Lofty plan Facebook CEO’s $3 billion health pledge

Facebook CEO’s $3 billion health pledge

PUTTING their money where their mouth is, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan will invest $3 billion to cure all diseases by the end of this century.

Two-year study Fitness trackers ‘don’t aid weight loss’

Fitness trackers ‘don’t aid weight loss’

TO everyone who swears by the latest gadget, a two-year academic study has found that fitness trackers do not help you lose weight.

Saving lives How Microsoft plans to ‘solve’ cancer

How Microsoft plans to ‘solve’ cancer

TECH giant Microsoft has revealed details of its latest research, saying it is aiming to “solve cancer using computer science”.

True love Dying couple’s tragic goodbye

Dying couple’s tragic goodbye

A DYING woman said goodbye to her husband over FaceTime on Saturday, after attempts to reunite them one final time failed.

Cancer treatment Chemo scandal impacts more patients

Chemo scandal impacts more patients

THE number of patients given the wrong dose of chemotherapy drugs by specialist Dr John Grygiel has risen, a new report has found.

Pulling a sickie Best excuse to use when you call in sick

Best excuse to use when you call in sick

A THOUSAND senior business leaders were quizzed about what they considered important enough reasons for a person to be off work. This is the ultimate excuse to use.

Payday for Belle Belle Gibson was ‘paid $75k for interview’

Belle Gibson was ‘paid $75k for interview’

THE Nine Network reportedly paid cancer con artist Belle Gibson $75,000 for last year’s interview with 60 Minutes’ Tara Brown.

Aussie music ‘I had a breakdown of epic proportions’

‘I had a breakdown of epic proportions’

A MELBOURNE rapper has poured his heart out in a brutally honest post about his breakdown, telling fans that it was “the darkest of the dark” for him.

Study Heart disease findings a ray of sunshine for women

Heart disease findings a ray of sunshine for women

HITTING the beach this summer may be the best thing for your health, with a new study revealing women who avoided the sun had significantly higher mortality rates.

Body + Soul

Anger young business woman in glasses strong screaming with wild

body+soul Twenty ways to reduce stress

DON’T have time to navel-gaze? The following tips can turn anxiety reduction into an art form — and you might even have some fun.

Only 15 minutes of social media per day?

body+soul Only 15 minutes of social media per day?

We asked four social media users to limit their scrolling, liking and posting to 15 minutes a day for a week. Here’s what happened …

Report: Trail run, Jabulani Challenge

body+soul Run for your life — and live longer

IT’S free, helps you live longer, supercharges brain cells and strengthens bones. It’s time to lace up your trainers and become a runner.

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