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(Displaying only links with "Strange" topic)

Thu September 22, 2016
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[Geek] Kick back and relax in your new tempura-pedic bag
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(Rocketnews 24)
[Geek] Japanese adapt their skill at building miniature models of buildings, bridges, and tanks to miniature pizza ovens that make perfectly cooked 3-cm pies
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(Awful Announcing)
[Politics] Augmenting huge popularity of studio podcasts, Nate Silver and the FiveThirtyEight crew are big hits on touring circuit where wonks flock to theaters and watch them do live podcasts. There is a three-percent probability the rider mentions M&Ms
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(The Local)
[Business] Spain's political instability causes consumers to not give pizza chance
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[Geek] Teleportation perfected in Calgary
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(NBC Sports)
[Sports] Coke returns to Pirates clubhouse after 31-year absence. With nothing to lose, team is in dealing mood
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(NBC Washington)
[Main] Joan of Arc's sword missing, search centered on San Dimas Mall
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[Geek] Tesla sued by Norwegians because the "Insane Mode" isn't fast enough for Viking raids
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Wed September 21, 2016
(Wide Open Country)
[Main] From the state that brought us such horrors as beanless chili and Rick Perry, behold the bizarre monstrosities that are Texas homecoming "mums"
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[Main] St. Louis University's newly updated Billiken mascot looks like it came straight from the planet Venom
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(Fox 2 St. Louis)
[Main] Two-headed calf on born farm named 'Lucky' Will eat twice as much and become veal twice as fast
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(Belfast Telegraph)
[Sports] Irish soccer player who beat up 70-year-old fan during exhibition game called "an Eric Cantona without the talent" by judge at his trial. Oooh, burn. Burn?
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[Geek] Autonomous ships will hit the water by 2017. Although the idea of a boat propelling itself without a captain is nothing new. Right, Captain Hazelwood?
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[Video] If Hollywood ever makes a movie about tumbleweeds taking over the world, this could be the opening scene
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(Vanity Fair)
[Politics] If Donald Trump hadn't run for president, novice Baba Yaga Ann Coulter thinks she would have been killed by terrorists
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