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Just because it’s going to be a dumpster fire

GQ talked to five voters who have somehow managed not to decide which is worse, Trump or Clinton. Anonymous “Politics reporter, 42, Washington, D.C.:

I’ve struggled with this the entire election season. Some days I’m really tortured by it, and some days it’s, like, laughable. But I’ve never really felt this way as an adult human. And it’s really—it’s messing with me.

I cannot stomach Hillary Clinton. I just can’t get with her. Maybe because I know too much. I find so much of her world hypocritical, reprehensible. I think the rest of the country sort of gives her a pass, like, “Oh, she’s always been attacked by Republicans, it’s not that big a deal, email shmemail!” But I’m like,

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In Focus

Steve Fuller 
Expert witness for the other side.
The Ryan Report 
What happened in Irish industrial schools.
Women Under Theocracy 
Religion and culture function to shield the oppression of women from criticism.
Is it forbidden to 'offend the religious feelings of believers'?