Showing posts with label Errico Malatesta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Errico Malatesta. Show all posts



It is abundantly clear that violence is needed to resist the violence of the adversary, and we must advocate and prepare it, if we do not wish the present situation of slavery in disguise, in which most of humanity finds itself, to continue and worsen.
Errico Malatesta- Anarchism & Violence

For (Malatesta) anarchism was not a philosophy for a future utopia which would come about one day as if by magic, or simply through the destruction of the state without any prior preparation. On the contrary, Malatesta was, throughout his life, concerned with a practical idea. His anarchism was something concrete, to be fought for and put into practice, not in some distant future but now. It is in this aspect of practical anarchism that gives him a special place amongst anarchist theorists and propagandists.
Dave Poole, reviewing Malatesta, Life and Ideas, edited by Vernon Richards (Freedom Press) in Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review #4 (1978).

Available to read here, with thanks to Mona.


Errico Malatesta said...

Errico Malatesta said...To bring about a revolution, and especially the Anarchist revolution it is necessary that the people be conscious of their rights and their strength; it is necessary that they be ready to fight and ready to take the conduct of their affairs into their own hands. It must be the constant preoccupation of the revolutionists, the point towards which all their activity must aim, to bring about this state of mind among the masses.
He who expects the emancipation of mankind to come, not from the persistent and harmonious co-operation of all men [and women] of progress, but from the accidental or providential happening of some acts of heroism, is not better advised that one who expected it from the intervention of an ingenious legislator or of a victorious general . . . our ideas oblige us to put all our hopes in the masses, because we do not believe in the possibility of imposing good by force and we do not want to be commanded .