Work, capitalism . economics . resistance

After so much technological progress, why do we have to work more than ever before? How is it that the harder we work, the poorer we end up compared to our bosses? When the economy crashes, why do people focus on protecting their jobs when no one likes working in the first place? Can capitalism survive another century of crises?

Our newest book, entitled Work, addresses these questions and a great many more. To answer them, we had to revisit our previous analysis of employment and develop a more nuanced understanding of the economy. We spent months studying obscure history and comparing notes about how we experience exploitation in our daily lives, slowly hammering out a grand unified theory of contemporary capitalism.

In addition to distilling our findings in this book, we’ve also prepared a poster to diagram the system it describes. The poster is based on the classic illustration of the pyramid of the capitalist system published in the Industrial Worker in 1911. With the assistance of Packard Jennings, we’ve created a new version, much more detailed than the original and updated to account for all the transformations of the past one hundred years.

In combination, the book and poster explore the positions we occupy within this pyramid and the mechanics that maintain it. From the industrial revolution to the internet, from the colonization of the Americas to the explosion of the service sector and the stock market, from the 2008 financial crisis to the upheavals taking place right now across the globe, Work offers an overview of how capitalism functions in the 21st century and what we can do to get beyond it.

Gallery Shot #1

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[Wholesale copies are $5 each]

Work's companion poster with our new image of the capitalist pyramid is available both in bulk and premium versions.

Gallery Shot #2 Gallery Shot #3 Gallery Shot #4 Gallery Shot #5 Gallery Shot #6 Gallery Shot #7 Gallery Shot #8 Gallery Shot #9 Gallery Shot #2

Tech specs

Size: 4.75" x 7.5" x .8125"

Weight: 13.7 ounces

Ink: Four colors with foil stamp on cover, and two colors (black and spring green) with full bleeds throughout.

Pages: 378 + cover

Words: 66,507

Illustrations: 106

Photographs: 52

Binding: Otabind w/ PUR glue


I. The Occupation

   i. Work

   ii. The Economy

      Schemata: What It Is

         Shifting Terrain
         The Metropolis

      Positions: Where We Are

         At the Top
         Middle Management
         Factory Workers
         The Service Industry
         Domestic Labor
         The Sex Industry
         Police and Military
         Migrant Labor
         Unemployment and Homelessness
         Outside the Market
         Animals, Plants, Minerals

      Mechanics: How It Works

         Bodies and Simulacra
         Research and Development
         Vertical Alliances, Horizontal Conflicts
         Illegal Capitalism
         Boundaries and Travel
         Precarity and Vertigo
         Culture and Subculture

II. The Resistance

