20 September 2016

Massive police-military mobilization after New York City bombing

By Patrick Martin, 20 September 2016

The latest New York City bombing is yet another example of the pathological social environment created by a quarter-century of war.

Governor deploys National Guard and state police after bombing in New York

Unifor blocks strike at GM Canada

By Roger Jordan, 20 September 2016

Past promises of “job security,” along with union-backed concessions, have done nothing to stop the destruction of jobs.

What is the significance of a red-red-green coalition in Berlin?

By Christoph Vandreier, 20 September 2016

The Left Party, Greens and Social Democrats are moving to form a coalition in the aftermath of Sunday’s state elections in Berlin.

Berlin election results show growing anger towards establishment parties

The international significance of the Berlin election

NATO sends 4,000 combat troops to Poland and Baltic states

By Johannes Stern, 20 September 2016

The sending of additional NATO troops to Eastern Europe is part of the preparations for war against Moscow adopted in early July at the NATO summit in Warsaw.

Retiring British general urges preparations for war with Russia

Bellicose campaign in India against Pakistan after attack on Kashmiri base

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 20 September 2016

Led by senior figures in the ruling BJP, India’s political and defense-security establishments are clamouring for military action against Pakistan.

War danger surges as India blames Pakistan for attack on Kashmir base

Markets too dependent on central banks, BIS warns

By Nick Beams, 20 September 2016

Amid signs of increased volatility, the Bank for International Settlements issued another warning that financial markets rely too much on central banks.

The 2008 crisis and the lessons of history

Clinton’s speech at Temple University: a desperate appeal to young voters

By E.P. Bannon, 20 September 2016

The Democratic presidential candidate combined demagogy, empty promises and emotional appeals to obscure her own pro-business and pro-war record.

Bernie Sanders campaigns for Clinton at Ohio campuses

Clinton campaign in crisis over plunging support among younger voters

More on the 2016 US elections »

NFL football players spread protests over police violence, racism

By Alan Gilman, 20 September 2016

The protest begun by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick over police violence and racial oppression has been taken up by other athletes.

Australia, Japan press US congress to ratify TPP

By Peter Symonds, 20 September 2016

The repeated references to the TPP’s “strategic” dimension underline its connection to the US military build-up in the Asia Pacific against China.

New offensive against National Health Service after cancellation of junior doctors’ strike

By Ajanta Silva and Paul Mitchell, 20 September 2016

Demands are being made for greater cuts to the National Health Service, including rationing and privatisation.

UK steps up repression of migrant workers

By Alice Summers, 20 September 2016

Migrant workers live in constant fear of raids by immigration officers, both at work and at home.

Germany: Right-wing mob hounds refugees in Bautzen, Saxony

By Katerina Selin, 20 September 2016

The right-wing politics of all the establishment parties are encouraging far-right forces to carry out open violence against refugees.

Regional dispute erupts over arrest of Fijian opposition leaders

By John Braddock, 20 September 2016

The intervention of Australia and New Zealand has nothing to do with defending democratic rights in Fiji, but with countering Beijing’s growing influence in the region.

New in French

Washington bombarde l'armée syrienne à Deir ez-Zor : 62 morts, 100 blessés

Par Alex Lantier, 20 septembre 2016

Les bombardements menacent de transformer le conflit syrien en une guerre opposant l'OTAN et les États-Unis à la Russie et à la Syrie.

L'Inde accuse le Pakistan d’avoir monté l'attaque sur sa base au Cachemire

Par V. Gnana, 20 septembre 2016

Dix-sept soldats indiens sont morts hier matin dans le Cachemire indien, lorsque des combattants ont attaqué une base militaire à Uri.

New in German

Sozialismus versus Kapitalismus und Krieg
SEP und IYSSE berufen Antikriegskonferenz in den USA ein

Socialist Equality Party (US), 20. September 2016

Die Konferenz der Socialist Equality Party (SEP) dient der politischen Mobilisierung gegen die Kriegspolitik des Imperialismus weltweit und die Gefahr eines neuen Weltkriegs.

Was bedeutet Rot-Rot-Grün in Berlin?

Von Christoph Vandreier, 20. September 2016

Nachdem die Große Koalition aus dem Amt gejagt wurde, stehen Linkspartei und Grüne bereit, ihr Programm von Sparpolitik und innerer und äußerer Aufrüstung fortzusetzen.

62 Tote und 100 Verwundete bei US-Luftangriff auf syrische Armee bei Deir ez-Zor

Von Alex Lantier, 20. September 2016

Durch den Luftangriff könnte der Konflikt in Syrien zu einem offenen Krieg der Nato gegen Russland und Syrien ausarten.

Syrien: US-Spezialeinheiten fliehen vor „gemäßigten“ Rebellen

Von Bill Van Auken, 20. September 2016

Die Drohung der „Rebellen“, amerikanische Spezialeinheiten zu töten, hat die immensen Widersprüche des US-Imperialismus in dem Krieg zum Regimewechsel in Syrien offengelegt.

Nato verlegt 4000 Kampftruppen nach Polen und ins Baltikum

Von Johannes Stern, 20. September 2016

Die Verlegung von zusätzlichen Nato-Truppen nach Osteuropa ist Bestandteil der Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen Moskau, die Anfang Juli auf dem Nato-Gipfel in Warschau beschlossen wurden.

Polnische Regierung stärkt extreme Rechte

Von Clara Weiss, 20. September 2016

Seit die Partei Recht und Gerechtigkeit im vergangenen Herbst die Regierung übernommen hat, ist die Zahl von Angriffen mit fremdenfeindlichem Hintergrund auf das höchste Niveau seit 1989 gestiegen.

Die wahren Kosten des amerikanischen Gefängnisapparats: eine Billion Dollar jährlich

Von Catherine Long, 20. September 2016

Ein neuer Bericht der Washington University führt detailliert die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Kosten auf, die für die Inhaftierung von zwei Millionen Menschen in den Vereinigten Staaten anfallen.

Other Languages


New York Times peddles alibi for US bombing in Syria

20 September 2016

Acting as a propaganda outlet of the US government, the Times parrots Washington’s claims that the air strikes that killed scores of Syrian troops were merely an unfortunate accident.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

SEP/IYSSE issues call for socialist anti-war conference
Register today at sep2016.com/conference

On November 5, the Socialist Equality Party and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality will hold a conference, “Socialism vs. Capitalism & War,” at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan to mobilize workers and young people against the war policies of US and world imperialism.

Socialism vs. Capitalism and War
The SEP and IYSSE schedule November 5 antiwar conference in Detroit

SEP presidential candidate speaks with Canadian autoworkers about contract battle

By our reporters, 20 September 2016

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White visited the Fiat Chrysler plant in Windsor, Canada to fight for the unity of autoworkers on both sides of the border.

SEP candidate files lawsuit to restore ballot status in West Virginia

By Naomi Spencer – SEP candidate for West Virginia House District 16, 20 September 2016

West Virginia is seeking to remove the SEP candidate from the ballot even though she completed all requirements for independent candidates outlined on the Secretary of State’s own web site.

SEP candidate Naomi Spencer denounces “decertification” by West Virginia Secretary of State

West Virginia Supreme Court rules against independent petitioner

SEP vice presidential candidate Niles Niemuth campaigns in Pennsylvania

By Evan Winters and Zac Corrigan, 20 September 2016

Niemuth and a campaign team spoke to workers and young people in the impoverished Pittsburgh borough of Wilkinsburg, where the last high school was closed earlier this year.

“The US has one of the most undemocratic electoral systems in the world”
SEP candidate denounces exclusion of Libertarians, Greens from debates

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White denounces war, advances socialist program at third party forum

Socialism and the 2016 elections
Socialist Equality Party campaign launches fall election meetings

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

Arts Review

Oliver Stone’s Snowden: The NSA is “running a dragnet on the whole world”

By Joanne Laurier and David Walsh, 20 September 2016

Veteran American filmmaker Oliver Stone has made a movie about National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Young Euro Classic: International music festival in shadow of European Union crisis

By Verena Nees, 19 September 2016

Hell or High Water: A remarkable snapshot

By Charles Bogle, 14 September 2016


62 dead, 100 wounded as US bombs Syrian army near Deir ez-Zor

By Alex Lantier, 19 September 2016

US special forces flee “moderate” rebels in Syria

Pentagon openly challenges US-Russia ceasefire deal in Syria

More on the war in Syria »

India-China tensions rise, as New Delhi aligns with Washington

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 19 September 2016

Japan to conduct South China Sea patrols with US

By Peter Symonds, 19 September 2016

More on the South China Sea crisis »

The threat of world war: The great unmentionable in the 2016 campaign

By Patrick Martin, 19 September 2016

Auto companies continue assault on jobs, working conditions
One year since 2015 US auto contract battle

Brazilian prosecutors charge ex-president Lula as “commander” of Petrobras bribery racket

25 years ago: US stages new provocation against Iraq

On September 24, 1991, the United States dispatched a Patriot missile team from Germany to Saudi Arabia in a new threat to Iraq.

More »

50 year ago: North Vietnam rejects US surrender demand

On September 23, 1966, the government of North Vietnam rejected a US proposal for a halt to the American bombing campaign against North Vietnamese targets.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi forces complete capture of Kiev

On September 19, 1941, the Soviet city of Kiev, capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, fell to German military forces.

More »


100 years ago: German Social Democrats hold last united conference

On September 21, 1916, the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) held its last united national conference, amid irreconcilable divisions between different factions over Germany’s role in World War I.

More »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: the Americas

20 September 2015

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Featured Video

The unions “are shameless crooks that live on the backs of our work”
Immigrant workers in Los Angeles speak on war and social conditions

By our reporters, 16 September 2016

Minnesota Nurses Strike

Sanders covers for union isolation of Minnesota nurses’ strike

By Anthony Bertolt, 16 September 2016

Minnesota nurses strike at critical juncture

By our reporting team, 13 September 2016

SEP presidential candidate discusses elections with striking Minnesota nurses

25 years since the death of Bill Brust

A remembrance of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, twenty-five years after his death

By Fred Mazelis, 15 September 2016

Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, whose political struggle as a revolutionary socialist spanned 53 years.

The Life and Times of Bill Brust

By David North, 15 September 2016

This speech, originally delivered by David North at a memorial meeting in Minneapolis in 1991, reviews the life and political legacy of Bill Brust.

Featured commentary

Fifteen years since the 9/11 attacks

By the WSWS editorial board, 12 September 2016

Below are several articles from the archive of the World Socialist Web Site on the response of the Socialist Equality Party to the attacks of 9/11 and the reaction of the George W. Bush administration.

The political roots of 9/11

By David North and David Walsh, 12 September 2001

Was the US government alerted to September 11 attack?

Part 1: Warnings in advance

Part 2: Watching the hijackers

Part 3: The United States and Mideast terrorism

Part 4: The refusal to investigate

International Committee of the Fourth International

“You are a man of unimpeachable revolutionary integrity”
On the 75th birthday of Sri Lankan Trotskyist leader Wije Dias

By David North, 9 September 2016

In his greetings, David North reviewed the significance of the more than 50-year struggle for revolutionary internationalism waged by Wije Dias, the leader of the SEP in Sri Lanka.
