Maximum Rocknroll #335 • April 2011

In this holiest of months in the MRR calendar, we present to you the holiest of issues, the April 2011 Christian punk special! That’s right MRR #335 has arisen! An incisive look at the state of punk through the lens of our Christian brethren. We also managed to squeeze in interviews with New York punk maniax CRAZY SPIRIT, Finnish post-punk anarchos 1981, and creative Detroit music destruction force TIMMY’S ORGANISM. Plus we’ve got North Carolina hardcore courtesy of DEVOUR and SUNSHINE SS, some Gainesville Noize Not Music from MAUSER, and Pittsburgh, PA’s own ICON GALLERY. That is not all! We have a look at Hartford, CT punk house/show space the Whitney House, an interview with Rob from Boston’s legendary SIEGE, an extensive Michigan HC scene report, and an interview with that state’s hardcore basement dwellers ATTENTION SPAN. All of that, plus more reviews and columns than you can shake a Christ on a Crutch at!


10 responses to “Maximum Rocknroll #335 • April 2011”

6 03 2011
auge (14:26:14) :

Hi, we are still waiting for a review of our new EP!

Cheers from Sweden!

6 03 2011
Robby Kills (16:04:46) :


6 03 2011
Robby Kills (16:06:20) :

also, will this one have coverage on the upcoming Dead Kennedys with Jello reunion tour?

9 03 2011
MetalMark (15:38:45) :

“The Christian Punk Issue” ???

This has got to be a fucking April Fools joke.

I hope!!!!

10 03 2011
42069LOL (12:56:17) :

Huh, I thought the last issue was the April Fool’s one due to the Doug Moody letter.

12 03 2011
Skullets (18:14:16) :

I almost thought about crapping my pants…then it hit me………..April.

13 03 2011
Ray Suburbia (22:16:54) :

holier than “The Holy Bible (of punk rock)” issue?! FUUUUCK!

17 03 2011
Cec (11:28:32) :

Ha! YES!!! Flatfoot 56, The Last Hope, FBS, Revolution Radio, rise into ruin, the reminants, Rodent Emporium, Headnoise!

7 04 2011
Sef (14:03:30) :

did you get that title from the Christian punk band called False Idle? If not, that’s quite a coincidence… Nice work…

9 04 2011
captain microwave (16:35:46) :

It’s an april fools joke. I got the issue. No Christian punk mentioned anywhere.

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