From the TUC

Who’s providing your occupational health?

29 Sep 2016, By

A recent TUC survey showed that 92% of workplaces with union health and safety representatives have some form of occupational health provision. This is well above the national average, where it is estimated that only 38% of the UK workforce has occupational health service coverage. The difference is partly because the areas that are most…

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Abdiasis Mohamed Ali at a union Gender Workshop

Sad news from Mogadishu, but Somalian unions will survive

28 Sep 2016, By

Yesterday we received the awful news that another Somalian trade unionist had been murdered. Our colleagues in Mogadishu, from the ITUC-affiliated FESTU, reported that Brother Abdiasis Mohamed Ali, a journalist and a member of the journalists’ union NUSOJ, was killed by two men armed with pistols. Ali was a committed trade union activist who had just last…

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Trade deals still on the Brussels agenda – we say no!

21 Sep 2016, By

Despite the Prime Minister’s mantra that “Brexit means Brexit”, the UK is still engaged in negotiating so-called trade deals as part of the EU, so yesterday, the TUC sent a small delegation to Brussels to take part in the Belgian union movement’s protests against the EU-Canada deal (CETA) and the EU-US deal (TTIP). Some of…

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