How to securely transfer data to us

ReachTEL supports a number of methods to securely transmit sensitive data to us.

MethodDescriptionSecurity level
Email + PGP encryptionData can be emailed with a PGP encrypted attachment.High
Email + ZIP encryptionData can be emailed using a password protected ZIP file.Low
Email without encryptionData can be emailed using no encryption. This should be avoided.Nil
SFTPData can be uploaded to our server using SFTPHigh
Secure portalData can be uploaded using our secure portal:

Email without encryption

Email is an insecure communication channel. Emails are transferred between many systems and are subject to interception, eavesdropping and forgery. Whilst it is very convenient to simply email data to us without any protection, it should be avoided under all circumstances.

Below are a number of simple options that provide strong encryption for very little effort and no cost. We can help you configure and use the below software to ensure that your data remains safe.

PGP encryption

PGP provides very high security encryption that allows files to be sent using insecure communications channels like email.

There is free software available for all the popular email clients that will allow you to encrypt and decrypt PGP files:

Mail clientSuggested software
Mac MailGPGTools

In order to encrypt files to be sent to ReachTEL, you will first need to import our public key. This can be imported by downloading and importing the below file or by requesting the key from a public key server. Refer to your software manual for how to import keys from a public key server.

Key IDUser ID Key file
0xE063861FReachTEL Support (

ReachTEL also has the ability to PGP encrypt return files if requested. To do this, we will need the Key ID's of any keys you'd like to be able to decrypt the file. Contact ReachTEL Support for more information.


SFTP allows users to transfer files over insecure networks such as the Internet.

ReachTEL can provide access to our SFTP server which is located at Accounts can use either username and password or username and SSH key for authentication.

Your corporate firewall may need to be adjusted to allow access to our SFTP server. If you are having trouble connecting, please reach out to your IT support group to check if there is a firewall blocking access.

There is free software available for all operating systems that will allow you to upload files via SFTP:

Operating systemSuggested software
OS XCyberduck

We also support being able to return completion reports directly to either your SFTP server or ours. Contact ReachTEL Support if you would like this provisioned for your campaigns.

Secure portal

We have developed a secure, web-based file transfer service that will allow you to transfer files to us without having to install or configure any software. All you will need is Internet access and a web browser.

To access the portal, navigate to and follow the simple, step-by-step instructions to submit a file. Our staff will manually review your request prior to actioning it to ensure that there are no problems.