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Other Ways to Support Common Dreams



Leave a legacy that provides people with the information they need be inspired and create change. Including Common Dreams in your will lets you support your commitment to progressive values well beyond your lifetime. To make a legacy gift, your will needs to designate a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate to be donated to Common Dreams. If you would like to make a bequest, please contact


Tribute In honor / In memory of

Is there a special advocate or activist in your life that you want to honor with a gift to Common Dreams? We are delighted to honor the contributions every member of our community makes to our shared progressive vision.  Please contact to get started on your memorial or tribute.


Gifts of Stock

Giving non-cash property means you can help Common Dreams while conserving your cash for other uses - this may also result in greater tax savings than if you made an equivalent donation of cash. Your accountant or broker can advise you on the tax consequences of making a gift of stock, bonds or mutual funds to Common Dreams. If you would like to donate non-cash property, please contact


Matching Gifts

Common Dreams is honored to have the support of generous individual donors who match contributions during campaigns, new donor drives, and for other special projects. Contact if you would like to inpsire our readers with a matching gift.

Additionally, it's possible that your employer has a matching gift program. This is an easy way to increase your contribution and make an even bigger difference! Please contact with any questions you have about making a matching gift through your employer.




Please contact Catherine at or 207-775-0488

Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID #20-3368194.

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