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Behind The Numbers's picture
Canada-EU trade deal will result in job losses, lower wages and worse inequality | Sep 29 2016 | Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood | As governments in Europe debate CETA's merits this fall, it may be time for Canadians and their representatives in Parliament to take a second look at this supposedly "progressive" agreement.
Linda Leon's picture
Referendum simply wrong tool to resolve complex questions on electoral reform | Sep 29 2016 | Linda Leon | First Past the Post is a broken system. But a referendum can't fix it. Deep public consultations, surveys and full disclosure by the special committee are a better way.'s picture
CRTC goes full-Internet with #EndDataCaps Reddit consultation | Sep 29 2016 | Katy Anderson | Make their #2016 effort pay off (so they do it again) -- weigh in on the online forum now, all while speaking out against differential pricing.
djclimenhaga's picture
Right-wing newspaper owners want your taxes to subsidize their obsolete, mismanaged, biased publications | Sep 29 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Nobody had more warning of the extent and nature of the coming digital revolution than the Canadian newspaper industry, and they still blew their future to smithereens. Now they want your tax money.
policyfix's picture
Larry Morrissette: Honouring a quiet warrior | Sep 29 2016 | Elizabeth Comack, Jim Silver | The death of Larry Morrissette is a major loss, not only to his family and friends but also to the many people he worked with to re-build Winnipeg's inner city and revitalize Indigenous cultures.
Skimber's picture
The path to diversity in Halifax city council is straightforward | Sep 28 2016 | Stephen Kimber | It goes without saying the Tilt-a-Whirl that is Halifax city council has too long tilted toward men, who traditionally also happen to be white, middle-aged and middle class.
Brent Patterson's picture
Trudeau government approves Pacific NorthWest LNG project | Sep 28 2016 | Brent Patterson | The Trudeau government has approved the Pacific NorthWest Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project in British Columbia. The export facility is now set to be constructed on Lax U'u'la (Lelu Island).'s picture
Why our work at the Supreme Court matters: A case study | Sep 28 2016 | Meghan Sali | Not only is OpenMedia defending your digital rights at the Supreme Court, but our work will help to eliminate cases of censorship-by-copyright online.
David Suzuki's picture
Carbon dioxide: Pollutant or plant food? | Sep 28 2016 | David Suzuki | No matter what contradictory and easily debunked nonsense deniers spread, climate change is real, humans are contributing to it and it will be catastrophic if we do little or nothing to address it.
yves engler's picture
Foreign aid helps Canadian corporations dominate the global mining industry | Sep 28 2016 | Yves Engler | Public money masquerading as "foreign aid" has financed private interests through mine-related educational activities abroad, mollified resistant communities and liberalized local legislation.
gerry caplan's picture
Trudeau's media love affair draws to a sour end | Sep 27 2016 | Gerry Caplan | Justin Trudeau's popularity with the public may still be sky high, but the media's attitude toward the Prime Minister and his government has palpably turned sour and frustrated.
djclimenhaga's picture
'Bernard the Roughneck' campaign has been in preparation for months, may soon target Rachel Notley | Sep 27 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Will the "Bernard the Roughneck" campaign continue now that "Bernard" himself has proved to be both more and less than original advertised? Oh, probably …
Behind The Numbers's picture
Household debt is far too high -- and why it's going to go higher still | Sep 27 2016 | David Macdonald | When the National Balance Sheet came out this month, the focus was on the need for households to pay down that debt... somehow. But we need to look at the broader debt picture across all sectors.
djclimenhaga's picture
Bernard the Roughneck in his own words: Neal Bernard Hancock responds to his critics | Sep 25 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | The appearance on Parliament Hill of "Bernard the Roughneck" caused a storm on social media. Is he "just an average roughneck?" You be the judge.
djclimenhaga's picture
Rachel Notley does remarkably well in face of unrelenting campaign of vilification. Sun newspapers? Not so much. | Sep 23 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | A new survey suggests Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, a remarkable and talented politician, is capable of making the best of even the worst of times.'s picture
Over 42,000 Canadian voices against data caps are now on the public record at the CRTC | Sep 22 2016 | Katy Anderson | With support from over 42,000 Canadians, we've just delivered a 43-page submission against data caps to the CRTC.
David Suzuki's picture
Wild Pacific salmon face an upstream battle for survival | Sep 21 2016 | David Suzuki | A weak provincial climate plan that fails to meet emissions targets and acceptance of new ocean-based fish farm applications won't help wild salmon.
Council-of-Canadians's picture
'Yes, logging introduces mercury!' New revelations from Grassy Narrows | Sep 21 2016 | Mark Calzavara | Stunning revelations came to light last week that top environment officials in the Ontario government knew that clearcut logging in Grassy Narrows territory would increase mercury levels in fish.
Behind The Numbers's picture
Tiering up over tuition fees | Sep 21 2016 | Erika Shaker | Governments need to ask themselves: is downloading more debt onto students -- particularly during a time of workforce precarity -- a sustainable policy to pursue?'s picture
CRTC decision paves way for affordable fibre Internet choice, but could have gone further | Sep 21 2016 | Katy Anderson | Customers can now look forward to accessing high-speed fibre Internet from affordable indie providers, but some choices by the CRTC will limit the range of competitive options available to Canadians.