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About Alex Sakalis

Alex Sakalis is associate editor of openDemocracy. He edits the Can Europe Make It? debate and tweets @alexsakalis.

Articles by Alex Sakalis

This week's editor

En Liang Khong

En Liang Khong is openDemocracy’s assistant editor.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

The problem with politicians and democracy…

"Opening up new forms of political participation to hear the voices of the politically marginalised is critical for the well being of our polity." Interview in the run-up to the World Forum for Democracy 2016.

Educating for democracy

"In education our duty is to... help people cultivate a desire to seek out truth and separate it from lies. This needs open debate, not closure." Interview in the run-up to the World Forum for Democracy 2016.

Introducing this week's special theme: 'Cities of welcome, cities of transit'

openDemocracy and its partners brought activists, academics, and policy makers together in Barcelona late last July to discuss a way forward for refugee-related activism and city welcome policies. 

Democratising Europe – a transnational project?

What role does national self-determination and 'self-government’ play in European and human emancipation today? Yanis Varoufakis replies for DiEM25.

Interview with Adrian Zandberg, Partia Razem

If you don't have a Left that is able to question unjust social relations and give viable perspectives on changing the world for the better, then politics dies.

If the EU didn’t exist, we would have to invent it

A serious attempt at democracy, in the sense of being able to influence the decisions that affect our lives, can only be done through solidarity with those in the European Union. Interview.

Another Brexit debate is possible

The mainstream Brexit debate has essentially been an argument between two branches of the Tory party, but there are shoots of hope arguing for a radical debate on Europe’s future.

Enver Hoxha: the lunatic who took over the asylum

Enver Hoxha: The Iron Fist of Albania tells the extraordinary story of how one man held an entire country hostage for 40 years – and got away with it.

"This is not a time for splitting up, but for convergence." An interview with Zoe Konstantopoulou

The former Speaker of the Greek Parliament discusses her time in Syriza, the importance of a Plan B for Europe, and Grexit vs Brexit. Interview.

What kind of hope is a promise?

“If progressives focus too much on the institutional sphere, the right wing can take the streets – they’ve done it before. If we don’t, someone else will.” Interview with the author of Hope is a Promise. (5,800 words)

"A Gramscian party in a non-Gramscian world." An interview with Paul Mason

#ThisIsACoup, a four-part documentary series that sets out to ‘tell the story of how the European Union destroyed the first radical left government in modern history’, premiered on Tuesday. An interview.

How to change a city from the bottom up: an Italian example

Cambiamo Messina dal Basso - a social movement consisting of ordinary citizens - managed to win power in one of southern Italy's largest cities. So how do you run a large city while staying true to your social movement ethos?

"One very simple, but radical, idea: to democratise Europe." An interview with Yanis Varoufakis

As he prepares to launch a new, pan-European movement for change, Yanis Varoufakis sits down with Can Europe make it? to discuss democracy in Europe, Brexit, and the other part of Plan X.

A tale of two parks: a conversation between activists in Armenia and Turkey

... Nor Zartonk [New Awakening] the recently emerged leftwing Armenian youth association was there in Gezi Park. And they were one of the main actors in Gezi. They had a tent and when you entered the commune the first thing you saw was Nor Zartonk... From the Squares and Beyond partnership.

Macedonia's long year: scandal, protest and revolution in the Balkans

One of the co-ordinators of the protests in Macedonia gives us a personal insight into the country's dysfunctional political and social life, how the protests started, and why he thinks Macedonia has changed - for the better.

Greferendum: an anthology

Some of our best contributors on the Greek crisis give their thoughts on how they would vote in Sunday's referendum.

The symbolism of NO in Greece

Why getting Greeks to vote NO may be easier than getting them to vote YES.


Moving beyond the squares: anticipating the debate

On July 3-4, the LSE will jointly host a seminar with openDemocracy on the impact of the movements in the squares from 2011 onwards. Do they contribute to the democratic renewal of our democracies and if so how? A conversation.

Scenes from a bullying

Anna Odell's film The Reunion is an original approach to the well-worn ‘victim takes revenge on bully’ narrative.

Turkey is changing, and I am part of that change: an interview with filmmaker Fatih Akin

His new film The Cut directly confronts the Armenian genocide. We talk to acclaimed Turkish-German filmmaker Fatih Akin about genocide commemorations, the Turkish-German community, and what Turkey's notorious Article 301 is doing to debate.

European integration: is it still the dream it once was?

Is EU integration still a priority for states, or have we in fact hit 'peak accession'? Announcing a new joint project between Can Europe Make it? and oDR.

Yanis Varoufakis: cometh the man?

A look at Yanis Varoufakis's journey from maverick economist to Greece's finance minister - as told through his contributions to openDemocracy.

No, we are NOT all Charlie: your view

Cas Mudde's article on the Charlie Hebdo attacks went viral. Here's what some of you had to say in the comments.

Seasons Greetings from Can Europe Make it?

A look back at some of our editors' and contributors' favourite articles from last year.

Catalonia vs Spain: a clash of two debates

Patrice de Beer's article on Catalan independence went viral. With just days to go until the vote, we look at some of the interesting questions raised by the author and you also in the comments.

Now Scotland has had its say, who is next to vote?

The Scottish vote has shown it is possible to have an independence referendum for nations within the EU. So who are the likely candidates to go next?

Euro elections 2014: You tell us bloggers on life after elections (Part Two)

Our You Tell Us bloggers say farewell to the Euro elections and for now at least, to Can Europe make it?See part one here.

Euro elections 2014: You tell us bloggers on life after elections (Part One)

Our You Tell Us bloggers say farewell to the Euro elections and for now at least, to Can Europe make it?. See part two here.

Judgment in Hungary

In 2008 and 2009, a group of Hungarian right-wing extremists committed a series of vicious attacks on members of the Roma community. Six people were killed, including a five year old boy. Film review.

You Tell Us: the editor's pick

Since the beginning of the year, we have asked a group of young bloggers from across Europe to share their experiences in the run-up to the European elections. Their choice of subjects - which include apathy, the far-right, and austerity - paint a picture of what it feels like to be young and European in 2014.

Greece: how deep does this River run?

On the eve of the Euro elections, Can Europe make it? talks to Stavros Theodorakis (founder and leader of The River – Greece’s newest political party) and Nicholas Yatromanolakis (campaign manager and MEP candidate) about the silent majority, politics beyond parties, and Europe’s disconnect. Interview.

Euro elections 2014: You Tell Us bloggers discuss

Young bloggers from across the EU discuss the euro elections as seen from their countries. See also, Whatever happened to the European elections debate?

Bulgaria: leaving no man's land behind for the EU open door

One lesson we are learning is that although Brussels is important, it is not a universal solution. Brussels is used as an excuse in Bulgaria so that we do not worry about political lobbying, the judicial system, and the media, because somebody else has the big stick. An interview with Dimitar Bechev. 

A black cloud over the EU?

The newly announced Le Pen-Wilders alliance in the European parliament has re-ignited speculation about the rise of the far-right in Europe. What can we expect from this new EU supergroup?

Euro elections 2014: You Tell Us bloggers discuss apathy (part two)

Young bloggers from across the EU discuss apathy among young people in Europe. Part one here.

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