3:AM Magazine


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  1. I just found via . It reads like an immediate literary-art BFF.

  2. I wrote this review! This book is absolutely wonderful and Waldrop's work is truly visionary.

  3. "In resisting a totalitarian language—the presence of a gap does not negate the existence of a garden" by

  4. It seems that from a volume of others I fall silent, surrounded by recognition in the form of rubble.

  5. very intriguing!

  6. This is a fascinating project. Check out this essay by at

  7. thank u so much 4this! already an enormous fan girl to i hadn't known of project🎈

  8. Known 4 his trilogy, John King speaks w/ on matters of English identity as a novelist.

  9. It makes me feel less isolated to know cool things are happening closer to where I live

  10. If you're a fan of or you'll appreciate (love) PLATS by John Trefry

  11. I'm currently translating a novella by Kerstin Hensel for Peirene and they are amazing

  12. I love your articles!

  13. Yay, fantastic news! (not like I knew already or anything...) Many congratulations Eley & !

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