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(WFTV Orlando)   Maybe sharks just hate surf boards?   ( ) divider line
    More: Scary, Shark, New Smyrna Beach, Fish, Volusia County, Florida, Attack!, Attack, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, Smyrna  
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2851 clicks; posted to Main » on 19 Sep 2016 at 9:20 AM (23 hours ago)   |   Favorite   |   Watch    |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook   more»

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  23 hours ago
  23 hours ago  
 I remember seeing a documentary, they were pointing out, sharks didn't really attack surfers until the shorter boards came out. The traditional longboards don't look like a sea mammal from below.
  22 hours ago  
Maybe the sharks just hate surfers, subby.
  22 hours ago
  22 hours ago  
This is really hard to figure out but bear with me.They look like seals or aquatic mammals from below
  22 hours ago
  22 hours ago  
  22 hours ago  

ChrisDe: [ image 350x526]

Damn you ChrisDe, damn you and your supper intelligent slightly faster fingers.
  22 hours ago  
Supper intelligence.
  22 hours ago  
 Never mind her being attractive, but, a difference between boards, which looks like a tasty seal from below.

Bonus points for feet hanging over the end like flippers.
  22 hours ago  
"So, there's multiple sharks and tarpon and different sport fish that are feeding on the mullet run,"

Much like on land, mullets are low down the food chain.
  22 hours ago

  22 hours ago  

Mister Buttons: [ image 850x632]


Oooh, that one looks crippled and uncoordinated.
  22 hours ago  
A surf board is a fishing lure with a person on it.
  21 hours ago  
For those not too familiar with the location, Daytona is where the college age kids go, and New Smyrna is where the high school age kids go.  At least it used to be, back around 1990.
Had lotsa fun then.
  21 hours ago  

kuzinov: I remember seeing a documentary, they were pointing out, sharks didn't really attack surfers until the shorter boards came out. The traditional longboards don't look like a sea mammal from below.

berylman: This is really hard to figure out but bear with me.They look like seals or aquatic mammals from below

senoy: A surf board is a fishing lure with a person on it.

This is in Florida, though, where there aren't any seals or sea lions and the one large aquatic mammal is both freshwater and too large for sharks to prey on. Plus the species that are common in Florida - bulls, lemons, and tigers - are also ones that have attacked with or without boards involved. The "mistook a surfer for a seal" thing really only applies to the great white.
  21 hours ago  
Surfing while the annual mullet run is going on isn't a good idea.  Baitfish are moving just offshore in large schools.  This attracts all sorts of predators including sharks.

This is great if you are fishing not so much if you are surfing
  21 hours ago  

Keizer_Ghidorah: kuzinov: I remember seeing a documentary, they were pointing out, sharks didn't really attack surfers until the shorter boards came out. The traditional longboards don't look like a sea mammal from below.

berylman: This is really hard to figure out but bear with me.They look like seals or aquatic mammals from below

senoy: A surf board is a fishing lure with a person on it.

This is in Florida, though, where there aren't any seals or sea lions and the one large aquatic mammal is both freshwater and too large for sharks to prey on. Plus the species that are common in Florida - bulls, lemons, and tigers - are also ones that have attacked with or without boards involved. The "mistook a surfer for a seal" thing really only applies to the great white.

 You still look like a prey item, it's not like sharks go to school and learn what prey is, that's pretty much hard-wired in. Tigers, hammerheads, and any other shark large enough, it does apply. Great Whites aren't the only sharks that eat marine mammals.
  21 hours ago  

Igor Jakovsky: Surfing while the annual mullet run is going on isn't a good idea.  Baitfish are moving just offshore in large schools.  This attracts all sorts of predators including sharks.

[ image 850x525]

This is great if you are fishing not so much if you are surfing

Okay, here' a textbook example on how to get attacked by fish, be they Bluefish or shark, you're begging to get bitten.
  21 hours ago  

kuzinov: Keizer_Ghidorah: kuzinov: I remember seeing a documentary, they were pointing out, sharks didn't really attack surfers until the shorter boards came out. The traditional longboards don't look like a sea mammal from below.

berylman: This is really hard to figure out but bear with me.They look like seals or aquatic mammals from below

senoy: A surf board is a fishing lure with a person on it.

This is in Florida, though, where there aren't any seals or sea lions and the one large aquatic mammal is both freshwater and too large for sharks to prey on. Plus the species that are common in Florida - bulls, lemons, and tigers - are also ones that have attacked with or without boards involved. The "mistook a surfer for a seal" thing really only applies to the great white.

 You still look like a prey item, it's not like sharks go to school and learn what prey is, that's pretty much hard-wired in. Tigers, hammerheads, and any other shark large enough, it does apply. Great Whites aren't the only sharks that eat marine mammals.

Not to mention sharks travel thousands of miles each your to different areas where their menu can change drastically month to month. Not the smartest creatures so yea. While no seals in Florida, doesn't mean said shark didn't just have a nice meal 3 weeks ago up the coast.
  21 hours ago  

declan294: kuzinov: Keizer_Ghidorah: kuzinov: I remember seeing a documentary, they were pointing out, sharks didn't really attack surfers until the shorter boards came out. The traditional longboards don't look like a sea mammal from below.

berylman: This is really hard to figure out but bear with me.They look like seals or aquatic mammals from below

senoy: A surf board is a fishing lure with a person on it.

This is in Florida, though, where there aren't any seals or sea lions and the one large aquatic mammal is both freshwater and too large for sharks to prey on. Plus the species that are common in Florida - bulls, lemons, and tigers - are also ones that have attacked with or without boards involved. The "mistook a surfer for a seal" thing really only applies to the great white.

 You still look like a prey item, it's not like sharks go to school and learn what prey is, that's pretty much hard-wired in. Tigers, hammerheads, and any other shark large enough, it does apply. Great Whites aren't the only sharks that eat marine mammals.

Not to mention sharks travel thousands of miles each your to different areas where their menu can change drastically month to month. Not the smartest creatures so yea. While no seals in Florida, doesn't mean said shark didn't just have a nice meal 3 weeks ago up the coast.

The Kim Jung Uns of the ocean, "can I eat that?", takes bite out of board.
  20 hours ago  

Keizer_Ghidorah: kuzinov: I remember seeing a documentary, they were pointing out, sharks didn't really attack surfers until the shorter boards came out. The traditional longboards don't look like a sea mammal from below.

berylman: This is really hard to figure out but bear with me.They look like seals or aquatic mammals from below

senoy: A surf board is a fishing lure with a person on it.

This is in Florida, though, where there aren't any seals or sea lions and the one large aquatic mammal is both freshwater and too large for sharks to prey on. Plus the species that are common in Florida - bulls, lemons, and tigers - are also ones that have attacked with or without boards involved. The "mistook a surfer for a seal" thing really only applies to the great white.

Actually, that's not true:  The West Indian manatee is found in both fresh and salt water, and it's range is distributed all through out that general part of the world.  Large sharks are one of their predators, and of course no shark would pass up a meal like that caught in the open ocean.
  20 hours ago  
Oh, and tiger sharks feed on seals and dugongs.  Also, both bull and tiger sharks feed on dolphins and porpoises, which a person on a surfboard could also look like from below.
  20 hours ago  

Eli WhiskeyDik: Maybe the sharks just hate surfers, subby.

Surfers are the cyclists of the sea.
  20 hours ago  
Maybe sharks just hate surf boards?


  20 hours ago  

morg: Eli WhiskeyDik: Maybe the sharks just hate surfers, subby.

Surfers are the cyclists of the sea.
  20 hours ago  

morg: Eli WhiskeyDik: Maybe the sharks just hate surfers, subby.

Surfers are the cyclists of the sea.

Actually, you know, having surfed myself and dealt with other surfers, that's not an entirely inapt description.
  20 hours ago
  19 hours ago  

Eli WhiskeyDik: Maybe the sharks just hate surfers, subby.

The sharks just want to be like everyone else.
  19 hours ago  
Amish don't get eaten by sharks. It's a fact.
  19 hours ago  
"Dear Friends,
As some of you have heard, today I was bitten in both hands by sharks. Both of my hands were injured and I'll need hand surgery in a couple hours. I'm still shook up about what happened..."

So did Chucky type that with his nose?
  18 hours ago  

dittybopper: morg: Eli WhiskeyDik: Maybe the sharks just hate surfers, subby.

Surfers are the cyclists of the sea.

Actually, you know, having surfed myself and dealt with other surfers, that's not an entirely inapt description.

I was going to say this. As a surfer and cyclist, I tend to get pretty annoyed by other surfers and cyclists. Road cyclists in their stupid Lycra are by far the worst. Most surfers have a bit of aloha spirit, around here, anyway.

Last week I get home from Ocean Beach, wife sends me an SFGate article with a video of a breaching great white from that morning. Awesome. Just a little guy, though, 6-8 feet long.
  17 hours ago
My ocean. You get out.
  13 hours ago  

stuffy: [ image 300x187]
My ocean. You get out.

My bang stick says otherwise.  Your move, Bruce.
  12 hours ago  

sinko swimo: Amish don't get eaten by sharks. It's a fact.

Neither do I.
  8 hours ago  
Just Thursday me and a friend, while enjoying beutiful headhigh glassy peaks ,were circled and chased out of the water by a quite large great white in Pacifica... once we were out of the water, he kept circling the inside where we'd been sitting.

Fark him. Drove up the coast a quatermile and paddled back out.
  8 hours ago  
This whole 'looks like a seal' is bullshiat.

Smells like a seal is more accurate... sharks ping off of mammal urine, and surfer have a habit of using the peter heater in their wetsuits which traps that odor for a long period of time
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