Chosen Cells – WdW Review

Chosen Cells  is a sequel to Solitary Subversives and our seventh article for Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary Artof which we, and I, are their…  ‘Athens Desk’). Click here for the  Witte de With Review site which contains several photos missing here. Or read on… Cells; Installation view of Maria Papanikolaou, Prison, 2008. The performance and video installation depicts a living prisoner-performer and a (video) projected inmate. During the performance, the two assist each other to escape. Image courtesy of Maria Papanikolaou and


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Solitary Subversives: from the WdW Review

3. Stepping OutSolitary Subversives is about the Power of One in the face of oppression. About how one person’s refusal to succumb to authoritarian lies can make a difference. It begins with an almost forgotten Greek film, that I vividly recall having made an impression upon me along such lines, and then relates two other stories highlighting the capacity of one person to resist against all odds. 

Solitary Subversives is our sixth article for the Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary Artof which we, and I, are their…  ‘Athens Desk’). Click here for the  Witte de With Review site which contains several photos missing here. Or read on… 

Stepping Out/In. Photo by Maria Papanikolaou (with the assistance of Dimitris Lazoulos),

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Of Masks and Shadows: The curious case of actors arrested on stage in Athens’ theater of the absurd

8The curious tale of two actors’s arrest on the stage of a derelict, occupied, Athenian theatre offers a window into life in Athens in the shadow of its wholesale economic collapse. 

This is our sixth article for the Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art of which we, and I, are party to, the ‘Athens Desk’). Click here for the Witte de With site which contains photos below. Or read on…  Continue reading

Sick Predators: How a dying regime preyed upon women with HIV, invested in wholesale racism, and endangered public health

This is my fifth article for the Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art). It is a chilling tale best read in conjunction with Zoe Mavroudi’s documentary ‘Ruins’. Click here for the Witte de With site which contains photos and footnotes unavailable below. The article’s text follows… Continue reading

The Serpent’s Greek Lair

Golden Dawn. The journal that grew into a party. Source: unknown photograher. All rights reserved.In this, the fourth article that and I have contributed to the Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art), I offer a short history of Golden Dawn, the Greek Nazi party. As with all my articles in WdW Review, the ‘take’ is always personal, intimate almost. In this piece on Golden Dawn, I begin with an encounter with an old, poor Peloponnesean farmer, some time in the 1990s, whose life revealed much about Greece’s Dark Side.
Click here for The Serpent’s Greek Lair, as it appears on the WdW Review site.

No signal: an intimate, personal history of ERT

1. No signal

Regular readers will recall my pieces on the closure of the Greek public broadcaster. A longer and more comprehensive version, in which I took the time and the space to unfold my memories of ERT’s presence in our collective Greek experience, became our third contribution to Witte de With’s Review. For the WdW Review site, click here (it contains additional photos that are related to the story). Otherwise… Continue reading

Athens – Birthplace of our Globalising Wall: Our second contribution to the Witte de With Review

Athens: Birthplace of our globalising wall

This is the second article that and I have contributed to the Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art). Readers of this blog will recognise a theme that is close to our hearts: the globalisation of harsh divisions (for a reminder see herehere and here). The added twist here is that the story of our globalising wall, which interestingly began in the streets of Athens, in December 1944, is now coming full circle. 

For the first article in the series, entitled OF PHONE BOOTHS AND BESIEGED HUMANS, click here.

Of Public Phones and Besieged Humans – Our first contribution to Witte de With’s Review

Witte de With Contemporary Art Centre, of Rotterdam, has just launched its Review, both electronically and in print. As part of this effort, WdW have established desks in Athens, Cairo, Istanbul, Jerusalem and Ramallah – five ‘ancient’ cities., founded by Danae Stratou and yours truly, was selected as WdW’s Athens desk. Our first contribution is entitled Of Public Phones and Besieged Humans, a tale of migration, dislocation and the current Greek predicament. (For the WdW site click here – it includes complete photographic documentation) Continue reading