World of Warcraft: Legion Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 339 Ratings

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  • Summary: The Tomb of Sargeras has been reopened, and the demons of the Burning Legion pour into our world. Their full, terrifying might is fixed on summoning the Dark Titan to Azeroth—and they’ve already located the key to his return. With the Alliance and Horde devastated, only you can take upThe Tomb of Sargeras has been reopened, and the demons of the Burning Legion pour into our world. Their full, terrifying might is fixed on summoning the Dark Titan to Azeroth—and they’ve already located the key to his return. With the Alliance and Horde devastated, only you can take up Warcraft’s most legendary artifacts, scour the ancient Broken Isles for relics of the Titans, and challenge the Legion before Azeroth’s last hope dies. Steel yourself, champion. Extinction is imminent. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 35
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 35
  3. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Sep 8, 2016
    After months of missteps, Legion shows World of Warcraft finding its footing again and asserting its relevance after more than a decade. Many elements make this an expansion worth enjoying, including class halls, gigantic zones filled with memorable stories, better socialization, the actiony new Demon Hunter class, and world quests.
  2. Sep 14, 2016
    The role-playing element has come further forward and the stories take up more space. In short, Legion could be what breathes life into World of Warcraft again.
  3. Sep 5, 2016
    Blizzard Entertainment delivers a masterful crafted world, filled with details and groundbreaking changes to the long lived epic fantasy franchise. Players finally will get the recognition they deserve as the leader of their class, wielding the power to repel the Burning Legion with the new artifact weapons.
  4. Sep 16, 2016
    Legion is one of the best World of Warcraft expansions.
  5. Sep 8, 2016
    Legion is brimming with content for every appetite. Blizzard have managed to re-capture a spark of their past glories in terms of storytelling, delivering a satisfying experience in all aspects of the game. It is now up to their hands to build on this well-constructed foundation and do not prove the expectations, which have justifiably arisen, false.
  6. Sep 6, 2016
    World of Warcraft Legion makes up for Warlords of Draenor’s transgressions by fulfilling its promises; rewarding end game content and a compelling, inclusive story.
  7. Aug 30, 2016
    A superb WoW extension, one of the greatest so far, fully packed with new content and new possibilities.

See all 39 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 55 out of 78
  2. Negative: 19 out of 78
  1. Aug 30, 2016
    So far it is a stellar expansion! The questing is more fun than ever before and now with a ton of voice-acting and cinematics, it just oozesSo far it is a stellar expansion! The questing is more fun than ever before and now with a ton of voice-acting and cinematics, it just oozes good story. The artifacts are amazing and a ton of fun! And the fact you don't need to level in particular order is just amazing! Expand
  2. Sep 4, 2016
    In one word: content. Lots and lots of it, for all tastes too! Blizzard seems to have learned its lesson from WoD's content drought and evenIn one word: content. Lots and lots of it, for all tastes too! Blizzard seems to have learned its lesson from WoD's content drought and even before the game was out, an interim content patch between the two initial raids of Legion was already announced. Keep it up and the fans will be back for sure, 10/10! Expand
  3. Sep 12, 2016
    Great addon, love it so far. Much more content for casual solo/small group play, which I enjoy the most. Questing is epic and then there`sGreat addon, love it so far. Much more content for casual solo/small group play, which I enjoy the most. Questing is epic and then there`s Suramar. This is the right direction, Blizz please continue the same way! Expand
  4. Sep 8, 2016
    Best WoW Expansion since Wotlk. Lots of content, great, new PvP system, lovely zones and artifacts allow for further customization (similar toBest WoW Expansion since Wotlk. Lots of content, great, new PvP system, lovely zones and artifacts allow for further customization (similar to old WoW talents). Expand
  5. Sep 6, 2016
    So far so good.
    The only thing I worried is the artifact system , It maybe a problem when raid is open.because you cannot switch your spec
    So far so good.
    The only thing I worried is the artifact system , It maybe a problem when raid is open.because you cannot switch your spec easily,and not very friendly for some healer specs. So healers are rare in game.
    And can bring more story or quest in the order hall , When finish the third slot quest , it seems not very necessary.
    The difficulty of the dungeon is good now.
    The pvp system. I think same as WOD. No Balance except battlefield and arena. Tank specs is so OP.
  6. Aug 31, 2016
    I have always loved these games and enjoyed every expansion they're released, aside from Cataclysm because I quit playing shortly after WotLKI have always loved these games and enjoyed every expansion they're released, aside from Cataclysm because I quit playing shortly after WotLK and didn't come back until after the Draenor release, but I've run into some pretty major bugs with the Legion quest line. Yes, this is expected due to it being a brand new expansion, but they're not unreported or hard-to-notice bugs. After looking into them, I realized that a large number of people had been reporting the exact same bugs since the release of the Legion Alpha related to region phasing issues (I'm pretty sure that's all it is but it's hard to tell: Deadwind Pass just has zero NPC/mob population and therefore the story/quest line can't be continued). Keep in mind, I have not played the expansion with any character besides an Affliction Warlock because as I understand, all classes and specializations will have different quest lines, so if you're not playing that setup or just get lucky, it may not even be an issue. But seeing as these bugs have been present for months on end and reported by hundreds of players on multiple forums and websites, it seems like something the developers should have very easily been able to see and fix before the full launch. Maybe they'll be fixed tonight when I try again, maybe another day, maybe a week, but regardless the fact that the game launched with some players not even being able to access the new content on a game where you pay monthly to play, seems rotten. I mean, say the Witcher 3 or some other AAA title was released and you could only play it for literally 10 minutes before hitting a bug making you unable to continue to new areas and story content, and then factor in every day that passes is another day you're paying to play: taking even a few days to fix those bugs would be very angering for players and irresponsible on the part of the developers.

    If you didn't start playing the game yet, disregard this salty review and just wait a couple more days to begin. If you did start, well I hope your experience is going better than some of ours. Overall though, I still love World of Warcraft and have been a fan since vanilla, so... 6/10 until they fix the bugs.

    I suppose though, to add to this a general review of the game and play-style, all of WoW is pretty grindy once you hit max level but up to then it's pretty seamless, smooth, and only repetitive if you're not that much of a(n) MMO fan, and even then it seems like it would tough to call repetitive unless you consider killing things repetitive. I'm not sure about this patch as of yet, but the artifact weapon system and class order halls seem like they will at least somewhat ease the normal gear grind, until you max out those too. Personally I enjoy this type of grind, but some people might not. Depends on your play-style preference. WoW isn't for everyone, and while I may take breaks from it at times, I always end up coming back to it eventually. It can be played both casually and hardcore, but I enjoy it for the casual side. Always something to do and doesn't require constant attention, so for fellow parents or people who have responsibilities, it's easy to just walk away from and come back to providing you don't AFK in a volcano or something. If it didn't have the current, basically game-breaking bugs I'm experiencing, I'd give it a 10/10.
  7. Sep 19, 2016
    all the **** remained. like cross servers zones, zero balance among classes in terms of numbers meantime all classes are basically are clonesall the **** remained. like cross servers zones, zero balance among classes in terms of numbers meantime all classes are basically are clones of each other, you cant feel difference in playstyle of melee classes, casters or healers. mythic dungeons are easier than cata heroics, fraud policy in subscriptions when they charge you without any notification. and new legion **** like artifact weapons where 90% of traits are "not interesting" as they said when they removed old talents system like +1% to shadow damage. and to fully upgrade your weapon you need to play 4 month constantly. just lol they really think people will put up with that? Expand

See all 78 User Reviews

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