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About Anthony Barnett

Anthony Barnett (@AnthonyBarnett) is the founder of openDemocracy 

Articles by Anthony Barnett

This week's editor

En Liang Khong

En Liang Khong is openDemocracy’s assistant editor.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

The Daily Mail takes power

Where does Theresa May's ideology come from? The Daily Mail, says Anthony Barnett in a taster from his forthcoming book WHAT NEXT: Britain after Brexit.

Leave may have lied, but it was Bush, Blair and Cameron who killed political honesty

From Machiavelli to Cameron, there is a sad decline of truth in the age of Brexit.

Democratising Europe – a transnational project?

What role does national self-determination and 'self-government’ play in European and human emancipation today? Yanis Varoufakis replies for DiEM25.

The revolt of the natives: Britain after Brexit

Brexit creates an opening for change in Britain, but who will rise to the challenge and how? Anthony Barnett introduces his forthcoming book

Blimey, it IS Brexit!

England has voted to leave the EU. The conclusion of Blimey!

Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn and England

In an acutely honest article, Owen Jones has called for a clear, coherent message. England must be part of the answer.

The referendum in Doncaster, and Labour's disappearing trick

Interviewing voters in Doncaster revealed the quiet irrelevance of the Labour party in its own heartland.

Video: the referendum in Labour's heartlands

Reflections on a day interviewing people in Doncaster about the European referendum.

Death and the referendum

As tragedy strikes Britain's referendum, it's too late for Berlusconist Boris Johnson to retrospectively distance himself from Farage's hateful campaign. Chapter 12 of Blimey, it could be Brexit!

Let’s take control! Brexit and sovereignty

Britain's unwritten constitution is broken. It has led us to the brink of Brexit, and must be replaced, whatever the result. The next chapter of Blimey, it could be Brexit!

It’s England’s Brexit

The referendum is an English question. When it is over the UK will need an English parliament. Chapter 10 of Blimey, it could be Brexit!

Anthony Barnett in conversation with Yanis Varoufakis

openDemocracy founder Anthony Barnett discusses DiEM25, Brexit and European democracy with Yanis Varoufakis. Recorded at the Another Europe is Possible event in London, 28 May 2016.

The long history of Labour's missing oomph

What on earth has happened to the left in the referendum debate? Chapter nine of Blimey, it could be Brexit!

The European project is ours: let's roll up our sleeves for remain

How the EU got to where it is and what can be done about it. Chapter 8 of Blimey, it could be Brexit!

The curse of Brexit: the referendum claims its first scalp, Scottish Labour

Division over a second Scottish independence referendum redefined Scottish politics in this month's elections to its Edinburgh parliament and pulled Scottish Labour apart – thanks to the threat of Brexit.

Maddening times

The European referendum is taking place in the context of – and because of – the disintegration, and reinvention, of party politics in Britain and around the world. The next chapter of Blimey, it could be Brexit!

It's a bad referendum, as Obama discovers

It's a bad referendum not a good one, unlike Scotland's; as the US president finds out when comes to Britain and is taken on by Boris Johnson. This can be read on its own and is Chapter 5 of Blimey, it could be Brexit!

Would you believe it, Boris and Gove defy corporate fatalism

The Maggyites vs the Blairites: the latest chapter of Blimey, It could be Brexit!

Dodgy Dave's referendum deal

Britain's European referendum was brought to us by a dodgy prime minister on the back of a shoddy deal. The latest chapter of Blimey, it could be Brexit!

Brexit or not, the left looks skewered

It will be fatal for the British left if it follows Jeremy Corbyn and treats the Brexit referendum as a sideshow - what's to come on 'Blimey, it could be Brexit!'

Chapter one: Thatcher’s legacy: the terrible twins of Brexit

The second instalment of Blimey, it could be Brexit: how we got here; Blairism and Maggyism; Heath and Powell. Read the preface and introduction here.

Blimey, it could be Brexit! Introduction

A battle over Britain consumes the Tory party, that will decide the fate of the UK and perhaps even Europe. In a week by week experiment worthy of this dramatic development, Anthony Barnett aims to write a book about it ahead of the referendum. Here is the introduction.

DiEM-25 - La Unión Europea ha de democratizarse. ¡O se desintegrará!

Activistas e intelectuales de toda Europa lanzaron el 9 de febrero en Berlín el Manifiesto de DiEM25, siglas en inglés del Movimiento Democracia en Europa 2025. El fundador de openDemocracy explica porqué es tan vital para Europa. English

The DiEM25 manifesto: Democracy in Europe Movement 2025

On 9 February, activists and arguers from across Europe gather in Berlin’s Volksbühne to launch DiEM25, a manifesto for a democratic European Union. openDemocracy's founder introduces the manifesto and why it is so vital for Europe today. Español

Ben Anderson, author of Imagined Communities, 1936-2015

A great scholar has just died, this short salute allows those inspired by his work to add their appreciations.

Surveillance, the British and US debates compared

In Britain, allegedly, no one cares that the state is collecting vast data on all of us. In the US things are clearly very different.

Britain’s Ptolemaic constitution

English votes for English laws is another botched attempt to fiddle with a broken system.

Save the BBC and save ourselves

As the government's consultation over the future of the BBC comes to an end, here is a submission to it from openDemocracy's founder.

Open Labour: the only way for Corbyn to replace Blatcherism

Britain needs an open Labour party as well as a democratic one if it is to turn the astonishing energy Corbyn's success has released into a lasting gain for the country

Corbyn's golden opportunity

If Jeremy Corbyn can inspire the stunning support that today made him Labour's leader to transform British democracy, he can succeed in ending austerity. Otherwise he is doomed.

The Labour leader candidates and the constitution

What to make of the Labour leader candidates answers on questions about the constitution.

Why does the UK need a constitutional convention? An interview with Anthony Barnett

Phil England asks Anthony Barnett, founder of openDemocracy, about the UK's constitutional crisis and the relevance of Iceland's constitutional convention.

No, sweet no

The astounding NO vote that swept every part of Greece will take time to digest and understand and its meaning also depends on how the Europeans respond. But here are some immediate reactions.

The Greek showdown, what if No means Yes and Yes means No?

"A strange referendum, then, when both sides want the same thing: a viable agreement with the institutions... that keeps Greece in the Eurozone." Anthony Barnett pursues clarity on his way to Greece.

The Lab-Lib pact that never was, but should have been

What would have happened if Clegg had stood down and allowed Cable to lead?

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