Small Business

Teenage maths prodigy's exciting internet venture

It pays to have a genius in the midst if you're running a start-up

Twenty years ago Mel Myers, director of, hit the headlines when he started university at the age of 12. The maths prodigy, 35, is now all grown up and running a successful internet business.

BoxBrownie offers online image editing services, including photography retouching, floor plans and 3D rendering. It has recently relaunched its website, and it's working on improving the way customers use it. In fact, there's a lot of action behind the scenes.

Mel Myers now runs a business offering online image editing services.
Mel Myers now runs a business offering online image editing services. Photo: Supplied

"Because the business is growing rapidly there's always manual processes that, as we get busier, become inefficient. We are automating or reducing the labour in these processes. The next thing is quality control," says Myers.

He says the business has found it relatively easy to identify customers, and the biggest challenge is finding "editors", who produce the work the site solicits.

"We didn't fully anticipate how quickly we would need to bring new team members onboard. We have the equivalent of 50 full-time people doing the editing, around the clock. In a few months we're expecting that figure to be around 100. That side of things is growing quite quickly.

"We're also working on new products behind the scenes that we'll bring to market. That takes a few months from the time we think of an idea to offering it to the public."


If he had his time again, Myers says in the early days, the business would not have tried to be "all things to all people". It offered services to real estate photographers, floor plan designs, services for wedding photographers, as well as stickers for car yards. But this made it hard to market the company, which was then a small entity with limited resources.

"If I was to do it all again I would say let's just go after one vertical. Let's get this absolutely nailed. Then once we get bigger and we've got the mass, we can then go back out to the market and expand our offering."

The business has two other partners who have funded it alongside Myers. It also had some seed capital. So foundation capital was about $250,000, which funded the development of the site and initial marketing.

"We've still got money in our war chest and BoxBrownie is profitable. We're putting more operations in place and hiring staff locally. We're doing all these things to set up the business for further growth."

On a quarter-by-quarter the business is achieving between 50 per cent to 100 per cent growth. It expects to grow by around 76 per cent in the September quarter and achieved 91 per cent growth in the June quarter.

But there have been sacrifices along the way. Co-founder Craig Morrison took a leap of faith and left a full-time job to work on BoxBrownie. His other co-founder Brad Filliponi, a photographer, and Myers run other businesses on the side, which they juggle alongside BoxBrownie.

Myers' advice for other entrepreneurs is to develop a business case for growing the business right from the start.

"Brad's got his photography business. I've got my web development business. We're really sacrificing our existing businesses to grow BoxBrownie."

Myers' advice for other entrepreneurs is to develop a business case for growing the business right from the start.

"If you're thinking of a start-up make sure you think things through properly. How are you going to bring in customers? How are you going to charge? Is there a market for the product you're offering? People don't think things through all the way. You may have a great idea but unless there's a business case you cannot possibly scale it to the next stage.

"Don't get caught up in the excitement. Pick one thing to focus on and don't get distracted. It's just about constantly trying to make a go of it."

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