
SMH Editorials

Huge questions about little houses in a bigger city

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore could offer the Baird government some advice on how to balance green spaces and ...

Sydney residents know all too well the costs of the easy option, increasing urban sprawl: the loss of the Sydney basin's green lungs as farming land is resumed for dwellings, and a never-ending need for more motorways.

Syria ceasefire fraught but at least there's hope

John Kerry, left, and Sergei Lavrov agree on a new Syrian deal.

The Syrian crisis is so complex, the civilian suffering so great and the options beyond sending in ground troops so limited that this peace plan is worth pursuing, even if the chances of success are slight.

Turnbull's year of living timidly

Malcolm Turnbull has offered so much but delivered so little. Yet the Herald retains some semblance of hope that he will ...

Some argue it has taken 12 months for the Prime Minister to do nothing much at all. While partly accurate, we note a few achievements.

China's growing muscularity suggests a relationship rethink

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet at the West Lake State Guest House in Hangzhou ...

Barack Obama exiting Air Force One by the back stairs because the Chinese failed to provide the red carpet front stairs customary for a presidential visit was not the take-away image China had in mind for the recent G20 summit in Hangzhou. Indeed, Chinese officials did their best to stop the picture being taken.  

Sydney's great housing dilemma

Auctioneers in Sydney are finding investors bid up prices to the detriment of first-home buyers.

Governments should be looking at big changes to tax breaks as well as increased supply to help more Sydneysiders into affordable homes.

Time for Baird to offer reward for little boy lost

William Tyrrell was three years old when he vanished while playing at his grandmother's house on the NSW Mid North Coast ...

Three-year-old William Tyrrell vanished without trace from outside his grandmother's house at Kendall, on the NSW Mid North coast two years ago on Monday. Little boy lost is a fear that has resonated deeply within the Australian psyche since the earliest days of settlement when Europeans moved into the unfamiliar bush. But in more recent times, the spectre of paedophilia involvement in such disappearances haunts those who await loved ones and those who search for them.

ICAC findings demand tough donations reform

The anti-corruption watchdog has recommended a charge of larceny be considered against former Liberal minister Chris ...

Premier Mike Baird is wrong when he says the Operation Spicer report "ends a very sad chapter in the history of NSW politics". The chapter is not over until voters can be sure similar rorts will not be repeated at a state or federal level.

Mark Scott's great education test


The former ABC boss and NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli could be a formidable force to drive real change in the state's schools.