Council of Foreign Relations, NYC: The Future of Greece and the Eurozone – in conversation with Standard & Poor’s Chief Economist

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On 25th April 2015 I had the pleasure to engage in an open discussion with Paul Sheard, Chief Economist with Standard and Poor’s, at the Council of Foreign Relations in New York. Watch the video of our discussion and/or read the transcript below.

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U.S. Foreign Policy Got In The Way Of Helping Greece, Varoufakis Says – The Huffington Post

Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 10.32.00By Daniel Marans. Click here for the HP site or read on…

WASHINGTON — The United States did not pressure Germany more heavily to give Greece debt relief because it needed Germany’s cooperation in higher-priority foreign policy matters, according to a former Greek finance minister.

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An Agenda for a Democratic, Recovering Europe: At the European House of Ambrosetti, 9th April 2016

This panel, organised by the House of Ambrosetti (Cernobbio), included: Martin Wolf (Chair), Jyrki Katainejn (Vice President of the European Commission), Yves Mersch (ECB Executive Board Member), Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM25), Jens Spahn (State Minister, Finance Ministry, Germany)

Corbyn to argue case for continued EU membership premised on workers’ rights and holding multinational companies to account

The Times reports that, in his first major intervention in the EU referendum campaign, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will talk of his “personal journey” from opposing EU membership to supporting it in a speech tomorrow. He is expected to frame his support for EU on its role in protecting workers’ rights and holding multinational companies to account. The speech was hotly debated within Corbyn’s inner circle with Seumas Milne, Corbyn’s director of strategy and communications, reportedly arguing that lining up with Prime Minister David Cameron, Chancellor George Osborne and the CBI would undermine Corbyn’s image as a campaigner against elites. However, Corbyn was reportedly swayed by pro-membership interventions from Portugal’s socialist Prime Minister António Costa and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.

This report comes from


Der Spiegel op-ed: Endgame for the IMF-EU Feud over Greece’s Debt

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For the Der Spiegel site click here. Otherwise…

The feud between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European side of Greece’s troika of creditors is old news. However, Wikileaks’ publication of a dialogue between key IMF players suggests that we are approaching something of a hazardous endgame. Continue reading