
Fernand Braudel – IFER Fellowships

Post-doctoral fellowship COFUND
Program type :
Office :
Thursday 01 October 2009
Financement :

The program 2011-2015 is finished. A new project has been submitted to the European Commission. If it is selected, a new call for applications will be launched by summer 2016.

The Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and its partners offer postdoctoral fellowships to researchers in the social and human sciences for periods of nine months as part of its “Fernand Braudel-IFER” (International Fellowships for Experienced Researchers) programme. This programme is supported by the European Commision (Action Marie Curie – COFUND – 7th PCRD).

The call is closed [September 2014]

The Fernand Braudel-IFER programme breaks down into two sections

1.  The Fernand Braudel-IFER incoming programme is designed for residencies in France (for researchers who belong to a foreign research centre).

This programme targets applicants from all countries wishing to undertake a research stay in France. Applicants design their own research project and choose themselves their host laboratory.

See Call for applications Fernand Braudel Ifer Fellowships incoming September 2014. Applications should be submitted exclusively online, through the online application form.

2.  The Fernand Braudel-IFER outgoing programme is designed for research stays in another European country (for researchers who belong to a French research centre).

This programme targets researchers residing in France who would like to benefit from a research stay in another European country (EU Member State or associate to the FP7 programme). Since 2010, the Clemens Heller fellowships (Outgoing to Germany) have been integrated, while keeping their own identity, in the new programme “Fernand Braudel-IFER”. Applicants design their own research project and choose themselves their host laboratory in Germany. 

See Call for applications Fernand Braudel Ifer Fellowships outgoing September 2014. Applications should be submitted exclusively online, through the online application form.


These research stays are designed to enable researchers to carry out a research project in a host laboratory, integrate scientific networks in France and other European countries and build lasting partnerships between their home institution and the host institution

All social and human sciences are eligible. An interdisciplinary approach to research topics is encouraged.

Duration of the fellowship : 9 months (however, the length of the research stay can be adjusted if warranted for scientific reasons).
Fellowship holders must start their research stay maximum 6 months after obtaining the grant. The amount of the monthly stipend for room & board and living expenses is €2,000 (euros) net. The cost of medical insurance is covered for the researchers hosted in France.
Travel expenses (return travel fare) between the researcher’s country of residence and France or between France and the host country are covered, subject to prior approval.


This programme is also supported by the FMSH, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Direction des relations européennes et internationales et de la coopération), the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (Köln, Germany), Princeton University (USA), LUISS Guido Carli University (Italy), The Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), The Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), the Ecole Centrale Paris, the Institut de recherche stratégique de l’Ecole militaire - ministère de la Défense (IRSEM), the Bruno Kessler foundation (Trento, Italy), the Labex Corail, Dynamite, Hastec, ICCA, IDGM+, IEC, IPOPS, labexMed, Les passés dans le présent MiChem, OBVIL, OT-med, Patrima, Resmed, Tepsis and TransferS. The programme is also carried out in collaboration with the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).

FMSH-FBI-Partners-2014 (pdf)


Team :

Contact Fernand Braudel-IFER incoming : Bénédicte Rastier

Contact Fernand Braudel-IFER outgoing : Philippe Derivière


The State of Teacher Education in France: A Critique

The State of Teacher Education in France: A Critique

28 January 2014
The study of teacher education systems of different countries working in different conditions and...
En savoir plus sur The State of Teacher Education in France: A Critique
The Right to Land and Territory : New Human Right and Collective Action Frame

The Right to Land and Territory : New Human Right and Collective Action Frame

19 May 2016
Resistance against the appropriation of nature, especially land, has been one of the key struggles...
En savoir plus sur The Right to Land and Territory : New Human Right and Collective Action Frame
Pakistan’s Counter-terrorism strategy and its Implications for domestic, regional and international security

Pakistan’s Counter-terrorism strategy and its Implications for domestic, regional and international security

28 January 2014
The paper critically examines Pakistan's counterterrorism strategy, which it adopted after the...
En savoir plus sur Pakistan’s Counter-terrorism strategy and its Implications for domestic, regional and international security
Histoire, conscience historique et devenir de l’Afrique : revisiter l’historiographie diopienne

Histoire, conscience historique et devenir de l’Afrique : revisiter l’historiographie diopienne

31 January 2014
This paper intends to revisit Cheikh Anta Diop’s historiography which fits into the debate on...
En savoir plus sur Histoire, conscience historique et devenir de l’Afrique : revisiter l’historiographie diopienne
Novel, theatre play and movie: common features and particularities

Novel, theatre play and movie: common features and particularities

22 May 2014
A novel, a theatre play and a movie are considered as three narrative forms having common features...
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Italian Renaissance interpretation of Jewish Medieval Magic and Kabbalah

Italian Renaissance interpretation of Jewish Medieval Magic and Kabbalah

04 June 2014
This article is focused on the exchanges between the Jewish magical thoughts and the Christian...
En savoir plus sur Italian Renaissance interpretation of Jewish Medieval Magic and Kabbalah
“Storytelling” and “History writing” in Seventh-Century Near East

“Storytelling” and “History writing” in Seventh-Century Near East

12 September 2014
The present paper is a study on the circulation of historiographical material across linguistic,...
En savoir plus sur “Storytelling” and “History writing” in Seventh-Century Near East
Building resilience to climate change through local knowledge: the case of mountainous and savanna regions of Côte d’Ivoire

Building resilience to climate change through local knowledge: the case of mountainous and savanna regions of Côte d’Ivoire

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The dependence agriculture / rain submits agricultural productivity to climatic constraints in Man...
En savoir plus sur Building resilience to climate change through local knowledge: the case of mountainous and savanna regions of Côte d’Ivoire
What do we learn from the discourses of official actors regarding “Beyond-GDP”?

What do we learn from the discourses of official actors regarding “Beyond-GDP”?

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The idea of going « beyond GDP » attracts more and more actors, whose status,...
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The Public Spirit and the Books Trade during the French First Republic (1793-1795)

The Public Spirit and the Books Trade during the French First Republic (1793-1795)

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Organicism and Complexity. Notes for a Chapter on Socialism and Natural Sciences (France, first half of the nineteenth century)

Organicism and Complexity. Notes for a Chapter on Socialism and Natural Sciences (France, first half of the nineteenth century)

15 June 2015
In the perspective of the history of ideas, this working paper focuses on the theoretical...
En savoir plus sur Organicism and Complexity. Notes for a Chapter on Socialism and Natural Sciences (France, first half of the nineteenth century)
 Designing the World : from McLuhan to Sloterdijk,  towards an anthropology of space in becoming

Designing the World : from McLuhan to Sloterdijk, towards an anthropology of space in becoming

25 June 2015
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Preface to Revolution. C.L.R. James on Melville

Preface to Revolution. C.L.R. James on Melville

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In 1953, C.L.R. James, the Trinidadian historian and Marxist intellectual, publishes a book on...
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Food Deposits in the Tombs  of the 2 nd  Millennium Central Anatolia

Food Deposits in the Tombs of the 2 nd Millennium Central Anatolia

09 October 2015
Death is one of the chief concerns of the populations of the ancient Near East, including the...
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Imagining Augustine’s two Cities

Imagining Augustine’s two Cities

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Abstract : This article points out the rhetorical dimension of the two cities defined by S....
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Gender, power and shame in Anôsy (Madagascar)

Gender, power and shame in Anôsy (Madagascar)

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The historicisation of philosophy in France and Germany  after Kant

The historicisation of philosophy in France and Germany after Kant

21 March 2016
This paper presents an on-going project and examines how a more and more abstract and autonomous...
En savoir plus sur The historicisation of philosophy in France and Germany after Kant
The Translatio of miracles of the Virgin in the Middle Age. Some remarks on the Cantigas de Santa Maria

The Translatio of miracles of the Virgin in the Middle Age. Some remarks on the Cantigas de Santa Maria

28 January 2014
The miracles of the Virgin circulated throughout Christian territory in the Middle Ages. First,...
En savoir plus sur The Translatio of miracles of the Virgin in the Middle Age. Some remarks on the Cantigas de Santa Maria
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Program Life



The Right to Land and Territory : New Human Right and Collective Action Frame

Nouveau Working Paper New
19 May 2016
Resistance against the appropriation of nature, especially land, has been one...
En savoir plus sur The Right to Land and Territory : New Human Right and Collective Action Frame

Peasants, Smallholders and Post-Global Food Crisis Agriculture Investment Programs

Nouveau Working Paper New
19 May 2016
This article examines new multilateral food and agriculture development...
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