
State school fees climb to $3243

Three thousand dollars a student. That's how much some Victorian state school are earning through parent payments and fees.

A Fairfax Media analysis of MySchool data reveals that state schools in wealthier suburbs raised up to $3243 in revenue per student in parent payments, fees and contributions in 2014.

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Concerns over rising state school fees

Parents Victoria's executive officer Gail McHardy says extra support for low-income families is a positive as "families are doing it tough not just in Victoria but across Australia".

This figure excludes revenue from fundraising activities.

By contrast, poorer schools (measured by the government's Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage) in far-flung suburbs, are charging as little as $92.

The stark divide in school revenue reinforces the findings of a state education department review of parent payments released on Monday, which showed that wealthier state schools were raising more money through parent payments, freeing up those schools to spend more on programs and facilities.

Schools raising the highest amount of revenue also enrol a high number of international students, which can dramatically increase revenue by up to $15,000 per enrolment.


The review found there were huge inconsistencies across the state school system with regard to the amount state schools charged parents, and the items they charged for.

Centre for Policy Development's education expert, Chris Bonnor, said stagnant government funding meant schools looked to parents for support.

Some state schools are collecting more than $3000 in fees for each student.
Some state schools are collecting more than $3000 in fees for each student. Photo: Virginia Star

His research showed that between 2009 and 2014, government funding rose just 1.5 per cent in the state school system, compared with 6.5 per cent in the independent sector and 6.3 per cent in the Catholic sector.

"No wonder schools are looking around for extra money," he said.

Source: MySchool.
Source: MySchool. 

Mr Bonnor said having a cluster of wealthier schools which could access more parent payments than schools in poorer communities was not equitable.

"A system that is equitable will see comparable opportunities for kids no matter what the family are born into. Equity is giving life chances to everybody, and that won't happen if the strugglers are not resourced or supported as well as the high achievers." The Victorian Auditor-General found the average state school Victorian parent paid $558 per student in 2013. This number has almost certainly increased.

Victorian Association of State School Principals' president, Judy Crowe, said schools often had to justify their fees to parents, who believed that a public education should be free.

"It's not possible for schools to continue to increase the range of services and additional activities without any cost to schools. They are not funded to do that. Yet there is an expectation among some families who believe everything provided by school should be provided without charge," she said.

"It has become extremely difficult for schools who have had to deal with families in those circumstances, for whom it [not paying fees] is a philosophical or moral issue, rather than one to do with hardships."

Ms Crowe said the public was still in the dark over how much such payments should cost, despite an Auditor-General report highlighting this as a core problem in 2015.

In the absence of a specified minimum fee, school principals and councils set parent payments after evaluating the financial situation of their community, the fees at other comparable schools, and the programs and services in demand, she said.

"It is incumbent on schools to take measures to ensure that children don't feel excluded, even from things that are technically optional, because no school wants to make students feel they can't access the programs to the extent that other children can."

John Velegrinis, chief executive of Australian Scholarship Group which assists low-income school families, said the cost of laptops and tablets had put enormous pressure on families.

Education expenses (across the private and public sectors) have increased at twice the rate of inflation over the past decade, the Australian Bureau of Statistics show.

Education department spokesman Simon Craig said the MySchool data had not updated to include $566 million in Victorian Government equity funding.

"If a parent can't afford to pay then the school council must have a policy in place to ensure the child does not miss out," he said.