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4665770 clicks; posted to Main » on 27 Feb 2001 at 10:47 AM (15 years ago)   |   Favorite   |   Watch    |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook   more»

826871 Comments     (+0 »)

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  2011-11-18 08:19:22 AM  
Did I miss somebody's birthday? Again?
  2011-11-18 09:22:07 AM
  2011-11-18 09:44:05 AM  
Happiest of birthdays to you dear lefty.

You bring the silliness which is cool.
  2011-11-18 09:45:42 AM  
That's kind of wrong Ni!. ;)
  2011-11-18 10:22:07 AM  
"kind of"?

And yet I've seen wronger.

Even the word "wronger" is wrong.
  2011-11-18 12:03:28 PM  
Happy Birthday!
  2011-11-18 03:33:07 PM  
"Wronger" is my middle name.

HB Lefty! May your festivities be ... um ... my middle name.
  2011-11-18 05:40:46 PM
  2011-11-18 06:45:45 PM
  2011-11-19 05:41:22 PM  
"I'm a Dapper DAN man!" (new window)

/I fopped the forum
//But Ididn't fop that dep you teeee!
///No, no, NO!
  2011-11-20 08:00:58 AM  
You killed it.

  2011-11-20 09:12:05 AM
  2011-11-20 08:14:27 PM  
You'd think that drink would have brought it back to life, but here it is Sunday evening again.
  2011-11-20 09:32:23 PM  
OMG I missed my 10th Farkiversary YESTERDAY.

  2011-11-20 10:28:11 PM  

zorgon: OMG I missed my 10th Farkiversary YESTERDAY.


I didn't forget, but the bunny is completely over-boiled now. Jerk.
  2011-11-20 10:37:13 PM  
10 years. Man, have you farked up big time.
  2011-11-20 10:47:07 PM  
crap, i'm even older than zorgon?

*weeps silently into his metamucil*
  2011-11-21 01:20:31 AM  
Frak, man. I should have brought flowers or something. Oh well. Booze it is!
  2011-11-21 08:56:23 AM  
  2011-11-21 09:53:41 AM  
^^^ That'd be my preference over booze.

"Can't we have both?" "Why not?" -- Trading Places
  2011-11-21 01:03:38 PM  

h2oincfs: ass.

... is the prize for surviving ten years of Fark? :hmm:

  2011-11-21 01:04:18 PM  
Feffer's, naturally.
  2011-11-21 01:05:33 PM  
Or was it Hisey's. Hm. Someone's was going through a window....
  2011-11-21 01:19:10 PM  
Sigh. That really was a great idea.

/priming the pump of reconsideration
  2011-11-21 02:02:52 PM  
i may still have that picture on a hard drive somewhere.
  2011-11-21 03:02:11 PM  
HAHA, Y'all are OLD!

What Knot: I didn't forget, but the bunny is completely over-boiled now. Jerk.

This cracked me RIGHT up.
  2011-11-21 04:36:17 PM  
There were also some awesome photoshops of that picture.

Will be great to show their kid ...
  2011-11-21 06:33:22 PM

WTFOMG, d00d called us n00b5!
  2011-11-21 06:34:31 PM  
Pretend today is Friday. The announcement is that I liberated two new haxorz from the Lex Humane Society.
  2011-11-21 07:37:50 PM  
that's why you can't have nice things.
  2011-11-21 07:49:20 PM
  2011-11-21 07:50:53 PM
  2011-11-21 07:53:29 PM
  2011-11-21 09:47:53 PM
  2011-11-21 10:31:00 PM
  2011-11-22 08:25:31 AM  
See, That right there, is why I love this place so much.....
  2011-11-22 09:41:07 AM  
I love it cause pants are optional.
  2011-11-22 10:54:16 AM  
I'm not wearing any pants; film at 11
  2011-11-22 02:51:19 PM  
I approve of all of these messages.
  2011-11-22 02:56:46 PM  
1) Introduce new p1g5 to Fark.
3) Fark gets broken.

They're all really pissed off right now. I bought a ton of veggies for Pigsgetting and then told them they'd have to wait until Friday since I'll be out on Thursday. Yeah, not going over so well.
  2011-11-22 03:01:56 PM  
I thought Fark broke cuz Mike wasn't wearing pants.
  2011-11-22 03:18:58 PM  
If that were true then Fark would be broken a lot more.
So I hear. From reliable sources. oh dear
/goes to pick more dandilion greens
  2011-11-22 03:48:44 PM  
If only I could blame it on the Makers whitedog I drank last night.
  2011-11-22 05:01:03 PM
  2011-11-22 06:32:54 PM  

leftyblonde: [ image 338x500]

HAHA, Lefty...There is a WHOLE lot of wrong going on in that picture. Who made that?
  2011-11-22 08:57:38 PM  
I made it using ArcSoft Funhouse.

/I blame it on Mike's mom?
  2011-11-22 10:17:10 PM
  2011-11-22 10:17:25 PM  
Nothing bad has ever happened as a result of being pantsless. Nothing.
  2011-11-22 10:18:47 PM  
I am sooooooo close to a BINGO already.
  2011-11-23 12:46:40 AM  

What Knot: Nothing bad has ever happened as a result of being pantsless. Nothing.

i beg to differ.

*GIS at your own risk.
Displayed 50 of 3997 comments

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