Toddler Development

Toddler Guide

This quarterly guide to your toddler's second year contains information, tips and useful contacts on your toddler's development between one and two years.

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A child sitting in the W position.

What you need to know about W-sitting

When Katie noticed that her son Jack was sitting with his legs folded underneath him in a 'W' shape she didn't think much of it. "I'd seen other kids sitting that way, so I just assumed it was a toddler thing and nothing to worry about," she recalls.

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Tablets can be good tools for play and learning, provided you get the right apps.

How iPad screen time can be good for kids

Depending on the sources you read, handing an iPad to a small child is akin to throwing them a packet of cigarettes. But this is not the necessarily the case.

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It is normal for a two-year-old to be scared in some situations.

We're afraid our toddler is too fearful

Q: Our 2-year-old is scared of many things: using slippery dips, going on ferris wheels with his parents, playing in ball pits, even riding a merry-go-round on his dad's lap. He seems to be hyper-aware of his surroundings.

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