40,000 disabled claimants threatened with termination due to DWP’s tech problems by Tom Roberts

40,000 disabled claimants threatened with termination due to DWP’s tech problems

Only The Names

Welcome in my friend
Out of the cold where it’s warm
Please step in
What’s your name my friend?
My name’s the same
What a strange coincidence
Glad you’re come to this place
What’s the pleasure you chase?

Oh, you like playing with speed
Well I have all the answers you need

I can take you
High and make you
I’ll never leave you

Welcome in my friend
Try some of this
What you’ll feel is amazing
Tap a tiny blast
In a crease of foil
Place this flame beneath it
White smoke you will inhale
A speed rush you will exhale
The goose bumps prickle your skin
Just enough to dig the hooks in

I can take you
High and make you
But now you’re hollow

You’re crawling on the floor
But you’ll be back for more

Hello there my friend
Back for the sweet poison so soon again
But this lie must end
I must collect for those pleasures gave
When I first told you my name
I told you ours were the same
And that’s not really a lie
My real name is your addiction

I will bring you
Down and break you
Burn right through you
Won’t regret you


How likely is a Labour Party split? By Michael Calderbank | Red Pepper

How likely is a Labour Party split?

Secular Talk: Clip of Maggie Thatcher Praising Mujahideen in 1981

Beastrabban\'s Weblog

This is another sharp reminder of how much of the present mess the world’s in can be directly traced back to the policies of Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Despite the fact that both are great, molten gods against whom no word must be spoken amongst Conservatives over here and Republicans in the US. Kyle Kulinski begins the segment by showing a clip of Maggie Thatcher praising the mujahideen in Afghanistan in 1981, calling them freedom fighters, stating that they have the support of everyone who believes in freedom back in Britain, and promising another £2 million. In case viewers get confused, and believes that this is part of the kind of conspiracies Alex Jones regularly screams about on Infowars, that it’s all some kind of establishment plot with the Devil and UFO aliens to destroy and enslave the world, Kulinski supplies some context. This was a time when the…

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Reviving the rank and file


Why aren’t we following the example set by the junior doctors? Rachel Eborall looks at the arguments we need to make to revive the rank and file movement and put militant action back on the agenda

Junior Doctors rally, 10 March 2016. Photo: Steve Eason Junior Doctors rally, 10 March 2016. Photo: Steve Eason

The fact that the working class is paying for a crisis they did not cause is clear for all to see. According to the GMB union, 631,000 public sector jobs have been cut. NHS workers have seen their pay cut by 20% in real terms, teachers have faced attacks to their pay and conditions. Private sector employers have used the economic crisis as an excuse to cut wages and make people redundant. The use of zero hour contracts has sky-rocketed in both the public and the private sectors.

Lack of combativity

It shouldn’t surprise us that the Tories are making the working class pay for the crisis – in…

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Tax Credit Company Concentrix, from Reign of Terror against Claimants, to Reign of Terror against Critics.

Ipswich Unemployed Action.

Image result for concentrix

Band of Terrorising Thieves Not Going Quietly.

Concentrix, whose contract was opposed by PCS members, was very quickly notorious.

This week the story got into the national papers.

It’s not often that something like this comes up and you hear, the next day, about somebody in Ipswich in the thick of the problem.

Last night somebody I know told me about a friend directly affected.

It is, as people can imagine, somebody in a really desperate plight.

Welfare Weekly reports,

‘Reign of terror’ tax credit company loses HMRC contract.

Frank Field, the chair of parliament’s welfare committee, has said that a company’s “reign of terror” over British tax credit recipients will be drawing to a close after HMRC decided not to renew its contract.

US company Concentrix was accused of making a string of mistakes including stopping a teenage single mum from receiving tax credits after wrongly…

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Spokesman Book on How Capitalism Took over the Labour Party

Beastrabban\'s Weblog

Spokesman also publish a series of books very critically examining Tony Blair, New Labour and the Third Way as part of their ‘Socialist Renewal’ series. Several of these are on individual topics, such as the privatisation of air traffic control, the destruction of public services for private profit, New Labour’s disastrous housing policy and so on. They also publish a book specifically on the way the Labour party was taken over by capitalism under Tony Blair. This is The Captive Party: How Labour Was Taken Over by Capital by Michael Barratt Brown.

The blurb for this runs

The Mandelson resignation revealed some of the close personal connections of the man himself and other Ministers with wealthy businessmen and women. In this little book Michael Barratt Brown reveals, with much detailed evidence, that this is but a tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface there is a massive bonding between New…

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