Number Validation

Instantly check the connection status of any landline or mobile telephone number.

Live Connection Status

ReachTEL Telephone number validation is a simple yet highly effective service that verifies the connection status of any landline or mobile telephone number across Australia and New Zealand.

Whether you're cleansing your data list for invalid numbers or live checking customer details during a sign up process this service has a variety of applications.

Easily validate numbers by integrating with the ReachTEL API, or simply email a batch file through to our support team.

The Benefits of Validation

ReachTEL's number validation can benefit you and your business in a variety of ways.

  • Highly cost effective
  • Immediate turnaround
  • High volume batch processing
  • Simple API integration available
  • Realtime network query
  • No stale databases


Clean your database
Live check customer details
Check data lists before purchase

Fraud detection

Pre-dialer wash

Other validation services available

  • Address spelling correction
  • Address de-duplication
  • Address validation
  • Australia Post Delivery Point Identifier (DPID) appending
  • Change of address
  • ADMA Do-Not-Contact
  • ACMA / Government Do-Not-Contact
  • Phone number append
  • Data enhancement (age, income, debt default, employment, etc.)


Leveraging exceptional carrier relationships

ReachTEL has developed a unique methodology that provides unparalleled accuracy and performance.

Our technology gives you three types of results. Other suppliers often just provide two options and "hide" their indeterminate results in one of the other categories, this effectively poisons your good data and doesn't deliver the most effective results.

Three types of results: