
Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
Setting a potential example for political hopefuls nationwide, 35 candidates for the Massachusetts state legislature have pledged to refuse campaign contributions from executives, lobbyists, and others employed by 10 major fossil fuel and utility companies through the duration of the 2016 election cycle. The Clean Money for Climate Pledge,...
Nadia Prupis, staff writer
Around the world, resistance is growing to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking,...
Andrea Germanos, staff writer
President Barack Obama's creation on Friday of the world's largest marine...


In swift grim succession, two more dead black bodies, two more shady cop stories, two more fiery, grieving cities - Tulsa and Charlotte - furiously proclaiming black lives matter. Even as football players seek to stem the bleeding, the killings of Terence Crutcher - seeking help on a highway, blameless hands in the air - and Keith Scott - sitting in a car, reportedly with a book - remind white Americans of the task before us: "Our brothers and sisters of color should not be kneeling alone."