
Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
The Obama administration is reportedly offering a "condolence payment" of $1.32 million to the family of Giovanni Lo Porto, the Italian aid worker killed in a CIA drone strike in Pakistan last year, renewing questions about the lack of accountability for the U.S. drone program. According to the Guardian on Friday, the $1.32 million "is the first...
Nadia Prupis, staff writer
People are driving marine ecosystems to "unprecedented" mass extinction,...
Andrea Germanos, staff writer
The United States and Israel are set to ink on Wednesday a landmark 10-year, $...


A few journalists actually doing their job have given us a chilling portrait of a post-Citizens-United American democracy where elections and power are won more by corporate cash than political leadership. A Guardian look at sealed documents in the investigation of Scott Walker campaign finance violations, and a Newsweek analysis of murky Trump connections around the world, reveal the pay-to-play democracy - and then some - that Bernie and many more warn us about.