Domain Notifications

From being notified of new listings based on your recent saved searches, to being updated with nearby open houses after leaving your last inspection, get the information you want, when you need it most.

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Domain’s notifications will keep you ahead of the game with the latest properties, property updates and more!


New Property Alert

In the home hunting journey, being the first to know when a property comes to market can be crucial. With our Saved Search Notifications, property-seekers can receive alerts on their phones (iPhone & Android) as well as on their wearables – so they will never miss out on a listing in their saved search area.

Android App iOS App

Shortlisted Properties

We notify users when shortlisted properties have significant changes. For example if the price drops, inspection or auction times change or even when the property has been sold – we’ll let you know.

Android App iOS App


Notifications delivered to your watch

Wearables are changing how and when you see your notifications. Get alerts for newly listed properties or when significant changes occur to properties in your short list, all on your wrist while you’re on the go.

Nearby Property Alerts

If you are geographically close to any of your shortlisted properties we will send you a notification with the option to receive directions directly to the property. With notifications, you can visit inspections you may otherwise have missed, and get the advantage you need when hunting for your next property.

Android App


Domain Notifications

Stay one step ahead of the game.