Intergeo TV Dan Paull

Talking about Geoscape with Intergeo TV

In this Smart Cities feature, Intergeo TV interviews Dan Paull about PSMA's decision to build Geoscape. ...

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Geoscape data showing building footprints, primary roof material and maximum building height.

Continent-scale mapping initiative agreement

DigitalGlobe receives contract from PSMA Australia for continent-scale mapping initiative...

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iaward business services

Geoscape ACT iAward winner!

Geoscape wins the Business Services Category at the ACT iAwards...

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GovHack Logo

PSMA for GovHack 2016

PSMA is pleased to share some of our most in-demand datasets with GovHack 2016....

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Adelaide fireworks

Geoscape evaluation data now available

Evaluation data from our Adelaide capture phase is now available for download....

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PSMA’s partner network

Our collaboration with a relatively small number of partners allows us share our data expertise with those organisations and enables them to multiply the impact our data has on the broader economy through their own distinctive commercial activities....

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Queensland Students

Locating student addresses in the real world

With a helping hand from OMNILINK and PSMA Cloud, Queensland University of Technology has geocoded thousands of student addresses....

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PSMA Australia offers authoritative, national location datasets which underpin an ever-expanding range of business solutions and government services.

We're excited that the Australian Government has made our datasets G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries available under open data terms at

We're committed to making these datasets even better. If you have feedback regarding issues with an address, let us know.

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