Maximum Rocknroll #353 • Oct 2012

Yes, no peace for the wicked! So yet another spooky edition of MRR has come to a close, October 2012, issue #353. An exciting issue, packed with great punk from around the world! This month we travel to Europe and revisit the story of Swedish crust/hardcore legends ANTI-CIMEX and how old England weirdo punk rockers the CRAVATS decided to take yet again to the stage. We also have part one of a truly engaging series, Notes on the Peruvian Underground (part two appears in MRR #356 and part three in MRR #359). Our cover stars, Minneapolis hardcore shredders BRAIN TUMORS tell us why getting dirty in the pit is how hardcore is supposed to be, while Illinois’s powerviolence grinders SICK/TIRED tell us about their latest LP and the intricacies of their name.

We talk with Bay Area hardcore punx EFFLUXUS about regional punk activity, and discuss being punks with families with locals the BAD DADDIES, while Vancouver’s UNLEARN share stories from tour and how it all began. There’s a quadruple interview with four Japanese bands, LASTLY, DESPERDICIO, AGAINST THE GRAIN and DISTURD, from the upcoming Imminent Destruction compilation EP, and an interview with Phil O’Grady, the man behind Imminent Destruction Records.

Will Butler of US hardcore label To Live A Lie talks about his upcoming projects, while melodic punk rockers WARSONG from Zaragoza, Spain, discuss the current econonic situation in Europe and the side effects is has on touring. Plus, as always, we have an array of columns, news, and the most extensive review section in punk rock print!

Go to our BACK ISSUES page to order this issue.

One response to “Maximum Rocknroll #353 • Oct 2012”

7 09 2012
Anders Dinero (20:35:59) :

Brain Tumors AND Condominium from the same place??!! It’s official: Twin Cities is the punkest place on earth. The end.

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