European Economy

British pound plummets over “hard Brexit” fears

By Nick Beams, 8 October 2016

The currency’s sudden fall on Friday was a warning that capital inflows needed to finance the British current account deficit could dry up.

Deutsche Bank and the global financial crisis

By Nick Beams, 1 October 2016

The contradiction between booming financial markets and intractable slump in the underlying economy is assuming an ever more explosive form.

Crisis at Germany’s Deutsche Bank intensifies

By Ulrich Rippert, 30 September 2016

Following the plunge in Deutsche Bank’s share price to its lowest level since 1983, Germany’s second largest bank, Commerzbank, has announced a major restructuring.

Slowdown in growth of trade highlights global economic stagnation

By Nick Beams, 29 September 2016

Both the World Trade Organisation and the International Monetary Fund warned of an increase in protectionist measures alongside a fall in the rate of world trade growth.

Deutsche Bank plunge sparks talk of “Lehman moment”

By Nick Beams, 27 September 2016

The turmoil surrounding Deutsche Bank is only the sharpest expression of a crisis gripping the whole of the European banking system.

ECB signals more austerity amid mounting economic divisions in Europe

By Alex Lantier, 23 September 2016

Despite a deepening economic slump, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi signaled continued austerity against workers and handouts to the banks.

The 2008 crisis and the lessons of history

By Nick Beams, 15 September 2016

The ensuing eight years have shown that the financial crisis of 2008 was not a conjunctural downturn but a breakdown in the very foundations of the global capitalist economy.

ECB keeps monetary policy on hold as tensions grow

By Nick Beams, 9 September 2016

The European Central Bank has kept its monetary policy on hold but there are growing concerns about what it can do as deflationary pressures continue.

Spanish economic recovery through savaging workers’ living standards

By James Lerner, 9 September 2016

Millions have been plunged into poverty as the wealth of the elite has soared.

Fears of rising social opposition hung over G20 summit

By Nick Beams, 6 September 2016

At the conclusion of the summit, IMF managing director Christine Lagarde also addressed these issues warning that economic growth had been “too low for too long for too few.”

IMF issues warning on global growth to G20 summit

By Nick Beams, 2 September 2016

International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde has said the world economy could suffer from “disappointing growth for a long time to come.”

Growing perplexity as central bankers confront permanent stagnation

By Nick Beams, 30 August 2016

With the business cycle set to enter a “dangerous” phase, central bankers are concerned that interest rates are already so low they will not be able to counter any economic downturn.

Bank of England announces record rate cut in windfall for financial markets

By Barry Grey, 5 August 2016

The rate cut, together with other measures announced by the bank, will pump 170 billion pounds ($223 billion) into the UK’s financial markets.

Manufacturing slows in Europe and Japan

By our reporter, 2 August 2016

The continued slump in the real economy is in marked contrast to the ongoing and ultimately unsustainable speculative frenzy on international share markets.

Slowdown in US, global economy

By Tom Eley, 1 August 2016

Second-quarter gross domestic product figures for the US and Europe show a further slowing in economic growth and business investment.

Growing opposition in Berlin to exorbitant rents and evictions

By Verena Nees, 1 August 2016

The city is increasingly divided: discernible poverty and a growing housing crisis for many families—wealth and success for a super-rich glitterati.

IMF chief points to war danger

By Nick Beams, 8 July 2016

International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde warned against the dangers posed by the prospect of a “wave of protectionism.”

Signs of post-Brexit financial crisis mount

By Nick Beams, 7 July 2016

The suspension of cash redemptions by six property investment firms in Britain could set off a crisis extending to the banking system.

Syriza government cuts pensions and privatises state property in Greece

By Katerina Selin, 6 July 2016

While the Syriza government is throwing pensioners into even more dire poverty, they are also selling off state property to foreign investors.

Brexit financial fallout widens

By Nick Beams, 4 July 2016

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney has warned of “economic post-traumatic stress” hitting financial markets, businesses and households.

Brexit vote highlights deepening crisis in global economy

By Nick Beams, 30 June 2016

The Brexit outcome has revealed acute problems in the “quantitative easing” program that the world’s major central banks have used to sustain the global financial system over the past eight years.

Financial market turmoil continues in wake of Brexit vote

By Nick Beams, 28 June 2016

British government leaders have issued statements claiming they have the situation under control, but to no avail as financial markets continue to plummet.

On eve of Brexit referendum, mounting warnings of global trade war

By Andre Damon, 22 June 2016

The World Trade Organization warned that protectionist measures by leading economies has hit the highest level on records dating back to 2009.

Greece’s Syriza government presses ahead with privatisations

By Katerina Selin, 17 June 2016

The Syriza-led government, elected on a wave of opposition to austerity, is presiding over a sweeping sell-off of state assets for the benefit of the Greek and European financial elites.

The financial skulduggery behind the collapse of UK retailer BHS

By Jean Shaoul, 14 June 2016

While the press have called the revelations “extraordinary” and “shocking,” implying that the events behind the collapse of BHS are a “one-off,” these corporate practices are the norm.

Bond yields fall as fears rise over global economic growth

By Nick Beams, 11 June 2016

As the pile of negative yielding government debt passes the $10 trillion mark, it has been described as a “supernova that will explode one day.”

Economic conflicts threaten global trade war

By Nick Beams, 3 June 2016

The decision by the US International Trade Commission to launch an investigation into 40 Chinese steel producers has far-reaching implications.

International finance capital and the strikes in France

By Nick Beams, 25 May 2016

The aim of the “structural reforms” demanded by the IMF and the financial elites is the destruction of all the social gains of the European working class won in the past seven decades.

Currency conflicts surface at G-7 meeting

By Nick Beams, 23 May 2016

As with other major economic summits in the recent period, the weekend meeting of the G-7 could reach no agreement on co-ordinated measures to halt the stagnation of the global economy.

IMF warns against British exit from EU

By Julie Hyland, 14 May 2016

IMF head Christine Lagarde warned that in the event of a vote to leave the European Union, the UK could enter into recession.

Forty million Russians in debt

By Clara Weiss, 7 May 2016

Household debt has more than doubled in Russia since 2008, with the total currently $159 billion.

Deepening contradictions within the global economy

By Nick Beams, 5 May 2016

Just as the economics of the present period are increasingly resembling the 1930s, so are the politics.

Eleven thousand jobs threatened at British Home Stores

By Jean Shaoul, 26 April 2016

Pension obligations will be transferred to the taxpayer, while the corporate heads’ own tax obligations are wiped out, courtesy of debt-financed transactions and off-shore tax havens.

Divisions grow over European Central Bank policy

By Nick Beams, 22 April 2016

German criticism of the ECB’s negative interest rate regime is not the result of differences over monetary policy philosophy but is rooted in the political economy of German capitalism.

Steel producers summit threatens stepped-up trade war against China

By Robert Stevens, 20 April 2016

The focus of the Brussels summit on the global steel crisis was “promoting structural adjustment” through job losses, deregulation and trade war measures against China.

VW hands out massive bonuses to company executives

By Dietmar Henning, 18 April 2016

The granting of bonuses to executives at VW illustrates how management is reacting to the exhaust emissions scandal, which has resulted in losses and potential fines.

UK Brexit referendum campaigns officially begin

By Jordan Shilton, 16 April 2016

The referendum on the UK’s membership in the European Union is taking place under conditions of a deepening crisis for the Conservative government of David Cameron.

Conflicts over European financial policy point to coming attacks on workers

By Alex Lantier, 16 April 2016

Criticisms by German officials of easy-money policies at the European Central Bank were bitterly denounced by British, French, and US media and politicians.

IMF to meet amid worsening stagnation and rising geo-economic tensions

By Nick Beams, 12 April 2016

As global growth continues to slow, there are rising concerns that the negative interest rate policies of major central banks are worsening the situation.

Defend jobs in the steel industry!

For international workers’ unity, not national unity with the corporations!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Britain) and Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Germany), 9 April 2016

The only way to fight the destruction of tens of thousands of steel jobs in the UK and Germany is a struggle for the international unity of the working class.

European steel workers face massive attacks on jobs and pensions

By Dietmar Henning, 8 April 2016

The proposed merger of Tata Steel and the steel division of Thyssen Krupp would be accompanied by an assault on jobs and pensions in the European steel industry.

German report confirms poor die younger

By Dietmar Henning, 4 April 2016

The link between income and “years lived in good health” is even clearer than the link between income and life expectancy.

Forty thousand jobs threatened as Tata Steel announces end of UK operations

By Robert Stevens, 31 March 2016

Neither Labour leader Corbyn nor the trade union bureaucracy proposes any struggle by steel workers in defence of their jobs.

Germany’s Deutsche Bahn to slash 2,100 rail freight transport jobs

By Dietmar Henning, 29 March 2016

Works councillors and union functionaries have already indicated they are prepared to cooperate in implementing the cuts, the first step to a further wave of consolidations.

Living standards fall and discontent rises in Russia

By Vladimir Volkov, 18 March 2016

In a sign of the population’s intense economic distress, retail trade levels in Russia have fallen to their lowest level in 40 years.

Central banks confront unintended consequences

By Nick Beams, 15 March 2016

Markets are awaiting decisions by the Bank of Japan and the US Fed on monetary policies as concerns grow over negative interest rates.

European Central Bank cuts rates and pours more money into financial markets

By Nick Beams, 11 March 2016

The ECB’s latest measures will do nothing to boost the real economy, but only lead to further financial speculation and increase the danger of a currency war.

Report on German poverty refutes propaganda of social recovery

By Stefan Steele, 5 March 2016

Almost one in six in Germany were registered as poor in 2014.

Bombardier adds to Northern Ireland manufacturing jobs massacre

By Harvey Thompson, 1 March 2016

The corporation announced that 1,080 jobs would go at its plant in Belfast, Ireland, which makes the wings for its new C-Series plane.

G-20 summit rules out coordinated stimulus

By Nick Beams, 29 February 2016

Despite calls for fiscal stimulus by the International Monetary Fund, the only area in which the major economic powers are increasing their spending is on the military.

Perplexity and divisions mark G-20 meeting

By Nick Beams, 26 February 2016

The G-20 meeting in Shanghai is riven by the widening divisions between the major capitalist powers as the crisis of the global economy intensifies.

Germany’s Deutsche Bank in crisis

By Gustav Kemper, 23 February 2016

Fears of collapse and panic sell-offs on the stock market have halved Deutsche Bank’s value over the course of a year to €20 billion.

European Steel unions demand trade war in Brussels

By Dietmar Henning, 20 February 2016

The European trade unions, led by Germany’s IG Metall, demonstrated last Monday in Brussels for trade war measures against Russia and China.

OECD downgrades global growth forecast

By Nick Beams, 19 February 2016

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said global growth has “practically flat-lined” and financial instability risks are on the rise.

Stock market panic risks new financial crisis

By Andre Damon, 12 February 2016

The global sell-off expresses growing fears that the trillions pumped into the financial system since 2008 have done nothing to improve its underlying health, and may have sown the seeds for a crash on an even greater scale.

A new stage in the global economic breakdown

By Nick Beams, 9 February 2016

The growing financial crisis in China, marked by capital flight and mounting concerns over debt levels, is accompanied by increasing doubts about the stability of the entire global banking system.

Global manufacturing continues to fall

By Nick Beams, 2 February 2016

The Chinese steel industry recorded a loss of more than $9 billion for 2015, in the clearest expression of China’s economic slowdown.

Global slowdown to deepen attacks on jobs

By Nick Beams, 25 January 2016

Stock markets recovered some of their losses at the end of the last week, but the underlying trend in the world economy is slower growth and outright recession.

The political significance of the global economic turmoil

By Nick Beams, 21 January 2016

The turmoil on global markets is an expression of the breakdown of the mechanisms and structures that have sustained world capitalism over the past quarter-century.

Major companies announce job cuts across Europe

By Kumaran Ira, 19 January 2016

The assault on the European working class comes amid mounting signs that the world economy is nearing another major crisis.

Wave of selling hits US markets

By Nick Beams, 14 January 2016

The sharp downturn in US markets has come amid a series of statements by banking officials that the conditions for a new financial crisis are rapidly developing.

Global markets continue to fall

By Nick Beams, 9 January 2016

The impact of events in China points to the worsening situation facing major Western corporations.

Stock markets continue to plunge amidst growing signs of economic crisis

By Andre Damon, 8 January 2016

The continued sell-off points to growing fears of a divergence between stock market values, which have been rising for nearly six years, and the slowdown of the world economy.

Global financial turmoil continues on fears of slower growth

By Nick Beams, 7 January 2016

The fall in oil prices to their lowest level in 11 years points to deepening recessionary trends that increase the risk of defaults in high-risk, high-yield bonds.

Syriza presents plan for drastic pension cuts

By Kumaran Ira, 7 January 2016

Based on Syriza’s record in government, workers must assume that its assurances that it is seeking to protect pensions as much as possible are outright lies.

IMF head warns of slow growth and economic “shocks” in 2016

By Barry Grey, 31 December 2015

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde wrote that global economic growth next year would be “disappointing” and the outlook for the medium term had also deteriorated.

A New Year’s sense of foreboding over the global economy

By Nick Beams, 30 December 2015

Economic developments in 2015 were dominated by intensifying recessionary trends throughout the world economy.

WTO buries Doha Round: Another rupture in the post-war order

By Nick Beams, 22 December 2015

The decision to end the Doha Round signifies the end of the multilateralism that formed a crucial foundation of post-World War II economic expansion.

A new tipping point in the global economic crisis

By Nick Beams, 10 December 2015

Corporate defaults are on the rise, not only in the energy sector hit by falling prices, but across the board.

Expansion of Russian-German Nord Stream pipeline exacerbates tensions within the European Union

By Clara Weiss, 9 December 2015

At the end of November, several Eastern European members of the EU urged the European Commission to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.

BIS warns of sudden end to “uneasy” financial calm

By Nick Beams, 8 December 2015

Junk bonds are heading for their first losses since the global financial crisis, indicating the present stock market boom may be living on borrowed time.

UK government outlines unprecedented public spending cuts

By Julie Hyland, 26 November 2015

In just 10 years, from 2010 through 2020, government spending as a percentage of GDP is projected to fall by 10 percent, with disastrous consequences for millions of people.

Global markets cheer dismal economic figures

By Andre Damon, 3 November 2015

Global stock markets are surging as negative economic news makes interest rate cuts by central banks more likely.

Deutsche Bank to cut up to 35,000 jobs

By Marianne Arens, 2 November 2015

The Ver.di trade union is cooperating with the Deutsche Bank management to lay off tens of thousands of workers.

Social crisis dominates municipal elections in Ukraine

By Markus Salzmann, 2 November 2015

Nearly 21 months after the coup that overthrew President Viktor Yanukovych the country is in social and economic free-fall.

Perplexity and gloom dominate IMF-World Bank meeting

By Nick Beams, 12 October 2015

A report issued on the eve of the IMF-World Bank meeting said that emerging market economies had over-borrowed by $3 trillion over the past decade.

Organizers promote economic nationalism at Berlin demonstration against transatlantic trade agreement

By our reporters, 12 October 2015

While many demonstrators sought to express opposition to inequality and war, the demonstration's organizers advanced a right-wing agenda of economic nationalism.

Syriza budget implements dictates of European banks

By Christoph Dreier, 6 October 2015

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that austerity was the “only way” out of the country’s crisis, declaring, “we have to tighten our belts.”

Global recessionary trends intensify

By Nick Beams, 1 October 2015

The crisis of mining giant Glencore, whose shares plunged by 30 percent this week, is only one expression of the slump gripping the global economy.

Thousands more jobs to go across all sectors in UK

By Margot Miller, 19 September 2015

Local authorities in the UK face more devastating cuts, after already having their budgets slashed to pay for the bailout of the super-rich following the 2008 economic crisis.

Seven years since the Wall Street crash

By Nick Beams, 15 September 2015

Seven years after the eruption of the crisis, financial parasitism has reached unprecedented heights while the global economy stagnates.

Global Ponzi scheme threatens to implode

By Andre Damon, 24 August 2015

The global stock market selloff reflects the inability of governments and central banks to address the fundamental contradictions of the capitalist system that led to the Wall Street crash of 2008–2009.

Global markets plunge amid signs of deepening slump

By Andre Damon, 21 August 2015

US stocks fell by the largest amount since February 2014, as fears of a world economic slowdown mixed with concerns over global exchange rate instability and geopolitical conflict.

World capitalism “toboggans toward catastrophe”

By Barry Grey, 19 August 2015

Seven years after the Wall Street crash, fears are growing within ruling circles internationally that the world capitalist economy is descending into depression.

German financial supervisor implicates Deutsche Bank in Libor manipulation

By Sven Heymanns, 28 July 2015

Anshu Jain, who recently resigned as co-chair of Deutsche Bank, was involved much more deeply in the manipulation of Libor than previously known.

A landslide “no” to EU austerity in Greece

By Alex Lantier, 6 July 2015

Yesterday’s “no” vote in Greece is a massive popular repudiation of the EU and the austerity agenda it has pursued across Europe since the 2008 economic crisis.

“Syriza disregarded the wishes of the Greek population”

Workers speak out against austerity in Greece

By Robert Stevens and Christoph Dreier, 1 July 2015

Workers interviewed by a WSWS reporting team in Athens, Greece, spoke out against austerity and attacks on democratic rights.

As global markets plummet

Bank closures impose deepening misery on Greek people

By Alex Lantier, 30 June 2015

Retirees were unable to obtain their pension benefits as a weeklong bank holiday began amid warnings of fuel and medicine shortages.

Syriza’s fraudulent capital controls

By Nick Beams, 30 June 2015

Billions of euros have been taken out of Greece by wealthy individuals and corporations in order to make a financial killing if the country goes back to the drachma.

Greek collapse, global turbulence loom as Syriza imposes capital controls

By Robert Stevens, 29 June 2015

The decision followed Sunday’s announcement by the European Central Bank that it would not increase its emergency funding for Greek banks.

Greek crisis comes to a head

By Alex Lantier, 29 June 2015

The decision of European financial authorities to terminate the bailout of Greece and limit the flow of credit to banks has brought the country to the brink of an economic and financial meltdown.

OECD report documents growth of financial parasitism

By Nick Beams, 29 June 2015

Financial parasitism is leading to the destruction of the productive forces upon which the livelihoods of the world working class depend.

Thousands of jobs lost in UK

By Margot Miller, 27 June 2015

Following the loss of 90,000 public-sector jobs in the last parliament, a further 100,000 jobs are set to go over the next five years.

Political issues in the Greek debt crisis

By Alex Lantier, 26 June 2015

Having built its entire policy around denying the possibility of socialist revolution, Syriza is proposing ever deeper attacks on the working class under the EU’s direction.

After Syriza’s concessions, EU demands more austerity at Greek debt summit

By Alex Lantier, 23 June 2015

While approving Syriza’s capitulation to its demands for deep cuts in pensions and health care, the EU called for further austerity measures as a precondition for a deal on Greek debt.

Syriza offers last-ditch concessions prior to EU summit on Greek debt

By Robert Stevens, 22 June 2015

Greek Prime Minister Tsipras heads to the summit under the threat of a deliberately imposed economic catastrophe and expulsion from the eurozone.

EU threatens to push Greece into bankruptcy after collapse of debt talks

By Alex Lantier, 17 June 2015

Even as he denounced the EU, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras signaled that he is still seeking a deal on the basis of imposing more austerity on the Greek population.

IMF and ECB walk out of Greek debt talks with Syriza

By Robert Stevens, 13 June 2015

The talks centre on new austerity measures to be carried out by Syriza.