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(Displaying only links with "Sad" topic)

Fri September 23, 2016
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[Main] Damn you craft beer
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Thu September 22, 2016
[Main] Honey, the life has gone out of our relationship. Nothing's happening between us any more. I've thought about it for 2 days and I'm leaving
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[Main] Seven-month-old baby found dead after being left in car at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. People, it's not rocket science
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(NECN Boston)
[Main] The great thing about the Dollar store, is you don't have come down off your heroin high like you do at Walmart
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[Entertainment] Canadian entertainment producers warn that loosening of Canadian content rules mean there may never be another 'Beachcombers' or 'Bumper Stumpers' or 'Littlest Hobo'
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(USA Today)
[Entertainment] The Brangelina divorce got real nasty, real fast
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(USA Today)
[Entertainment] Mia Farrow's son dead at age 27
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(Financial Post)
[Business] Here's why Canadians are being offered cash by the government to abandon their homes
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(Arkansas Online)
[Main] There's something you'll never forget about those times when your grandma took you for a ride in her truck. Especially that time when she overdosed on heroin and drove up against a stack of propane tanks at the gas station
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Wed September 21, 2016
(Ars Technica)
[Business] If you can't beat your competitor on price, service, convenience, or speed, just sue them until they go away; that's just how Comcast and AT&T roll
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(Daily Express)
[Entertainment] Terence Bayler, best known for his roles in Harry Potter and Life of Brian has shuffled off this mortal coil aged 86
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(Huffington Post)
[Politics] Proving that they are willing to put country before party, Republicans are rejecting the hate filled, racist, sexist, crooked con man their dysfunctional party nominated for President. No, wait...never mind, they're uniting behind him
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[Main] Fellows killed in car crash; guys injured
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(Daily Express)
[Main] Gruesome murder happens in broad daylight at train station in England. What's worse is that everyone stood by and watched, even filmed it. (warning: somewhat graphic video)
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[Entertainment] Hollywood director dies. I'd say who, but it's LA confidential
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