Imagining a New Bretton Woods – Project Syndicate op-ed

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The financial meltdown of 2008 prompted calls for a global financial system that curtails trade imbalances, moderates speculative capital flows, and prevents systemic contagion. That, of course, was the goal of the original Bretton Woods system. But such a system today would be both untenable and undesirable. So, what might an alternative look like? Continue reading

Refugees, Europe & the Australian Economy – Q&A debate, ABC tv, 23 NOV 2015

Q&A ABC tv Episode 43 – 23/11/2015
23 November 2015


  • Yanis Varoufakis, Former finance minister of Greece
  • Greg Hunt, Australia’s Minister for the Environment
  • Geraldine Brooks, Author and journalist
  • Anthony Albanese, Australia’s Shadow Infrastructure Minister
  • Judith Sloan, Businesswoman, Academic and Columnist
  • Tasneem Chopra, Chair, Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights.

What happened in China? In a few words, from The Global Minotaur 2011,2013

Greece is off the headlines, for now, as China’s crisis has taken over. In our globalised world, the two crises are utterly intertwined, both the repercussions of global capitalism’s 2008 ‘moment’. Here are some extracts from my The Global Minotaur, both the 2011 and the 2013 editions…

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«La Grèce peut forcer l’Europe à changer» – La Tribune

INTERVIEWYannis Varoufakis Syriza's candidate for the elections of January 25 in Greece.
Yanis Varoufakis is a candidate for Syriza to the 25 January elections in Greece. (Credit: Reuters)
Interview by Romaric Godin, Athens  | 01/20/2015, 1:16 p.m. – 2597 words
Yanis Varoufakis, economist and author of “Minotaur Planetary” is a candidate for the party of the radical left Syriza in the elections of January 25. He explains his commitment and would have meaning for Europe led a victory of party
by Alexis Tsipras.


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The world economy post-2008 – Interviewed by the Institute of Regulation & Risk

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Since the demise of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and ensuing great financial crisis (GFC), it would seem rather obscenely that central bankers and monetary policy has been obsessed with “deflation”, rather than remedying the actual causes of the crisis itself. Is this a fair analysis? 
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How the US rolls (post-Global Minotaur) – by SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK

Enduring FreedomIn this article, aptly subtitled It’s lonely being the global policeman, Slavoj evokes a parallelism between the age of extremes that began as the British Empire was losing its grip with the present moment in history. Now that the Global Minotaur (quoting my book) is mortally wounded, “…the American century is over and we are witnessing the gradual formation of multiple centers of global capitalism”.

Zizek’s verdict? Faced with increasing uncertainty and mounting insecurity, “…the solution is not to be very careful and avoid risky acts—in acting like this, we fully participate in the logic which leads to catastrophe. The solution is to fully become aware of the explosive set of interconnections that makes the entire situation dangerous. Once we do this, we should embark on the long and difficult work of changing the coordinates of the entire situation. Nothing less will do.” Hear, hear! 

To read the full article click here or read on… Continue reading

Preface to the (forthcoming) French edition of THE GLOBAL MINOTAUR

IMG_0195The Global Minotaur: America, Europe and the future of the world economy is about to be published in French, as Le Minotaure Planétaire, by newly established, progressive publishing house LES ÉDITIONS DU CERCLE. Read on for a draft of the Preface I composed for this French edition (which is now added to the German, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Finnish and Greek editions)… [for the translation in French, click here] Continue reading

Egalitarianism’s Latest Foe: a critical review of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century

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The Real-World Economics Review commissioned a number of us to write critical reviews of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century.  They include, beside the over-signed, David Colander, Edward Fullbrook (who must be credited for the whole issue), James K. Galbraith, Michael Hudson, Richard Koo, Richard Parker, Ann Pettifor, and Robert Wade – see below for links to their papers.

My own contribution is entitled Egalitarianism’s Latest Foe: a critical review of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century. (A Spanish translation is also available here.) Read on for the links to all 16 articles…

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The Global and European Crisis revisited: An audio from the launch of the Global Minotaur in Finland

Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 12.03.50 PMOn 25th August, I had the honour of presenting the Finnish edition of The Global Minotaur to a splendid, and welcoming, audience at the University of Tampere. In this post you can listen to an interesting exchange on the state of the global and European economy, why Finns (along with citizens of other European ‘surplus’ member-states – but even more so than most others) ought to be very, very angry with their politicians (over the bailouts and overall handling of the Euro Crisis), on China’s future role etc.  Continue reading

Discussing Austerity with Phillip Adams, on Late Night Live, ABC Radio National

In this podcast you can hear my discussion with Phillip Adams, on ABC Radio National Late Night Live, on fiscal austerity and its discontents. The backdrop for this interview was, naturally, the Australian Federal Government’s attempts to ‘sell’ its latest Austerity Budget to the Australian people. (Click also here for my OpEd on ‘Austerity comes to Australia’, that appeared on the ABC’s White Paper e’magazine.)

Austerity comes to Australia – OpEd, WHITE PAPER, ABC Radio National

Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 11.18.49 AMFollowing the passing of an Austerity Budget by the Australian Federal Government, the editors of White Paper (ABC Radio National’s online magazine) commissioned me to write an OpEd on what lessons Australia should learn from the implementation of similar austerian fiscal policies in Britain and the Eurozone.

You can read my article by clicking here, or simply by reading on…

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Preface to the Finnish edition of the Global Minotaur

MinotaurFinland, like my homeland, Greece, is a small country at a treacherous geopolitical crossroads that traditionally inspired great anxiety amongst its people, but also instilled into their character considerable resilience. Unlike Greece, from the mid-1990s until fairly recently Finland succeeded in turning itself into a net exporting nation, ostensibly capable of powering its way into the ‘core’ of Europe’s monetary union. So, when in 2010 my country sank in a sea of debt, Finland ended up as one of the countries that, reluctantly, guaranteed the gigantic loans afforded to countries like Greece. Soon after, Finland fell into the second ‘dip’ of its post-2008 recession, where it still languishes today. Continue reading

A Review of the Global Minotaur (2nd edition) from an Australian perspective; by Paul Tyson

German CoverIs there Life After Money? A Summary, with comments, of Yanis Varoufakis’ The Global Minotaur: America, Europe and the future of the world economy, Zed Books

By Dr Paul Tyson, Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Nottingham.

[Note that the cover displayed here is of the German edition. Click here for the main page on the book.] Continue reading