Former PM Kevin Rudd (at right) appears lost in thought as he sits beside (from left) Senator Chris Evans, Senator Stephen Conroy and daughter Isabella, and Simon Crean in the front row at Government House in Canberra today.

Stephen Conroy resigns from politics

LABOR Senator Stephen Conroy has quit politics, saying he was sick of “explaining to my young daughter why people shouted abuse at her Daddy in the street”.

Experts confirm MH370 wreckage

Experts confirm MH370 wreckage

THE AUSTRALIAN Transport Safety Bureau has confirmed a large section of wing flap recovered off the coast of Tanzania belongs to the missing Boeing 777 MH370 .

Airport strikes threaten tourism boom

Airport strikes threaten tourism boom

STRIKES targeting one of the busiest travel times of the year threaten to shame Australia and undermine the tourism boom, says Tourism and Transport Forum boss.

Domestic airfares at three-year high

Domestic airfares at three-year high

AIRLINE passengers could soon be paying more to fly within their own country than overseas after domestic airfares hit prices not seen since 2013.

Spit hood teen’s parole rejected

Spit hood teen’s parole rejected

DYLAN Voller, the Australian teen who was filmed while being restrained in a chair wearing a spit hood, has been rejected for parole.

Treasurer ‘to dump super cap’

Treasurer ‘to dump super cap’

THE Turnbull Government is poised to scrap the most controversial aspect of its superannuation policy, according to reports.

Budget savings pass after marathon sitting

Omnibus Bill Budget savings pass after marathon sitting

FEDERAL Parliament almost pulled another all-nighter as angry Greens and crossbencher senators tried to frustrate the passage of Budget savings.