Sep 3, 2016

Fall's Coming With Julie, Monica, Anita & Eugenie, Plus A Tasty Musica And A Blondie Secret Song!

Are you enjoying your long Labor Day Weekend? Did you miss me this past August? As much as you've missed Julie London? Just look at her. All that cash-cash-cash and her champagne and her exquisite diamonelle diamond tiera. And look at that charming broach in her hair - or is it a starfish plucked from the sea? Lucky starfish!

Aug 29, 2016

Bucket Of Sads: Gene Wilder

Everyone's favorite demented chocolate maker was whisked to the heavens today, where he'll hopefully reunite with Gilda. And yes, this is yet another sign that 2016 really hates us.

Aug 2, 2016

Bucket Of Sads: Gloria DeHaven

Gloria DeHaven, America's Sweetheart in the 1940s and 50s - and probably one of the last actors who was "born in a trunk," as they used to say (her parents were vaudeville performers) - has hoofed her way to dreamland, where she'll surely be a headliner.

Summer's Swell With Tina & Ernestine & Anita & More, Plus A Funky Prog Secret Song!

Does it get any more swellegant for summer than Tina Louise?

Jul 25, 2016

Bucket Of Sads: Marni Nixon

If you're a fan of American movie musicals, then you're a fan of Marni Nixon - even if you don't know who she is. Sadly, the super-secret-undercover singing voice of Natalie Wood in "West Side Story" and Deborah Kerr in "The King and I," and countless more, has just sashayed away to that great movie palace in the sky. But not before leaving us with an Unsung Cheerful Exclusive! just for you.

Jul 3, 2016

Bucket Of Sads: Michael Cimino

There was a time when directors were allowed to make daring, original, groundbreaking movies on a huge scale. That ended with the disastrous 1980 opening of Michael Cimino's "Heaven's Gate." Corporate studio honchoes had their knives sharpened. From that point on, original, large scale movies gave way to blunt, imitative, machine-tooled blockbusters. The director of "Heaven's Gate," Michael Cimino, has just gone to that screening room in the sky and no doubt has a few things to talk over with Orson Welles.

Jul 2, 2016

Revenge Of The Secret Song: Trip Out Edition!

Gorgeously trippy electronia. Because after the 4th, you'll need a vacation. 

Jul 1, 2016

The Happiest Post Ever With Rose Going Chi-Chi, Connie Doing Hank And Etta Doing It Twice, Plus A Sweet Springs Secret Song!

Hooray! It's the silly season, a time to get tan (responsibly), chillax, buy things, and revel in the summer's looniest news dramas (my favorite from 2015 was this). And, yes, it's also a time to listen to terrific music that makes you happy. And if Rose Murphy doesn't make you happy...oh, never mind, I know she will (she wasn't known as the "Chi-Chi Girl" for nothing).

Jun 19, 2016

Morgana For Everyone, Ruth & Vido Get Down, Plus Herrmann x 2 And A Peppery Secret Song!

All along, if we're to take her word for it, jazz and blues singer Morgana King's truest ambition was to become an actor. Yet even before she was cast in "The Godfather" in 1972, she'd already been one of our finest actors for nearly two decades. But on vinyl.