Wednesday, June 08, 2016


Man, Trump is like manna from heaven. He is an abortion. I mean his inane views and his senseless attacks makes me so happy. the reason is why is, that the repubs have to back him up at the same time being disgusted with him. Trump's latest screwup (in addition to not knowing a fucking thing about anything,but hey,why let that stop him). He is trying to ruin the life of a federal judge. Trump spewed out that the judge is against him because he is..wait for it..wait for it..........MEXICAN! That's right. Trump stated that the judge(due to his mexicanness)is incapable of rendering a verdict against him, due to this. Now the judge is American(born in Indiana and is of mexican descent)but why let facts get in the way of racist stupidity. You see, if Trump was actually serious about this he would have filed a motion  with the court to recuse the judge. But in doing that they would have to give a reason and if you say that it was because the judge is mexican...they will laugh his dumb ass out of court but not before giving them sanctions. The great part is that when Trump farts out his mouth something stupid..The repubs who endorse him have to tap dance and rebuke him and at the same time say..But I still endorse him as president..Funny shit.  But I must say in closing that Trump is the result of letting ignorance and stupidity run rampant in a political party  and the country. Is Trump the best America can do?


Congrats to Hillary Clinton for an historic night. I mean it only took America fifty years to advance a woman as a presidential nominee .. Now, first of all, I like Bernie Sanders and I actually like some of his supporters. The rest I just cannot stand those close minded zombies.  They are just like Fox News viewers(just as closeminded as the Berniebots). But to be honest,Bernie is not dealing with reality. He wants to win so bad. He has no path to victory and he is like that guy or girl,who stalks you when they know that they cannot be with you, Ever ! Bernie is a party of one and he does not care about this election. He did not even acknowledge Hillary's historic night. I am really am getting tired of Bernie and his delusion that he can win. The math is just not there. He is misleading those poor followers of his. I will say that Bernie makes sense with some of his policies( the fact that he woefully lacks in  foreign policy is apparent). I once famously said to some Berniebots,that if Bernie won,I would vote for him and if Hillary wins, I will vote for her. But this crotchety old fuck is not giving up. He is souring the well and he is a man standing in a woman's way of victory.  Bernie needs to drop out and fast and help Hillary. If not,then Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


ANTHONY'S NOTE: Looks like  Denny Hastert (R- Sweaty molesting wrestler) is going to jail. He is going from being a sexual predator to being old man pussy in prison..Good for him.#prayerchangesthings

You know I love what Bernie Sanders talks about and I agree with about everything he is saying. But if he wins on day one nothing will change. You have a congress that will remain repubs and even if the senate changed you will still need a 60 seat super majority to fight of a filibuster..that wont happen. Even if it have dems that come from conservative districts and will not give President Sanders what he wants. Clinton is correct when she says "campaign in poetry but govern in prose". It has to be done incrementally. After the 13th Amendment was ratified, slaves didn't just drop cotton and go free, it took awhile.  Now some of  his rabid followers..."Berniebots" want to burn down the whole barn,if their guy doesn't get elected. Plus, Bernie pissed me off when he said in the last debate that Hillary would have to win over his followers(which is fine)but this old fucker gave the impression that he is not going to help her). I hope that I am wrong and have misjudged Bernie and for that I will say that I am sorry.. If  I am correct though however and he doesn't help, then FUCK HIM sideways! I understand their reticence about Hillary,but this election is too important. Whoever wins, I will side with the dems and support them. I would happily vote for Hillary or Bernie..ya know why? Because I am an adult and not a child. Bernie is a lot like Jesus in the sense that I like the guy but can't stand some of their rabid followers(its like Fox News watchers on the left). Anybody is better than Trump and that idiot Cruz and that crippled bitch lying lady he chose for VP. Plus, keep in mind that Trump is killing the repub party(Thank God) The GOP's party approval rating was lower than Charlie's Sheen's T cell count. They deserve to die out,.so let these bigots and sexists and homophobes go peacefully..ok Bull. Let's kick  them in their lard asses and stomp their nuts on the way out the door. #chucksaysgiftfromlilbabyjesus

Monday, February 22, 2016


It seems that we live in a society where Rudy Guiliani(Hip Hop expert lol) and some right wing hacks whores and a few cops are harassing Beyonce,because their feelings got hurt. Why? Because she was performing while black. You see the song lyrics or video or Superbowl performance does not contain any anti cop or advocates violence against cops nowhere ! But they still got offended anyway. Here is why they were offened. They are racist and saw a bunch of black people dressed in black and looking like an army. It scared them shitless and their worst racial fears.That is the real reason..Well some really cool pics have surfaced from an artist and its pissed off white bigots  society. You see its ok when it is done to a particular person. But it will not be tolerated when its done back to them even in art. I love these pics. Enjoy. I have always felt that art should shock and educate.

Monday, February 08, 2016


  "I think it was outrageous," Giuliani said on Fox News Monday. "The halftime show I thought was ridiculous anyway. I don't know what the heck it was. A bunch of people bouncing around and all strange things. It was terrible."

Look lets face it. There are some whites who are afraid of blacks. No matter if whites to the same thing...they will always focus on what the non whites do. Case in point, former  lying whore mayor Rudy Giuliani(R- jerk face,cross dresser white privilege supporter) is upset that Beyonce and her dancers dare don black costumes and raised the black fist in a Super Bowl performance. He claims that this was anti cop(its not). In reality the song Formation is about police violence against blacks. Now, anytime blacks get together  it scares racist whites. 



                          These pics are offensive to Guiliani

But this video of white armed militia men who illegally took over a federal building and who advocates killing cops,are no problem at all. Watch video. Click link.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


This is Stacey Dash who is a Z list actress in Hollywood. She was caught lying making inaccurate statements on Fox News( I know I know I am being redundant). Well it seems that Meredith Vieria set her dumb ass straight with..what are those things called??????Facts! As you can see that Stacey is very sexy and beautiful(Mitt Romney Supporter btw)but obviously is very light in the scholastic dept.

Monday, January 25, 2016


He was smacking these kids like a whore who came up short with the pimps money.

I am thinking that this priest just likes to smack the hell out of children.Seriously, Ok, now priests are bitch slapping kiddies in the church ? Somebody needs to explain this BS to me and fast. Is this really necessary? Why is he going all Ray Rice on them and committing assault upon minors and kicking them in the behind? For First Communion, can he just give them a hug and a handshake? I think that he just likes slapping kids in the back of the head ! Priest or no priest, I would kick his ass, if he pulled that crap with me!

Friday, January 22, 2016


Believe it or not, but this loud mouth rude, obn,obnoxious, short, halfpint, midget ,people mcnuggets asshole of  a  woman is a doctor.This lady is a nut bag and 25 lbs of crazy packed in a 7lb pound bag. She is drunk and engaging in dumb and dangerous and deplorable behavior. I am glad that they may fire her. Is it wrong to notice how hot she looks...? Reminds me of one of my exes....Just saying. Should she lose her license...? I don't think so.