the Mile End's most familiar faces, Pascal and Michel did not disappoint. 

The evening kicked off with a loving introduction from the one-and-only Peggy Burns, who also happened to be the only person in the room to have attended the original release of Nicolas nearly a decade ago.

Michel lead the charge. He discussed his personal connection to the Nunavik region, including a trip chock-full of inspiration and revelation. He recounted a dismantling of the prejudices he had carried subliminally, both regarding the area and the cultures found within. He implored the audience to visit the region themselves, for after his trip, Michel felt he had a better understanding of what it meant to be from Quebec. This, according to Michel, is the crux of his new book.

Despite the somber subject matter in his book, Pascal's presentation was decidedly jovial. As he found Nicolas difficult to discuss, he opted instead to read his strip from D+Q: 25 chillingly entitled "The Osteopath". In short, he was a hoot. He clearly had a vision for the performance, for at one point Pascal had to take over on the PowerPoint controls: "Its not that I don't trust you, Michel, its just that the timing is important."

A merry group stuck around long after the official portion of the evening had ended, with both authors happy to chat and sign their respective books. 
Friday, 9 September 2016

Graphic Novel Book Club: The Greatest of Marlys!

Each month we host a Graphic Novel Book Club meeting, open to all, during which we hang out and informally discuss a featured graphic novel. Our pick for October is Lynda Barry’s The Greatest of Marlys! We will meet at Librairie Drawn & Quarterly (211 Bernard O) on Wednesday, October 5th at 7:00 p.m. The discussion will be hosted by D+Q marketing assistant Sruti Islam. Join us for refreshments and collective insights! 

**We offer a 20% discount on The Greatest of Marlys! from now until the meeting date.

Lynda Barry is an acclaimed cartoonist, writer, and illustrator based in Wisconsin, where she is assistant professor of art and Discovery Fellow at University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has written two bestselling and acclaimed creative how-to graphic novels for Drawn & Quarterly, What It Is, which won the Eisner Award for Best Reality Based Graphic Novel, and Picture This
Thursday, 8 September 2016

TONIGHT! Double Launch: Pascal Girard & Michel Hellman

(Français ci-dessous)

Join us TONIGHT, Thursday September 8th at 7:00 pm for the launch of Pascal Girard’s Nicolas and Michel Hellman’s Nunavik! Girard’s Nicolas is a work that revisits the death of his little brother and the larger effects of this loss on his current behaviours and habits. This new edition of Nicolas is complete with a brand new introduction and a new story of his relationship with his surviving brother, Joel. Nicolas is a delicate, minimalist portrait of the many faces of mourning, identified with surprising humour and pathos.

It will be a bilingual celebration featuring fellow cartoonist Michel Hellman; whose latest book Nunavik (published through Les Éditions Pow Pow) has already been flying off of our shelves. Retracing Hellman’s personal adventures through the North of Quebec, Nunavik is a hilarious, heartfelt book that explores our complex relationship with First Nations peoples. Nunavik’s English edition is forthcoming.

About the Authors:
Born in Jonquière, Quebec, Pascal Girard is an award-winning illustrator, and avid runner. He is the author of Petty Theft, Bigfoot, and Reunion—the latter two having won the Doug Wright Award for Best Book in 2011, and 2012 respectively.

Born in Quebec to a French mother and American father, Michel Hellman lives and works in Montreal’s Mile End and holds a Masters’ degree in Art History. He is a celebrated cartoonist who rarely leaves the neighborhood—except to go to Charlevoix, the South of France, or the North of Quebec.

RSVP here

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Venez nous joindre CE SOIR, jeudi le 8 septembre à 19h pour le lancement de Nicolas de Pascal Girard, et Nunavik de Michel Hellman! Nicolas de Girard est une oeuvre qui revisite le décès de son petit frère et les plus grands effets de cette perte sur ses comportements et ses habitudes. Cette nouvelle édition de Nicolas est complète avec une introduction tout neuve, et une histoire de ses rapports avec son frère survivant, Joël. Ce livre est un portrait délicat et minimaliste des nombreuses faces du deuil, réalisé avec humour et empathie.

L'événement sera une célébration bilingue mettant aussi en vedette le dessinateur Michel Hellman; dont son nouveau livre Nunavik (publié par Les Éditions Pow Pow) est déjà un bestseller à la librairie. Nunavik retrace les voyages de l'auteur dans le Nord-du-Québec et traite à la première personne des rapports que l'on entretient avec les premières nations. L'édition anglaise est à venir.

À propos des auteurs:
Né à Jonquière, Québec, Pascal Girard est un dessinateur, auteur et coureur passionné. Il est l’auteur de La collectionneuse (Petty Theft en anglais), Bigfoot et Reunion—les deux derniers ayant gagné le prix de Doug Wright pour Meilleur Livre en 2011, et 2012 respectivement.

Né au Québec d’une mère française et d’un père américain, Michel Hellman vit et travaille dans le Mile End et détient une maîtrise en histoire de l’art. Il ne sort jamais de son quartier—sauf pour aller à Charlevoix, le sud de la France ou le Grand Nord.

RSVP ici
Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Tonight at 7PM: Cyril Pedrosa in conversation with Christophe Magnette!

(Français ci-dessous)

Join us TONIGHT, Wednesday, September 7th at 7PM for the launch of Equinoxes by Cyril Pedrosa! Newly published in English for the first time, Equinoxes is a unique groundbreaking work of rare intensity and narrative sensibility by a rising bestselling star of European comics. Segmented into four tableaux representing the four seasons, Equinoxes follows unrelated people of all social backgrounds seeking equilibrium, crossing paths with other solitudes, and weaving in and out of one another's lives—all captivated and tormented by the enigmatic meaning of life.

Pedrosa will in conversation with Christophe Magnette. Admission is free, and wine will (of course) be served. 

About the author:

A big comic reader during childhood and adolescence, Cyril Pedrosa first went into scientific studies. After some trial and error, he finally studied animation design at the Gobelins, a Parisian establishment dedicated to careers in the moving image. He went on to work on Disney animated feature films such as "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and "Hercules" where he acquired a speed of execution and a sense of movement that would later serve him well. Meeting writer David Chauvel inspired him to turn to comics. His moving journal of going back to his family roots, Portugal, is a bestseller. The reception for Equinoxes is equally strong.

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Venez nous joindre mercredi, le 7 septembre pour le lancement de Les Équinoxes de Cyril Pedrosa. Publié en anglais pour la première fois, Équinoxes est une oeuvre révolutionnaire qui présente une histoire intense et exceptionnelle crée avec un ton d’empathie. Segmenté en quatre tableaux pour représenter quatre saisons, ce roman graphique suit des personnes non apparentées de tous les milieux sociaux qui cherchent l'équilibre, et qui se croisent avec d'autres solitudes. Ils tissent dans la vie des autres - tous captivés et tourmentés par le sens énigmatique de la vie.

Pedrosa sera en conversation avec Christophe Magnette. L'entrée est gratuite, et le vin sera servi.

À propos de l’auteur
Un grand lecteur de bandes dessinées depuis son enfance, Cyril Pedrosa a commencé ses études sciences. Après plusieurs essais, il a décidé d’étudier le dessin animé à l'école des Gobelins à Paris, puis de 1996 à 1998, il décroche un poste d’intervalliste chez Disney et travaille sur les rushs du Bossu de Notre-Dame et Hercules, la où il a acquis une vitesse d’exécution et un sense du mouvement. À la suite de sa rencontre avec David Chauvel, il fut inspiré a continuer son cheminement dans le monde de la bande dessinée. Son journal émouvant qui revient à ses racines familiales, Portugal, est un best-seller. La réception pour Les Équinoxes est tout aussi forte.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

New D&Q;: Nicolas by Pascal Girard

We are thrilled to announce that D&Q has issued a new English translation of Nicolas by beloved local author and friend of the store, Pascal Girard! Nicolas was Girard's second published work (after Dans un cruchon), and was originally put out in French by Mécanique Générale in 2006.

In a series of simply drawn vignettes, Girard explores the early death of his five-year-old brother, from his own memories as a nine-year-old to the impact of the event on his life as an adult. As Girard explains in his new introduction, he drew Nicolas in only three days, directly in ink, without a script or pencils.

Girard's method, inspired by Jeffrey Brown's Any Easy Intimacy, was to render moments (big and small) in stripped-down two or four-panel arrangements, which lets the raw complexity of emotions shine through: Nicolas  funny, absurd, and tragic.

This new edition of Nicolas is complete with a brand new introduction and a new story of his relationship with his surviving brother, Joel. Nicolas is a delicate, minimalist portrait of the many faces of mourning, identified with surprising humour and pathos.

Join us this Thursday, Sept. 8 at 7PM, for a double book launch event with Pascal Girard and Michel Hellmann!

Metatron and Librairie D&Q; co-host Chloe Caldwell's launch of I'LL TELL YOU IN PERSON

Join us at Librairie Drawn & Quarterly on Friday, October 14th for an evening with American writer Chloe Caldwell, who will be launching her brand new essay collection, I’ll Tell You in Person. Accompanying Chloe will be Montreal writers Fariha Róisín and Karissa LaRocque, and we’ll also have a short Q&A on stage.

CHLOE CALDWELL is the author of three books, I’ll Tell You in Person (CoffeeHouse & Emily Books, 2016), the novella Women (SF/LD, 2014) and the essay collection Legs Get Led Astray (Future Tense Books, 2012). She teaches creative nonfiction writing in New York City and online and her work has appeared in Vice, Lenny Letter, Salon.com, Nylon and many other outlets.

FARIHA RÓISÍN is a writer, essayist, editor and podcaster living on Earth. Her work has appeared in Broadly, Flare, Teen Vogue, Fusion, The Establishment and elsewhere online and in print. We recommend Fariha’s fantastic series on Medium, “Muslim Women Speak.”

KARISSA LAROCQUE is currently an MA candidate in English at Concordia University. She is involved with the Spectra Collective, Headlight Anthology and Off The Page Literary Festival. Her work has been published in The Dalhousie Review, GUTS Magazine, 7Mondays, Zettel and elsewhere. Like every queer on the internet, she too has Instagrammed a picture of herself reading Chloe Caldwell's novella "Women" in her underwear.

This event will be hosted by Metatron’s GUILLAUME MORISSETTE.

Doors at 7 pm, starts at 7 h 30 pm.

(Chloe Caldwell)

New and notable: September cookbooks!

Love it or hate it, September is here, and what better to feed (pun very much intended) your back-to-school ambition, your summer's end return to routine, than some of the fine cookbooks we've just received in store.

Toast: The Cookbook (Raquel Pelzel)
Oh She Glows Every Day (Angela Liddon)

All Under Heaven: Recipes from the 35 Cuisines of China (Carolyn Phillips)
The Taste of Egypt: Home Cooking from the Middle East (Dyna Eldaief)

Big Dips (James Bradford)
Lark: Cooking Wild in the Northwest (John Sundstrom)
Sunday, 4 September 2016

TOP 5: August's Bestselling Kid's Books!

Here are the top five bestsellers in our kid's book section for the month of August:

 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two by J.K. Rowling

 The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts by Maja Säfström
 Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

Pokémon Deluxe Essential Handbook by Scholastic, Inc.

Romeo and/or Juliet by Ryan North
Saturday, 3 September 2016

Top 5: August's Bestselling Graphic Novels

Here's what your friends have been reading at parks, pools, and cafes all month!

The bestselling graphic novels of August are:

Hot Dog Taste Test - Lisa Hanawalt 

The Arab of the Future - Riad Sattouf 

Mile End - Michel Hellman 

Cook Korean! - Robin Ha 

Patience - Dan Clowes
Friday, 2 September 2016

New and notable: 5 exciting titles!

Today was a big receiving day: a number of anticipated titles arrived all at once!

Margaret Atwood wrote a superhero comic book! It's called Angel Catbird and it's about a genetic engineer whose DNA gets merged with a cat and an owl. Humorous, pulp-inspired action ensues, with lots of cat puns.

Mark Greif, one of the founding editors of acclaimed literary magazine n+1, has a new collection of essays. Entitled Against Everything, Greif addresses contemporary topics like the tyranny of exercise, food snobbery, the crisis of policing, the impact of the Occupy movement, and the demise of the hipster, with a contrarian intelligence that has earned him comparisons to figures as diverse as Susan Sontag and Henry David Thoreau.

The title of Jonathan Safran Foer's Here I Am seems to acknowledge the long wait that preceded it: it's been eleven years since his last novel, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and Foer, once a darling of the early-2000s McSweeney's set, seems to have dropped some of the whimsical narrative flourishes of his earlier work in favour of a more realistic tale that sets a failing middle-class Jewish-American marriage against the fate of the state of Israel.

Ryan North (celebrated for his work on the deadpan Dinosaur Comics, as well as Marvel's Squirrel Girl and Adventure Time comics), has followed up his first choose-your-own-adventure adaptation of Romeo and Juliet incredibly fast. To Be or Not to Be, his second Shakespearian romp for young readers, comes only months after the release of its predecessor, with illustrations from dozens of comics luminaries.

Angela Liddon’s The Oh She Glows Everyday Cookbook is the hotly anticipated follow-up to the New York Times bestseller The Oh She Glows Cookbook. Her new title features more than one hundred easy-to-make whole-foods and plant-based recipes to keep you glowing every day of the year.

Wed Sept 28th at Rialto Hall: GIRL POSITIVE launch, panel and live perfomances!

Join us with co-host Manon Gauthier @ The Rialto Theatre, Montreal

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 7pm (doors open at 6)

For REDEFINING POWER & POLITICS: a book launch & signing with live local performers and a panel discussion lead by GIRL POSITIVE authors Tatiana Fraser & Caia Hagel on how girls and young women, with support from their allies, are transforming and redefining the power landscape.

Featuring panelists:
*Rebecca Cohen-Palacios, coder and co-founder of Pixelles
*Megan Kanerahtenhawi Whyte, Mohawk First Nations artist
*Gabrielle Joncas-Brunet, Sex Educator at Head & Hands
*Rachel Zellars, Executive Director of Girls Action Foundation

*With live acts from:
Singer-Songwriter Sierra Foster
Singer-Songwriter M.A.
Spoken word artist Shanice Nicole

Check out their page here and RSVP for the event here.

About the authors:
Add caption

TATIANA FRASER is a writer, speaker and social innovator. She is co-founder and past Executive Director of Girls Action Foundation. Fraser is recognized as a Global Ashoka Fellow and was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Powerful Women in 2010 by The Women’s Executive Network. Through movement building, education and innovation, Fraser has contributed to advancing the empowerment and leadership of girls and women. She has served on numerous boards and advisory committees including The Carold Institute, Food Secure Canada, Exeko, and Actua among others.

CAIA HAGEL is a writer, creative director and entrepreneur. Her written work on culture and innovation has appeared in many publications from ART PAPERS to Vogue. Hagel is co-editor-in-chief of SOFA magazine and co-founder of GuerrillaPop+MediaLab, a boutique media co-op that invented “moral offsetting” to create humanist media. She is also cofounder and director of HungryForFortune, a startup collective whose projects pioneer new movements in technology, culture and female leadership. She has been a speaker on art, design, pop and youth media at several events, including at the Forum d’Avignon@ Paris, where her presentation on selfies contributed to a new Bill of Digital Human Rights.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

The shelf belongs to... Tom Gauld!

Each month, Librairie Drawn & Quarterly invites a local author or artist to curate a shelf in the store. This August, we bring you recommendations from Tom Gauld!

This fall Britain's most acclaimed cartoonist Tom Gauld goes on tour for Mooncop, a funny and melancholic tale of cosmic meanderings. In Mooncop, Tom Gauld details the daily musings of the last policeman living on a lunar colony; an outmoded and irrelevant job in a future where the colony has long since been built and left to disintegrate. Catch Tom speaking and signing at the following festivals and bookstore in the coming months!

All of Tom’s picks will be 15% off for the month of September. Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find on his shelf:

Ben Katchor: Cheap Novelties - This book is like going on an amazing walking tour of a fantastical, imaginary version of New York City led by an eccentric, knowledgeable genius.

Roz Chast: Theories of Everything - I've always loved seeing Roz Chast's cartoons in the New Yorker but collecting so many together underlines how great she is. The shaky, scratchy drawings perfectly match her nervy characters and hilariously bleak worldview.

Edward Gorey: Ampigorey Also - Edward Gorey is a big influence on my work. Every one of his books is like visiting a strange, wonderful, unsettling place. I stumbled upon one of his books in a college library years ago and have been hunting his work down ever since.

Mitsumasa Anno: Anno's Journey - It's very difficult to put into words what I like so much about this silent, calm, beautiful book. It seems so simple, but when you look around there is so much going on, so much glife. I find it quite moving, though I'm not sure quite why.

Anders Nilsen: Big Questions - This book starts with some short, funny comics about little birds eating seeds and chatting, but goes on to talk about life and death and friendship and duty and so many other things. Writing this makes me want to read it all over again.

Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange and Mister Norell - I defy anyone not to enjoy this book. It's a big, charming, funny, beautifully-written gothic novel with brilliant characters. It's like a big box of delicious chocolates.

Anouk Ricard: Anna and Froga - Want a Gumball? - My daughters and I love Anna and Froga. Their life and friends and silly jokes and petty arguments are all so believable. Anouk Ricard seems unable to make any work which isn't entirely charming.

George Saunders: Tenth of December - These short stories have a perfect balance of dark weirdness and warm humanity. You can feel how much care he's taken with the writing, paring it down to just the right words, so that each story feels like a small window into a whole world.

Raina Telgemeier launches GHOSTS Thanksgiving Monday October 10th at 4pm

Librairie Drawn & Quarterly presents : 

Raina Telgemeier's launch of GHOSTS

Presentation followed by a Q+A and author signing
Time: Event at 4pm, doors open at 3pm
Date: Thanksgiving Monday, October 10th 
Location: Rialto Theatre 5723 Av du Parc
Tickets : $5 for adults and up to 2 free tickets for children under 12 with adult purchase
Available online or in store

FREE Adult ticket with book purchase!*

*exclusively from Librairie Drawn & Quarterly - books purchased in other stores are not applicable
To prepurchase the book or for any questions please contact the Drawn & Quarterly bookstore by phone at : 514-279-2224 or via email at : librairie@drawnandquarterly.com

Facebook RSVP here

Best Books for Fall 2016 – CBC.ca

Best Kids Book for Fall 2016 – Today’s Parent

“…this might be her best yet.” – Booklist, STARRED REVIEW

“…will keep readers emotionally engaged and unable to put down this compelling tale.” – Kirkus Reviews, STARRED REVIEW

“A can’t miss addition to middle-grade graphic novel shelves.” – School Library Journal, STARRED REVIEW

“The story is consistently engaging, the plot is tightly built, and—as always—Telgemeier excels at capturing facial expressions…” – Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW
Tuesday, 30 August 2016

New D&Q;: How to Understand Israel In 60 Days Or Less

Sarah Glidden is an Ignatz award winning cartoonist working in memoir and comics journalism. A re-edition of her 2011 memoir, How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less published by Drawn & Quarterly is out today!

Glidden's touching memoir documents her experience of the Israel Birthright tour. As a progressive Jewish American who is highly critical of Israeli politics, Glidden decides to take the opportunity to go there and see for herself what conclusions she may draw from the situation. Although she remains astute and observant, thinking critically at every turn, she surprises herself with what she finds. The Israel Palestine conflict is infinitely complicated and she learns that not everything is black and white.

In Sarah Glidden's next book she delves into Middle Eastern politics and comics reportage once again. Rolling Blackouts documents her journey through Turkey, Iraq, and Syria accompanying two journalist friends and a former Marine as they  research the effects of the Iraq war on the region. Look for it October 5th!

Biblioasis Reading with John Metcalf, Leon Rooke, Alice Petersen and Mike Barnes

Join us on Friday, September 23rd for the launch of four new Biblioasis books by four excellent authors. Come stop by! Admission is free, and wine will be served.

About the books and their authors: 

“The Museum at the End of the World” by John Metcalf
Legendary Canadian writer and editor John Metcalf is back, in full comic force, with a linked collection of stories and novellas. Set in Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and Ottawa, these tales span the life of writer Robert Forde and his wife Sheila. Playing with various forms of comedy throughout, Metcalf paints a portrait of 20th century literary life with levity, satire, and unsuspecting moments of emotional depth. John Metcalf is the author of more than a dozen works of fiction and non-fiction. He lives in Ottawa, Ontario. 

“Wordly Goods” by Alice Petersen
Hailed as being both assured and stylistically confident, Wordly Goods reveals through a variety of stories that ownership is more than possession. In her new collection, Alice Petersen shows how small objects stand as markers of our attempts to communicate with each other. Originally from New Zealand, Alice Peterson has spent the last two decades living in Canada. Her works have been shortlisted for the CBC Awards, and have appeared in the Journey Prize Anthology and Best Canadian Stories. 

“Swinging Through Dixie” by Leon Rooke
The two novellas and three short stories in this new collection by Governor General’s Award winner Leon Rooke are united by place and mood. Told in the style of Jose Saramago or Garcia Marquez, daring young women, mad mothers, and traumatized children are affected radically by the magic of their world. Leon Rooke is a novelist, short story writer, editor, and critic. He has published 28 books, nearly 300 short stories, and is the recipient of the North Caroline Award for Literature.

"The Adjustment League by Mike Barnes
Prompted by a mysterious summons from his past, a man known only as “The Super” begins an investigation into maternal neglect by a privileged Toronto family. As the case deepens, revealing a web of systemic crime and depravity, The Super undertakes a series of adjustments: his word for the personal interventions that he conducts on behalf of the powerless. These increasingly chaotic retributions soon pull him into a spiral of brutal violence.
Monday, 29 August 2016

D+Q Are the Official Booksellers for John Waters at the Rialto Theatre!

On Saturday September 24th, celebrated filmmaker, screenwriter, author, and visual artist John Waters will be presenting his one man spoken-work lecture entitled “This Filthy World” at the Rialto Theatre. We are very excited to announce that D+Q will be the evening’s official booksellers!

Known primarily for his transgressive cult films, Waters is a also a bestselling author; titles like Role Models, and Carsick earning spots on the bestseller lists for the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. Waters also received a 2015 Grammy nomination for his audio performance of Carsick, which chronicles his adventure hitchhiking from Baltimore to San Francisco in the spring of 2012.

Join us alongside the wonderful people at Pop Montreal for a tastefully debauched evening with one of pop cultures greatest figures. Buy your tickets here!
Sunday, 28 August 2016

New and Notable: Behold the Dreamers

Living in New York when the recession hit hard, Imbolo Mbue seized the opportunity of fresh unemployment to pen her first novel. It chronicles the impact of the financial crisis from the perspective of two Cameroonians, Jende and Neni, a young couple newly immigrated to America. At first dazzled by the sense of freedom in the air, from Obama’s presidency to knock-off designer bags, and Occupy, they soon become disillusioned by the failed promises of the American Dream. An all too real, compelling and tragic tale.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Ce soir! Club de Lecture Francophile: Ma Vie Rouge Kubrick

Notre club de lecture francophile a bien commencé et nous sommes très fiers de vous annoncer notre quatrième! Pour le mois d'août nous lisons MA VIE ROUGE KUBRICK de Simon Roy.

The Shining, de Stanley Kubrick, cette histoire étrange située dans un hôtel où s’installent hors saison un écrivain, sa femme et leur garçon aux pouvoirs extrasensoriels, a impressionné une foule de spectateurs depuis sa sortie en 1980. C’est à l’âge de dix ans que Simon Roy a découvert ce film, médusé par une réplique : « Tu aimes les glaces, canard ? » Depuis, il l’a revu au moins quarante-deux fois, sans doute parce qu’il « contient les symptômes tragiques d’une fêlure » qui l’habite depuis des générations. La relation méticuleuse entretenue avec le maléfique récit lui aura permis d’intégrer les éléments troubles de sa « généalogie macabre », d’en accuser le coup. Un ouvrage singulier, stupéfiant.

Que vous soyez débutant ou francophone d’origine: vous êtes les bienvenus! Nous nous rencontrerons tous les deux mois pour discuter d’un livre francophone, en mettant l’accent sur les auteurs québécois.

Nous en discuterons le 24 aout à 19h00 à la librairie (211 Bernard Ouest). La discussion sera animée par Rebecca Lloyd, gérante de la librairie. Nous vous offrons un rabais de 15 % sur MA VIE ROUGE KUBRICK jusqu’au soir de la rencontre.

(image de Simon Roy de La Fabrique Culturelle)
Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Graphic Novel Book Club - Sam Alden's New Construction: Two More Stories.

Each month we host a Graphic Novel Book Club meeting, open to all, during which we hang out and informally discuss a featured graphic novel. Our pick for September is Sam Alden's New Construction: Two More Stories. We will meet at Librairie Drawn & Quarterly (211 Bernard O) on Wednesday, September 14th at 7:00 p.m. The discussion will be hosted by D+Q staffer Helen Chau Bradley. Join us for refreshments and collective insights! 

**We offer a 20% discount on New Construction: Two More Stories from now until the meeting date.

Sam Alden is a two-time recipient of the Ignatz Award, currently based in Los Angeles. He makes complex, dark, ambiguous comics, often drawn in deceptively simple pencil. The stories in New Construction deal with fraught relationships, avoidance, loneliness, and communication breakdowns. Alden is a masterful storyteller and artist. His work cuts to the bone and will leave you both reeling and re-reading.
Monday, 22 August 2016

Cyril Pedrosa in Conversation with Christophe Magnette for the Launch of Equinoxes

(Français ci-dessous)

Join us on Wednesday, September 7th at 7:00 pm for the launch of Equinoxes by Cyril Pedrosa. Published in English for the first time, Equinoxes is a unique groundbreaking work of rare intensity and narrative sensibility by a rising bestselling star of European comics. Segmented into four tableaux representing the four seasons, Equinoxes follows unrelated people of all social backgrounds seeking equilibrium, crossing paths with other solitudes, and weaving in and out of one another's lives—all captivated and tormented by the enigmatic meaning of life.

Pedrosa will in conversation with Christophe Magnette. Admission is free, and wine will (of course) be served. 

About the author:

A big comic reader during childhood and adolescence, Cyril Pedrosa first went into scientific studies. After some trial and error, he finally studied animation design at the Gobelins, a Parisian establishment dedicated to careers in the moving image. He went on to work on Disney animated feature films such as "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and "Hercules" where he acquired a speed of execution and a sense of movement that will later serve him well. Meeting writer David Chauvel inspired him to turn to comics. His moving journal of going back to his family roots, Portugal, is a bestseller. The reception for Equinoxes is equally strong.

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Venez nous joindre mercredi, le 7 septembre à 19 h pour le lancement de Les Équinoxes de Cyril Pedrosa. Publié en anglais pour la première fois, Équinoxes est une oeuvre révolutionnaire qui présente une histoire intense et exceptionnelle crée avec un ton d’empathie. Segmenté en quatre tableaux pour représenter quatre saisons, ce roman graphique suit des personnes non apparentées de tous les milieux sociaux qui cherchent l'équilibre, et qui se croisent avec d'autres solitudes. Ils tissent dans la vie des autres - tous captivés et tourmentés par le sens énigmatique de la vie.

Pedrosa sera en conversation avec Christophe Magnette. L'entrée est gratuite, et le vin sera servi.

À propos de l’auteur
Un grand lecteur de bandes dessinées depuis son enfance, Cyril Pedrosa a commencé ses études sciences. Après plusieurs essais, il a décidé d’étudier le dessin animé à l'école des Gobelins à Paris, puis de 1996 à 1998, il décroche un poste d’intervalliste chez Disney et travaille sur les rushs du Bossu de Notre-Dame et Hercules, la où il a acquis une vitesse d’exécution et un sense du mouvement. À la suite de sa rencontre avec David Chauvel, il fut inspiré a continuer son cheminement dans le monde de la bande dessinée. Son journal émouvant qui revient à ses racines familiales, Portugal, est un best-seller. La réception pour Les Équinoxes est tout aussi forte.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Summer Reads 2016: Kate

Pond - Claire-Louise Bennett

A series of twenty short stories told from the perspective of a reclusive female narrator. Her soliloquies of varying lengths range in tone from deprecating and wry to wistful and introspective as they animate the minutiae of her rural existence. A very tranquil read, recommended for those who like Lydia Davis.

Double Teenage - Joni Murphy

Two girls grow up in the desert. In lovely and melancholic prose, Murphy captures the suffocation of girlhood's ritualized growing pains with haunting precision. The story chronicles Celine and Julie past adolescence into their adult lives. Invoking ghosts and magic spells they try to discern why our culture has so many stories about dead girls and how the desert became a place for Western projections.

Margaret the First - Danielle Dutton

You may know Danielle Dutton as the founder of Dorothy Press, a small publishing project with a focus on inventive fiction by women. Her own novel which came out earlier this year reflects on female writing through the figure of the iconic Duchess, Margaret Cavendish. She wrote prose, poetry, philosophy and science at a time when women only published anonymously, and her utopian romance The Blazing World is one of the earliest examples of science fiction. In Margaret the First, Dutton gives a very intimate perspective, taking full artistic license to imagine the inner workings of her private life in a style I can only describe as luscious. 

Eric Rohmer: A Biography - Antoine de Baecque and Noël Herpe

Rohmer's idiosyncratic films, full of long, naturalistic conversations about life and love, are really perfect summer fare. With the release of his biography, the first, I see a golden opportunity to read-along-to-a-watch-through of his entire filmography, and I can't wait! From Rohmer's beginnings as writer, the eventual editor of Cahiers du Cinéma, to making his first film at age thirty-nine this book promises to illuminate the man and his unusual methods behind the movies I love so much.

Can You Hear Me? Music Labels by Visual Artists - Francesco Spampinato

Providing a history of the intersection of music and art, it gives a survey of record labels from 1980-2015 run by visual artists. Through chapters like "diy and lofi", "public selves and private stages", or "artifacts and ephemera" it contextualizes various projects into the wider spheres of art and music movements covering artists ranging from Chick on Speed, Destroy All Monsters and DJ Spooky to Kalup Linzy and Johanna Billing. In the era of "dematerialisation" of books  music these artists continue to produce vinyls, battling the hegemony of pop and creating their own media reality.

The Blonde Woman - Aidan Koch

This nice short format comic, out recently on Space Face Books, contains Koch's beautiful ethereal drawings. Hands make a braid, play with grass, dial a phone number. Some panels are empty except for one word written in majuscule: "OH,". These small gestures have a way of pulling me directly into the scene, while the loose interplay of narratives - getting lost in the night, voyaging through dreams, juxtaposed with a washed out reality - sets my mind adrift.

Wandering Island - Kenji Tsuruta

In the spirit of Miyazaki's adventures, Wandering Island is a story about a young woman who runs an air delivery service with her cat and a vintage seaplane. It takes place in Japan's sleepy small island communities hundreds of miles out into the Pacific. When she finds a parcel from her late grandfather with an unknown address, she learns about the wandering island. Legend among sailors, it is said to endlessly drift and disappear. With dangerous determination she sets out to find it at any cost!

Beverly - Nick Drnaso

Offers a slice of suburban life through six entwined short stories that are often uncomfortable and disturbing. Despite being a quiet book, reflected through its muted pastels, there is an undercurrent of repression simmering beneath the surface. One story portrays a woman's disappointment participating in a television programming focus group when she realizes she won't really be part of the "decision making process". Another story depicts an alienated family on vacation through the hallucinatory fantasies of the youngest teenage boy. Through this dark material Drnaso always renders his characters' suffering with dignity as he illustrates the complexity of their flat world.

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