Monday, August 15, 2016

Enemy of the US State Dept!

Darya Safai, shown in the picture on the left, is a passionate Iran volleyball fan, who attends all the Iran international volleyball matches played outside Iran. As well as an enthusiastic volleyball fan, Darya is also a tireless peaceful civil rights campaigner for Iranian women to be allowed to enter the volleyball stadiums in Iran. A basic right that has been denied to Iranian women in recent years.

Darya is often seen amongst the spectators, holding a placard raising awareness about the plight of Iranian women and their right to enter volleyball stadiums. This weekend, she hit the international news headlines again:


Apart from an ardent volleyball fan and women's rights campaigner, Darya is also a successful dentist, a wife, a mother of two children, and a very charming pleasant woman, but she is also, it seems, an enemy of the US State Department which is trying to cuddle up to the Islamic Republic of Iran by what the US State Dept likes to think of as its "Volleyball Diplomacy" with Iran - a crass replica of the "ping-pong" diplomacy with China, in yet another pathetic attempt to "change the behaviour of the Iranian regime"!

Greg Sullivan pursuing
his Volleyball Diplomacy
In 2014, when Iran volleyball team played a friendly match against the US, Greg Sullivan, [seen in the photo] from the US State Dept, hoping that he would win favours from the Islamic Republic, sent a "warning" to Lori Okimura, chairwoman of USA Volleyball federation, that some kind of violent disruptive Iranian saboteur will be attending the match!

Okimura had the impression, based on the State Department's message, that Darya was an "agitator of sorts who could potentially cause trouble" but when Okimura met Darya, she realised the US State Dept warning could not have been further from the truth.

During that friendly match, Okimura had her first run-in with Iranian gender politics. At the State Department's request, according to Okimura, USA Volleyball flew in a male delegate from its headquarters in Colorado Springs for the various ceremonial gatherings between Iranian and American officials, effectively replacing Okimura due to her gender, even though she lives in the Los Angeles area. "When they found out that the president of USA Volleyball was a woman," Okimura recalled, "they asked for the other guy."

This is the sad state of affairs after 8 years of Obama administration, that a secular women's rights and peaceful civil rights activist is seen as a threat and the Mullahs in Iran along with their Shia militia in Iraq are regarded by the US State Dept as their new allies!!

US ally enjoying the warmth of flames from a burning human

Enemy of the US State Dept!

Darya Safai, shown in the picture on the left, is a passionate Iran volleyball fan, who attends all the Iran international volleyball matches played outside Iran. As well as an enthusiastic volleyball fan, Darya is also a tireless peaceful civil rights campaigner for Iranian women to be allowed to enter the volleyball stadiums in Iran. A basic right that has been denied to Iranian women in recent years.

Darya is often seen amongst the crowds, holding a placard that raises awareness about such a basic right being denied to the Iranian women. This weekend, she hit the international news headlines again:


Apart from an ardent volleyball fan and women's rights campaigner, Darya is also a successful dentist, a wife, a mother of two children, and a very charming pleasant woman, but she is also, it seems, an enemy of the US State Department which is trying to cuddle up to the Islamic Republic by what the US State Dept likes to think of as its "Volleyball Diplomacy" with Iran - a crass replica of the "ping-pong" diplomacy with China, in order to "change the behaviour of the Iranian regime"!

Greg Sullivan pursuing
his Volleyball Diplomacy
In 2014, when Iran volleyball team played a friendly match against the US, Greg Sullivan, [seen in the photo] from the US State Dept, hoping that he would win favours from the Islamic Republic, sent a "warning" to Lori Okimura, chairwoman of USA Volleyball federation, that some kind of violent disruptive Iranian saboteur will be attending the match!

Okimura had the impression, based on the State Department's message, that Darya was an "agitator of sorts who could potentially cause trouble" but when Okimura met Darya, she realised the US State Dept warning could not have been further from the truth.

During that friendly match, Okimura had her first run-in with Iranian gender politics. At the State Department's request, according to Okimura, USA Volleyball flew in a male delegate from its headquarters in Colorado Springs for the various ceremonial gatherings between Iranian and American officials, effectively replacing Okimura due to her gender, even though she lives in the Los Angeles area. "When they found out that the president of USA Volleyball was a woman," Okimura recalled, "they asked for the other guy."

This is the sad state of affairs after 8 years of Obama administration, that a secular women's rights and peaceful civil rights activist is seen as a threat and the Mullahs in Iran along with their Shia militia in Iraq are regarded by the US State Dept as their allies!!

US ally enjoying the warmth of flames from a burning human

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Nasrollah on Hezbollah's funding v What John Kerry Ass-U-Me-s?

Below are excerpts from Nasrollah's speech made to mark the 40th day, a Shia tradition after someone dies, for Mustafa Badreddine's death:

"Some in the media were hopeful and were saying that Hezbollah is facing a financial crisis and has lost its position in Lebanon

Sanctions against Hezbollah are useless

Our budget, expenses, food, missiles, weapons, and everything else all comes to us from Iran

As long as Iran has money, we too have money

Hezbollah has no business plans or investment centres

The money allocated for us, does not come to us directly, neither through banks,  just like we get the missiles with which we threaten Israel with

Hezbollah is grateful to Iran’s Supreme Leader, the president, the administration, the Majlis, Grand Ayatollahs and the honourable people of Iran for supporting our resistance, Iran’s support continues and we have no financial problems"

And here is what John Kerry ass-u-me-s :


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

With "Moderates" like this, who needs a "hardliner"?!

The Western media headlines of "Moderates Swept to Victory in Iran Elections" was baffling to many who follow Iran news closely and have a better understanding of what is going on and who is who in Iran. Of course since the New York Times Interview with Ben Rhodes, now we know about his "echo chamber" lapdogs, the Laura Rozens and Barbara Slavins, and the "narratives" they were supposed to produce. And so the narrative for the recent Iran "elections" was supposed to be something along the lines of 'because of the nuclear deal, Iran's moderates have received a huge boost and it was a big set back for the hardliners!'..yeah right!!

I have written before about this 'good cop/bad cop'  game the Islamic Republic plays with its moderates v hardliners, much in tune with how the KGB used to play it in Romania under Ceausescu,  and also how former murderers and paedophiles were re-branded as "moderates" in the last Iran election game. So just to hammer the point home a bit further, I thought I share with you this footage of Isfahan Friday Prayer leader, Ayatollah Tabatabaei-Nejad's sermon, made last Friday.
This very Ayatollah was one of the nominees for Iran's "reformist" list of candidates that the BBC Persian "Iran analysts" were recommending the people of Iran to vote for! His victory to represent Isfahan in the Assembly of Experts was hailed as a triumph for Iran's "reform" movement!

Here is the footage below, followed by the translation of the sermon below. Judge for yourself, with "moderates" like this, who needs "hardliners"?!



"They have brought me pictures yesterday that shows women by the side of this dry river [Zayandeh-rood], whose actions will ensure the upper stream of the river will become dry too. Believe me its true! You may ask yourself why do European countries with so much crime and sin have so much rainfall? Yes the Koran says we do not punish the unbelievers, and even if it didn't cause Muslims so much anxiety we would make their [kuffar] roofs made out of gold, God punishes the believer, God punishes the Isfahani, for remaining silent and letting girls and women take pictures by the river as if they were in European countries, you expect the representative of the Supreme Leader to do it all by himself? I tell you he won't.
Even when Imam Ali, saw the people were not backing him, he sat in his house and stood silent against all the crimes that were taking place around him, if we dont have the people's backing our hands are tied! Neither the Supreme Leader, nor his representative nor the Law Enforcement Forces which I must thank..I get reports of what they do, they do a lot, they stop a lot of cars [women driving cars with loose hejab], they stop people walking dogs, but thats not enough, they need your help.. Imam Khomeini started the cultural revolution, and they have meetings and say some things, but whats the point? its all talk and meetings, my beloved ones, the principle of promoting virtue and preventing vice is not specific to the Supreme Leader or a specified official, everyone has the duty to do it, just like you have the duty to fast, as soon as you walk out of your house you should tell your daughter, your neighbour etc. what is virtue and what is vice

What our great Imam Khomeini once told us was 'what scares us is cultural dependence and not sanctions or military invasion' and so we shouldn't fear sanctions or military invasion but we should fear cultural invasion, it will destroy our revolution and the blood of our martyrs will go to waste, we must not make excuses like 'oh I told that woman but she stood up to me!" so what if she stood up to you? You stand up to her too!
I am not saying beat her up, but do tell her!
they tell me in some of these social media sites, they have formed groups who call themselves fast-breakers! they message each other and ask to see each other breaking their fasts by showing what they are eating for lunch! This is standing up to religion, these are hypocrites!
Or another one has set up a group against Hejab and they ask each other to send their pictures with no hejab. they say they have 1500 members!
I here by tell the Telecommunications company, if you can identify these people but are not after them, then you are traitors to Islam!
These people who confront the fasting and confront the Hejab are hypocrites and hypocrites are worse than Kuffar! they should be arrested and not released soon!
I asked and the communication company said they can find these people, well find them! shut them up! strangle them! we can't just sit still and say such things are taking place! and just kiss our teeth in disapproval!"

Friday, June 03, 2016

How Times Change - The Secular Iran in 1930s

BBC Persian's revelation of a letter from Ayatollah Khomeini to president Kennedy in 1963, pledging that he would look after US interests in Iran and would not try to export the revolution, prompted me to read the whole 86 page document, "CIA report, Islam in Iran, March 1980, Secret, CREST".

The document is a summary of the role of Islam in Iran in recent history. What prompted my interest was a section in the beginning of the document, which described how secular Iran had become in the 1920-1930s.

The document describes an American Christian minister who had approached Reza Shah the Great's court minister, Teymourtash, seeking his consent for sending missionaries to Iran and setting up schools there.

Teymourtash's reply was:
"Iran is trying to get rid of religion in its own schools" and further asks "How would you like it, if we bundled up a crowd of moth-eaten mullahs and sent them to America to open up schools there?"

Nearly hundred years on, it seems that is exactly what has happened. Lots of "moth-eaten" mullahs have been sent to Europe and America, facilitated by Leftards and useful idiots, to set up schools and it seems at the end, Islam will be victorious and take over!

Below is a picture of Teymourtash and a picture of a "moth-eaten" mullah who opposed Reza Shah the Great:

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Appeasement of the Mullahs, Like Father, Like Son?!

General Hassan Pakravan, the second chief of the Shah's secret police, SAVAK, had all the pedigrees needed to be regarded as an Iranian silver spoon fed aristocrat. His father was the governor of Khorasan province, amongst his many other titles and his mother, partly of European descent, was related to the Habsburg rulers of the Austro-Hungar empire. Pakravan studied most of his childhood and youth, studying abroad and finally graduated from the artillery school in Poitiers, France, and the Ecole d’Application d’Artillerie in Fontainebleau.

Pakravan was appointed as the second chief of the Shah's secret police, better known by its acronym, SAVAK, after its first appointed chief, Teimour Bakhtiar, was removed when he became too ambitious and wanted to rule Iran himself.

Pakravan's soft and compassionate nature was hardly suitable for someone who was supposed to lead a secret police organisation, he would have been more at home had he been appointed as the director of an art gallery or the national opera.

It was during Pakravan's time as the chief of SAVAK, that Khomeini was arrested. Orders had come from the then Prime Minister, Assadollah Alam, to arrest Khomeini for instigating a bloody riot that opposed the Shah's progressive reforms such as replacing the feudal land ownership and granting universal suffrage to women and the religious minorities of Iran.

During the time Khomeini was under house arrest in Tehran, General Pakravan visited him every week for lunch. According to Pakravan's wife, this was something Khomeini looked forward to and would say: "Timsar [General], I count the days to our lunches together." Pakravan, on the other hand, was literally petrified of Khomeini and totally awestruck by this stern puritan Shia cleric. "He makes my hair stand on end. It is frightening," Pakravan told his wife about his impression of Khomeini.

When Khomeini was sentenced to death, General Pakravan, became upset and felt sorry for his weekly luncheon companion and missed their conversations about religion and philosophy. The Shah's General and head of the "bad, bad brutal" SAVAK decided he had to save his "friend". Perhaps he was hoping that by continuing his luncheon dialogues, he would change the Ayatollah's behaviour!

Pakravan contacted the moderate, also soft natured, Grand Ayatollah Shariatmadari and asked for his help. Ayatollah Shariatmadari issued a decree that promoted Khomeini to an Ayatollah and Pakravan then convinced the Shah that he should not have an Ayatollah executed. Pakravan thus saved Khomeini's life and furthermore asked Turkey to grant asylum to Khomeini.

Not that Khomeini showed any gratitude either to Pakravan or to Ayatollah Shariatmadari after he seized power. General Pakravan was amongst the first of the Shah's officials to be executed after the 1979 revolution had triumphed. Ayatollah Shariatmadari was also eventually put under house arrest and denied medical care, until he died in miserable conditions on 3rd April, 1986.

The fruit has not fallen far from the tree as it appears that General Pakravan's son, Dr. Karim Pakravan, is now continuing the same futile path of appeasement of the mullahs in Iran and has become a key fundraiser and advisor to NIAC, the lobby organisation that advocates appeasement with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Lets hope Karim Pakravan does not end up having the same fate as his father or help more extremists come to power like his father did!

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Urmia Majlis deputy tells his constituency why they should re-elect him

Urumia, NW Iran, is the second largest city in the Iranian Azerbaijan and is the capital of West Azerbaijan. It is facing an environmental disaster as a result of Lake Urumia, the sixth largest saltwater lake on earth, drying up. You would think in a normal parliamentary election campaign rally, the sitting deputy's priority and that of his constituency supporters would be talking about how to prevent this looming calamity from happening.

The video below, which went viral on the Iranian social media, is that of Nader Ghazipour, who was re-elected last week, talking in Azeri to his supporters during an election campaign rally. Far from having any concerns about the Lake Urumia, Ghazipour is more keen on displaying his self styled manly traits to win the votes.

Read the translation below the video, to see how Ghazipour appeals to his supporters:


"I only respect one person in Tehran, and that is none other than our Supreme Leader. May God give him a long life [crowds cheer] - I am not the president's lackey, because I am the people's servant. I have been elected with the people's vote. In just 2 hours you have given me 200,000 votes. You have sharpened me to fight them. A boy was being circumcised and a girl on the other side was crying. They asked her why are you crying? She said they are sharpening him for me! [crowds cheer]

bullies have had their day. The era of tyranny is over, people have been freed, we have had a revolution, God brought Imam Khomeini for us. May God bless his two sons who have passed away. Let me tell you a recollection from the war. We took over the hills and positioned ourselves in the Iraqi trenches. It was 10 O'clock, I asked for 12 volunteers, 22 people volunteered, I said "I only want 12", they were fighting over it. I chose all the Azeris from amongst them, 13 Azeris including myself. We approached the Al-Amareh-Basra road, we faced 600-700 Iraqis, they all surrendered but we didn't have the means to keep them as prisoners, so we killed them all [crowds cheer].

May be there is no one amongst you who has ever had to chop the head of a chicken or a sheep, but I had to do it for the revolution, for Islam and for the martyrs [crowds cheer].

I set 700-800 tanks and armoured carriers on fire. Orders, came by noon that we should get back to our positions. We didn't get to where we are in this country to hand it over to kids and foxes. The Majlis is not the place for babies and donkeys [crowds cheer].

Majlis is no place for women, Majlis is for men [crowds cheer] You send women to Majlis, they will do things to them and bring shame on you, [crowds laugh].

Sheikh Ghodratollah Alikhani, was the deputy for Qazvin. Even if he said hello to the other deputies, they would be scared of him, he was after all the deputy for Qazvin [crowds laugh] - Qazvin is the butt of jokes in Iran for homosexual jokes - they told me Alikhani is in the toilets once, I went in there saw him bending over and jumped on his back [crowds laugh] I grabbed him so hard, he feinted on the floor [crowds laugh] listen...quiet...

A week later he saw me in the Majlis, so he showed his side to all the others and said "Look what Ghazipour did to me", I said "why don't you show them your other part [arse] for them so they can really see what I did to you" [crowds laugh] Brothers, Majlis is not a place for poofs [crowds cheer] "
Sheikh Ghodrat Alikhani whom
Ghazipour claims to have violated

The election campaign speech finishes by Ghazipour saying how proud he is of his Azeri accent and those deputies who claim to be educated and have PHDs have mostly obtained those fancy titles with fake certificates after the revolution.

Monday, February 22, 2016

UCL's Marxist Lecturer on BBC Persian!

video I often wonder if the poor UK tax payer has any idea where his or her hard earned money ends up and the upkeep of what kind of institutions and people is maintained through the taxes they pay.

Well here is one example in this video. The person being interviewed is the Marxist UCL lecturer and member of the Socialist Workers Party, Ali Alizadeh.

The interview is taking place on BBC Persian and this is what he is saying:
"we need both factions [hardliners & reformists] in Iran, because the hardliners are the ones fighting in Syria and are defending the security of Iran. We don't want to eliminate the hardliners. If we have a red line in Iran, its with those people who under the Israeli, Saudi and US flags were planning economic and military attack on Iran. We can live with the likes of Jannati and Messbah Yazdi but with those people, never!"

Don't get too taken up by his typical Leftard way of accusing Iranian secular liberals with being under the Israeli, Saudi and US flags, that's just typical Leftist politics. They live in the West, enjoy the privileges provided in the West themselves, and yet accuse others who are happy to live in a Western democracy as being under Israeli, US flag wanting to invade Iran. Pathetic Leftist tactics to throw mud at their enemy.

And I wonder if this Marxist lecturer at the University College of London, who is poisoning the minds of hundreds of UK students, realises where he is living and who he has had to flee from and whether he really thinks the Iranian hardliners, who killed thousands of Marxists, are happy for an atheist effeminate looking bourgeoise Marxist, like him to live amongst them as he claims he wishes to live amongst them?!

BBC4's Disinformation-mentary

USSR's infamous security agency, the KGB, were known for their mastery in spreading disinformation, but BBC4's version of the Shah's 2500 year celebrations ceremony of Iranian history, was definitely vintage KGB disinformation.

Just as in any successful KGB disinformation campaign, you need to spread a myth by telling lots of half truths first, i.e. tell part of the story but not the whole story in order to mislead the public opinion stealthily.

The objective of the so called documentary was simple, viewers should conclude that the people of Iran were starving, yet the Shah of Iran had rather spend a fortune on a lavish banquet than feed his own people!

Pivotal to building such disinformation is of course to induce in the mind of the viewer  a wild exaggeration of the cost of the celebrations. In order to answer such vital question, the BBC conveniently doesn't ask the project manager of the event, Abdolreza Ansari, about the costs, even though he was available and is featured in the same documentary. Instead a figure of $650 Million is dished out, by the first president of the Islamic Republic, Bani-Sadr, who was toppled half way through his presidency and now lives in exile in Paris. How could Bani-Sadr have known what the cost of the celebrations came to? He had nothing to do with the organisation of the ceremonies. He was not even in Iran at the time, but plotting to overthrow the Shah with the help of Syria's dictator, Hafiz Assad.

Fortunately, the project manager of the 2500 year spectacular celebrations of Iran's history has been on the record in the past and has stated the cost of the ceremonies, both in an interview with Cyrus Kadivar and in a much more balanced documentary aired on Manoto TV.  The total cost of the celebrations was in fact $22 Million!
"One third of the money was raised by Iranian industrialists to pay for all the festivities. Another third was from the budget of the Ministry of Court and went to pay for the Tent City. The rest of the money came from the original budget under Senator Amir Homayoun which he had invested in 1960 and was spent on the building of the Shahyad tower" - Interview with Abdolreza Ansari by Cyrus Kadivar.

BBC4's Storyville also conveniently forgets to make any comparisons with other celebrations, such as the French government's $200 million celebration of the 200th anniversary of the fall of the Bastille or perhaps more suitably with what has been spent by the Islamic Republic of Iran on Ayatollah Khomeini's mausoleum, the most opulent mausoleum in the world!

Of course there were people living in poverty in Iran when the 2500 year celebrations ceremony was taking place, just like there were people living in abject poverty in France during the 200th anniversary of the fall of Bastille celebrations and just like between 44.5 - 55% of Iran's urban population alone, according to a recent report titled 'Measurement and Economic Analysis of Urban Poverty', lives below the poverty line in the Islamic Republic of Iran today. But the BBC won't make a documentary on the most costly and opulent mausoleum in the world for Ayatollah Khomeini while there is so much growing poverty in Iran. After all, that may displease the Islamic Republic authorities,  the consequences of which could be the closure of the BBC offices in Iran!

Had the Shah spent the $22 Million cost of the celebrations on feeding the poor people, would that have improved the under-developed parts of Iran? Instead the Shah used the money to promote a magical country steeped in history to the rest of the world. The ceremonies showed the rest of the world Iran's growing confidence in itself and a country with a stable foreign policy of co-existence with the rest of the world which was able  to gather heads of states from all around the world. Would this not have brought about more investment, more trade and improved the living standards of the Iranians? As the English proverb says "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".

Throughout the documentary there are more truths that are conveniently not told. The program director for example, Hassan Amini, himself is the grandson of a former Prime Minister of the Shah, Ali Amini. Actually this is mentioned in Persian by the Shah's former ambassador to Washington, Ardeshir Zahedi, where he points out the responsibility for the Shah's failures should rest on his officials too, "like your grandfather, the former Prime Minister" Zahedi tells the documentary's director, however this part is conveniently not translated in the subtitles.

Prime Minister Ali Amini, the grand father of the documentary's director, was another one of Qajar dynasty descendants who prospered under the Pahlavi rule. The Turkic Qajar dynasty who ruled Iran for 140 years, were the most incompetent and the most decadent dynasty throughout Iran's 2500 year history. One incompetent Qajar King after another, led the demise of the Persian empire and reduced it to a poor backward country, a vassal of British and Tsarist Russian empires. Throughout Iran's history every time a new dynasty took over, the members of the previous dynasty were mercilessly massacred by the new kings on the block. The Pahlavis, the first Persian dynasty to rule Iran since the Arab invasion 1400 years earlier, with the exception of a few scattered local dynasties, were the only dynasty in the Iranian history who were magnanimous towards the previous ancien régime clan members. Most of the Qajar offsprings and princes, and there were many for they had huge hareems, prospered under the Pahlavi rule and they became important officials in the new era of modernisation, like the documentary director's grandfather, Prime Minister Amini. Yet the treachery of the Qajar offsprings to Iran has never ceased. It seems they carry a gene of betrayal in their DNA.

The viewer is also not told the entire truth about who the dissidents featured in the documentary are. For example Abdolkarim Lahiji is the man who wrote the first draft of the Islamic Republic's constitution that has put Iran under the total dictatorship of the Supreme Leader. At one point the subtitle under Lahiji reads "You are leading us to hell!" Of course Lahiji was referring to the Shah holding the celebrations ceremony but I leave it to the reader to decide what  "led us to hell"? the 2500 year celebrations of Iranian history or the constitution of the Islamic Republic?

Even the true identities of the "experts" used in the documentary are kept from the viewers. One of the so-called 'experts' used, Arshin Adib-Moghadam, is the son of the former head of the Islamic Republic mosque in Hamburg. Again I leave it to the readers to decide where Arshin Adib-Moghadam's loyalties lie or if he is a non-partisan academic?  See:
"Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, an Unlikely Non-partisan Analyst"

Khomeini's opposition to the abolition of the feudal system, a major cause of poverty in Iran, and the women's rights to vote, the rights of the religious minorities and other progressive reforms of the Shah are not fully and properly explained to the viewers either. The idea after all is that the Shah was a tyrant and Khomeini was the liberator of the Iranian people or so the BBC would have the viewers believe.

To confuse the viewers further, the wrong footage is often used for the subject matter, for example the footage of the mobs in 1953 who overthrew Mossadeq and the riots in that era is shown as the people's opposition to the Shah's reforms, known as the "white revolution" in 1963:

The list of half truths and not telling the whole truths continue in this BBC disinformation-mentary and it can be a good text book example of non-objective media reporting.

At the end, all I can say to the BBC is, we were proud of the 2500 year celebrations ceremony of our history and we were more than happy to flaunt it, so get over it BBC and worry about keeping your office in Tehran!