
DEA - Directeurs d'études associés/Associate Research Directors

Program type :
Office :
Wednesday 01 January 1975

Created in 1975 upon the initiative of Fernand Braudel, in collaboration with the French Secretary of State for Universities, Department for Higher Education and Research, the DEA Programme (Directeurs d’Études Associés, or Associate Research Directors) is the oldest international mobility programme at Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. It provides funding to invite international scientific experts from all across the globe.

The invitations, from four to six weeks, are intended solely for professors and senior researchers with a PhD, or equivalent, working in institutions of higher education and research. Applicants must be no older than 65 at the time of their stay. After a scientific expertise of the research projects, decisions regarding invitations are made by a commission made up of the president, scientific directors of the FMSH, as well as various specialists.

Calls for applications are launched three times a year.

This programme has extended invitations to numerous internationally-renowned researchers, most often contributing to the creation or development of strong networks for scientific cooperation, while promoting French research abroad.

[Please consult the last call for 2016 (deadline March 4th, 2016)] - Closed

List Guests - Associate Research Directors - 2016


Some Aspects of External Dimensions of Indian Economy in the Age of Globalisation

Some Aspects of External Dimensions of Indian Economy in the Age of Globalisation

11 April 2013
External dimensions of Indian economy in the age of globalisation are viewed in this paper in terms...
En savoir plus sur Some Aspects of External Dimensions of Indian Economy in the Age of Globalisation
The welfare state and globalization in North America

The welfare state and globalization in North America

15 May 2014
Most studies on globalization have concentrated on the effects of the circulation of capitals and...
En savoir plus sur The welfare state and globalization in North America
Who Wins in the Indian Parliament Election? Criminals, Wealthy or Incumbents

Who Wins in the Indian Parliament Election? Criminals, Wealthy or Incumbents

27 August 2014
The study examines the impact of criminal charges, wealth, incumbency status of the candidates and...
En savoir plus sur Who Wins in the Indian Parliament Election? Criminals, Wealthy or Incumbents
 The faithful assistant. Muhiddin Faizulloev's life and work in the light of Soviet ethnography

The faithful assistant. Muhiddin Faizulloev's life and work in the light of Soviet ethnography

25 November 2014
Muhiddin Faizulloev studied ethnography in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and Moscow and finished his...
En savoir plus sur The faithful assistant. Muhiddin Faizulloev's life and work in the light of Soviet ethnography
 Premature Deindustrialization in India and Re thinking the Role of Government

Premature Deindustrialization in India and Re thinking the Role of Government

20 April 2015
The paper is on premature deindustrialization that India is experiencing and the role that...
En savoir plus sur Premature Deindustrialization in India and Re thinking the Role of Government
Freedom and the political experience of the women in front of the crisis: the Italian feminism and their repercussions in the XXIst Century

Freedom and the political experience of the women in front of the crisis: the Italian feminism and their repercussions in the XXIst Century

25 April 2016
In this very rich and fruitful momentum of the Italian feminism, where many topics of different...
En savoir plus sur Freedom and the political experience of the women in front of the crisis: the Italian feminism and their repercussions in the XXIst Century



Public Sector Enterprises in India. Political Economy of their (intended) demise and resurrection

Public Sector Enterprises in India. Political Economy of their (intended) demise and resurrection

21 May 2015
BRICs seminar, with Sushil Khanna prof. at Indian Institute of Management de...
En savoir plus sur Public Sector Enterprises in India. Political Economy of their (intended) demise and resurrection


Crisis of Manufacturing and Re-emergence of Industrial Policy in India

Crisis of Manufacturing and Re-emergence of Industrial Policy in India

09 October 2014
With Prof. Sudi Chaudhuri, DEA invité. India adopted the planning strategy in...
En savoir plus sur Crisis of Manufacturing and Re-emergence of Industrial Policy in India
Promoting local production of pharmaceuticals in Sub-Saharan Africa

Promoting local production of pharmaceuticals in Sub-Saharan Africa

25 September 2014
Sudip Chaudhuri Sudip Chaudhuri is a Professor of Economics at the Indian...
En savoir plus sur Promoting local production of pharmaceuticals in Sub-Saharan Africa


Honour Killing in Pakistan and India

Honour Killing in Pakistan and India

03 July 2013
Seminar with Dr. Soofia Mumtaz Social Anthropologist, Directeur d’Eudes...
En savoir plus sur Honour Killing in Pakistan and India

Program Life



Associate Research Directors (DEA) | Second call 2017

Appel à candidatures
26 August 2016
Created in 1975 upon the initiative of Fernand Braudel, in collaboration with...
En savoir plus sur Associate Research Directors (DEA) | Second call 2017

Freedom and the political experience of the women in front of the crisis: the Italian feminism and their repercussions in the XXIst Century

Nouveau Working Paper New
25 April 2016
In this very rich and fruitful momentum of the Italian feminism, where many...
En savoir plus sur Freedom and the political experience of the women in front of the crisis: the Italian feminism and their repercussions in the XXIst Century